Agenda item
Complaints and Information Annual Report
The Committee received a report that provided information regarding the Council’s handling of complaints and information requests in the year 2014/15. An outline of the key elements of the discussion is set out below:
The Committee:
- Heard that whilst the response times for information requests improved, however these are still below target, although there has been a significant increase in the number of requests by 12%;
- Noted that overall, the number of corporate complaints increased during 2014/2015 with Stage 1 complaints had increased by 17%. The reasons for this it was noted were unclear, however the population continues to increase in the borough and effects of the Government’s social welfare reforms may have also had an effect;
- Was advised that the most successful organisations encourage service users to complain, and as such a high volume of complaints is often an indication of a healthy relationship with service users. However, complaints should be resolved at the lowest possible point and the escalation of complaints can indicate difficulties in addressing matters at the service level. With these objectives in mind, the Council has adopted corporate performance standards, designed to ensure complaints are dealt with in a timely fashion;
- Heard that performance is regularly reviewed by both the Corporate Management team and elected Members. The Complaints and Information Team identifies themes and works with the service areas to bring about effective change;
- Noted that the overall response rate has improved with 80% being answered within the statutory timeframe. However, the performance had been impeded during the implementation of new software and that many of the complaints were very complex in size and nature;
- Heard that work is being done to raise this performance by (i) improving the internal processes and raising awareness; (ii) modifying the database to ensure automated reminders are sent; (iii) producing weekly due and outstanding lists; (iv) more formal training has and will be provided to relevant staff; and (v) introducing new software which should also assist in improving performance;
- Whist noting the figures relating to Tower Hamlets Homes (THH) Complaints by Division and Section, the Committee indicated that it wished to receive a further report that provided more details on what THH is doing to address those issues raised by tenants and leaseholders especially those arising from the Decent Homes Programme e.g. the response times to resolve any complaints and a breakdown of the issues raised by THH tenants and leaseholders;
- Heard that the Local Government Ombudsmen (LGO) in their Annual Review Letter 2015 had stated that the total number of complaints will not, by itself, give a clear picture of how well complaints are being responded to. Accordingly, over the coming year the LGO will be gathering more comprehensive information about the way complaints are being remedied so that in the future their annual letter focuses less on the total numbers and more on the outcomes of those complaints;
- Noted that one of the purposes of the annual letter from the LGO to LBTH is to help ensure that learning from complaints informs scrutiny at the local level. Supporting local scrutiny is one of the key business plan objectives of the LGO for this year and they will continue to work with elected members to help them understand how they can contribute to the complaints process;
- Noted that the Localism Act 2011 had provided tenants of housing associations and local authorities are able to ask for their complaints to be considered by a “designated person” when their landlord’s internal complaints procedure is finished. The “designated person” can be an MP; local councillor and or a recognised Tenant Panels in resolving complaints. If the “designated person” cannot help they can refer a complaint to the Ombudsman. The Committee looked forward to receiving details of the “designated person” in LBTH;
- Heard that the LGO had recently worked in partnership with the Local Government Association to produce a workbook for councillors which explains how they can support local people with their complaints and identifies opportunities for using complaints data as part of their scrutiny tool kit. The Committee also noted that this can be found on this link and the LGO would be writing to encourage LBTH councillors to make use of this resource; and
- Noted that the Complaints and Information Team have organised training sessions for councillors regarding the handling of complaints and information requests.
Accordingly, the Chair Moved and it was:-
- Note the performance figures for 2014/2015 under the complaints procedures and for requests under the Freedom of Information Act and Data Protection Act;
- Note the work of Council in relation to Information Governance matters;
- Note that remedial action in respect of complaints and lessons learnt are will be drawn out further in the 6 month update report;
- Receive details of the “designated person” in LBTH;
- Receive details of the when Complaints and Information Team organise training sessions for councillors regarding the handling of complaints and information requests; and
- Receive details on what THH is doing to address those issues raised by tenants and leaseholders especially those arising from the Decent Homes Programme.
Supporting documents:
- Annual Report 201415 O&S 2015 11 12 v1, item 7.3 PDF 402 KB
- Tower Hamlets, London Borough of, item 7.3 PDF 25 KB