Agenda item
Risk Management Update
- Meeting of Audit Committee, Wednesday, 28th June, 2017 7.00 p.m. (Item 3.5)
- View the background to item 3.5
Anthony Sontande-Peters, Interim Strategic Risk Advisor updated Members on the Corporate Risk register. He referred Members to point 5.2 of the report and stated a total of 13 risks had been identified. Appendix 1 gave an overview about the risk and the current risk rating; appendix 2 gave further details and appendix 3 was the corporate risk dashboard which set out the heat map of the Council’s risks and performance information in respect of the risks.
Members of the Audit Committee heard from Ann Otesanya, Director of Neighbourhoods and Neil Issac, Interim Director of Finance from Tower Hamlets Homes about the precautionary measures they had taken in light of the Grenfell Tower Tragedy.
They stated THH had met with the Fire Brigade’s Borough Commander and had written to residents about the ‘stay put’ policy currently followed for tower blocks in the borough. Ann said it was clear the risk register will need to be expanded to include fire safety and there was work to be done to map out what THH’s policy should be, in light of the emerging advice.
Fire assessments had been undertaken and 8 tower blocks had been identified to be ‘high or substantial’ risk. Ann said THH was working with the Fire Brigade to ensure people’s safety was not compromised. Cladding on tower blocks was being reassessed but none of the blocks in Tower Hamlets have ACM materials. However that is not to say other materials will not be identified as being a risk, so the situation is fast moving.
With respect to the fire at Turin Street, the Fire Brigade had dealt with the situation extremely well. The fire spread in the roof space and therefore THH was working with the Borough Commander on how to make roof voids safer. Three similar blocks, which are undergoing refurbishment, will have roof voids fire proofed as part of the works being undertaken.
THH officers have also had a visible presence on the Estates managed and have been providing advice and support to residents.
Members of the Committee asked the following questions relating to fire safety:
· Have residents effected by the Turin Street fire being housed outside of the borough?
THH confirmed some residents were being housed in a hotel in Barking and Dagenham. However affected residents will be offered secure tenancies from existing housing stock. THH was working with residents to achieve the best outcome.
· Letters sent in relation to the stay put policy is causing confusion amongst residents. Can you be clear on the advice you give.
· Nationally buildings are being categorised quickly as to if they are a risk, so why is this information not being used?
Work is already underway to identify and categorise buildings however in light of Grenfell those risks have changed, so fire risk assessments have to be undertaken.
Risk assessments are undertaken by independent assessors and THH’s assessor – Savills carry this out. The oldest Fire assessment is 9 months old but we will go back to fire risk assess all our estate.
With respect to the ‘Stay put’ policy we are following the Fire Brigade’s current advice. However in context of Grenfell, this will change. It’s about the construction of the building and the materials used in construction that will determine if ‘stay put’ is the right policy.
· What has been done to ensure residents and leaseholders concerns are being listened to?
It’s clear this was identified as an issue by Grenfell Tower residents. Residents need to be listened to and THH is looking at its existing policies and processes so to ensure the resident’s voice is listened to. We have already started to audit past complaints and member enquires to ensure we capture emerging themes and complaint trends.
Members of the Audit Committee asked the following questions relating to the report itself.
· How is the risk rating calculated?
· In reference to page 284, are these existing controls or Ofsted ratings? A deep dive on risk is scheduled to take place looking at Children’s services for the next meeting and officers from the service will be invited to answer member questions.
· Cllr Wood requested ‘Fire safety’ be added to the Corporate Risk register in light of the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
The Audit Committee NOTED the report.
Supporting documents:
Q4 Risk Management Update ACJune 2017 Final V2, item 3.5
PDF 110 KB
Appendix 1 Corporate risk Register, item 3.5
Appendix 2 Detailed Corporate Risk Register, item 3.5
PDF 165 KB
Appendix 3 Corporate Risk Dashboard, item 3.5
PDF 142 KB