Agenda item
Best Value Improvement Plan 2017-18 April-June 17 Update
- Meeting of Tower Hamlets Best Value Improvement Board, Monday, 11th September, 2017 6.00 p.m. (Item 4.)
- View the background to item 4.
The Board heard from the Acting Service Manager, Strategy, Policy & Performance that:
- The progress update appendix 1 would be appended to the submission to be made to the Secretary of State in September 2017 together with comments from the Board.
· The update covered the five areas (communications, property, elections, organisational culture and grants) stipulated in the Directions of the Secretary of State for Local Government and Communities issued on 28 March 2017.
· 80% of the milestones in the action plan had been completed or were on target for completion.
· 14 % of these milestones were overdue or delayed. Each of these was monitored via a linked improvement plan.
- Appendix 1 outlined key achievements against each of the areas specified in the directions while appendix 2 indicated the status and levels of completion against each of the milestones of the action plan.
The following headlines were reported:
Communications -- a new communication strategy was launched in the quarter and related milestones were outlined at appendix 2. The communication plan had been widely publicised to enable corporate messages and priorities to be made known throughout the organisation.
Grants -- work was being undertaken to develop a new grants policy, commissioning framework and a voluntary sector compact. The actions of the original action plan related to grants awarded to the voluntary sector and community groups had been completed.
Property -- the first Community Hub was shortly to open and work underway on the development of other such hubs. An audit of organisation occupying Council buildings had also been completed.
Organisational Development - recruitment to senior posts was continuing. Revised core organisational values had been agreed and it was intended that these are embedded in the organisation. There had been a strategic partnership meeting and a programme for this body has been prepared. The ‘clear up’ project (instigated with the Commissioners to investigate historic members’ code of conduct complaints) had concluded and reported to Council.
Elections - the board would receive a spotlight presentation at the meeting reporting in depth on progress against the action plan.
The Board discussed the progress reported and highlighted the following:
· Communications - concerning work that remained to be done to improve performance and promulgate council information in the community, the Board was informed that, previously, communications had often been delivered using old-fashioned styles and methods. This had been addressed by the creation of a better skilled team and better resourcing. Outputs from these actions were now beginning to be evidenced. A systematic approach to communications would be taken to achieve continuous improvement. To ensure that there was resilience; expertise and support have been resourced for members.
· Members’ code of conduct and member to member behaviours – to establish a framework, an interim training package (to March 2018) was being established using a number of different methods of delivery, including providing training to members in their political groups and information sheets (e.g declarations of pecuniary interests) It was acknowledged that the challenge was to ensure that the engagement was effective. Additionally since the Corporate Director for Governance was only recently in post the desired progress had yet to be achieved in some areas.
· Elections –the Returning Officer had decided that the risks were too great for the borough to participate in the Cabinet office voter identification pilot scheme.
· There had been some delay in completing some of the milestones relating to the review and improved working of the Grants Determination Subcommittee; this was because that had been a review of the grants service. It, was intended, however, that this would be addressed by undertaking simultaneous action on policy development and operational issues. It was intended that the Grants Team would move towards a new structure following review. The Board reflected on the potential implications of delays on the action plan for this direction noting that:
o output at the operational end was well-managed but there had been lack of resources for engagement at Tower Hamlets CVS; this situation has since been resolved.
o work on the new policy and approach was being delivered by the Strategy Policy and Performance Team
o there was now a proper accounting structure, greater transparency in decision-making and accountability in the area of grant making.
o the Council will present its arguments on progress and its expectations to DCLG and will highlight the scope of its achievements.
o the three-year grant cycle now ending had established a regularised framework and priorities and the Council intended to move to better cycles, structures and commissioning so that priorities can better evolve and mirror development.
o there had been concern at the DCLG around the revision of grant-making towards other arrangements however the structures established by Commissioners have been retained and are being further developed.
- In
regard to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) relating to the
quarterly budget report (to be presented at Council in September
2017), the Board heard
- that there had been a trend across budgets towards underspend. However it was expected that there would be a budgetary impact from the establishment of a Children Services Improvement Board (CSIB).
- more rigorous reporting of the budgetary position has been introduced together with a better budgetary reporting framework and more budget scrutiny involving full discussions with the Executive..
- Some milestones relating to the constitutional working group were overdue since the Corporate Director for Governance had only recently taken up her post. The Corporate Director confirmed that work was being undertaken on the Council’s constitutional framework to make it more fit for purpose.
The Chair noted that no representatives from other political groups had attended the meeting.
1. That the draft update report attached at appendix 1 be noted
2. That the milestones timescales in the attached at appendix to be noted
3. That the actions arising from the discussion of the report as set out in the minutes be taken forward
Supporting documents:
- BVIP Board Cover Report- Q2, item 4. PDF 107 KB
- BVIP - Q2 Update report, item 4. PDF 89 KB
- Q2 BV Improvement Plan 2017-18, item 4. PDF 82 KB