Agenda item
Corporate Improvement Journey
- Meeting of Tower Hamlets Best Value Improvement Board, Monday, 11th September, 2017 6.00 p.m. (Item 6.)
- View the background to item 6.
The Acting Service Manager Strategy Policy and Performance presented the report which outlined progress made in the Council's corporate journey. The support of the Local Government Association in accomplishing achievements to date was acknowledged and the Board was asked to identify two areas for review using the performance digests set out at 3.13 of the report relating to the themes of customer services and organisational culture. The Council’s aim was to achieve its plans for ongoing improvement and its aim of becoming an excellent modern Council.
The Board considered the report and asked that information be provided to understand how the culture shift will be effected in the context of the nature of the borough.
The Board noted:
· That presently the Council delivered its services in a traditional style and there was high dependency on Council services among elements of the population. This arises from the nature of the community and because hitherto large scale changes had not been attempted.
· That the Council was in the early stages in this aspect of its corporate journey and therefore it was intended that the discussion should aid focus.
· That preference for telephone communication in the borough had increased - it was suggested that the authority might explore how digital technologies can be purposefully used to deliver its desired outcomes.
· That residents continued to be dissatisfied with unanswered calls.
· That a challenge faced by the public was how it could navigate the Council's bureaucracy.
· That progress might involve profound change in practices.
· That the Council faced additional challenges in that it was seeking to make changes in the context of Government changes such as Universal Credit.
· That it was necessary to reflect whether the proposals are appropriate way forward for the organisation.
· That to achieve its aims it was necessary to have had inspired staff who believe in the direction of the Council. - Staff surveys indicated that staff felt very proud of their work but had often been sceptical about management and leadership of the Council. Hence it was necessary to instil and channel a corporate belief. To achieve this it was necessary to
o build trust in leadership
o have the HR policies that would reflect the type of organisation the Council wants to be
o have staff that are developed
o ensure that the Council has learned the lessons of the past – be learning organisation and also celebrate what we do well.
o ensure that there are activities that maintain and lift staff morale (sickness rates were high).
The Board suggested
· That progress made by other councils in transforming their services be explored to assess whether such processes might be suitable to be adopted in the Tower Hamlets environment.
· That Lead Officers be invited to make presentations to the Board on how transformation might be taken forward.
· That the lessons learned from the recent Ofsted of children's social care should form part of the consideration.
1. That the Council's improvement journey be noted and that the above discussion in relation to the improvement framework as set out in paragraph 3.11 be noted
2. That the discussion relating to new improvement areas for consideration as set out in paragraph 3.13 be noted and actions arising from this discussion be taken forward
3. That the actions requested by the Board be taken forward for the next meeting.
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