Agenda item
Civic Centre Project
- Meeting of Cabinet, Tuesday, 3rd November, 2015 5.30 p.m. (Item 5.1)
- View the background to item 5.1
The recommendations were amended and then agreed.
1. To agree that the former Royal London Hospital site in Whitechapel is the preferred site location for a new civic centre;
2. To agree to retain and refurbish John Onslow House;
3. To agree to ring-fence the disposal receipts from Jack Dash House, LEB, Commercial Road, Albert Jacob House, Southern Grove, and Cheviot House to finance the new civic centre;
4. To note that officers will be bringing forward reports on the disposal of the above sites at the appropriate time;
5. That officers determine an appropriate continued commemoration of Jack Dash and Albert Jacob following the disposal of the properties;
6. To agree to the procurement of a multi-disciplinary design team to progress design development to detailed planning level (RIBA Stage 3) for both the former Royal London Hospital site and John Onslow House;
7. To agree to the scoping and procurement of site surveys (as required) for both the former Royal London Hospital site and John Onslow House;
8. To agree to engage legal and financial support as deemed necessary by officers, and as agreed by the Project Board, to support existing in-house capacity and expertise in developing a procurement strategy and tender documentation;
9. To agree to investigate the financial viability of delivering a mixed-use scheme at LEB, including the provision of a One Stop Shop and/or Idea Store;
10. To endorse the development of a full business case in order to confirm a capital estimate and programme for the project;
11. To approve the funding for recommendation 5, adopting a capital estimate with a budget cap of £3.35m – representing 35% of budgeted professional fees (up to RIBA Stage 3) for both the former Royal London Hospital site and John Onslow House capital projects; and
12. To authorise the Corporate Director, Development and Renewal, after consultation with the Director of Law, Probity and Governance (or their nominee) to agree and enter into the terms and conditions of any agreements required to implement recommendations 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 following compliant procurement exercises.
Action by:
(Service Head, Corporate Property and Capital Delivery (A. Sutcliffe)
The Mayor introduced the update report on potential plans for a new Civic Centre. He explained the background to the report and he stated that following detailed re-examination of the original proposals, it had been determined that the Whitechapel site was the most viable option.
However, he stated that it was vital to ensure that the Council maintained a presence in other locations such as Bow, Bethnal Green and the Isle of Dogs to enable local residents to access their services more easily.
During discussion the Cabinet Member for Work and Economic Growth, proposed that new ways be found of commemorating Jack Dash and Albert Jacob following the disposal of the respectively named buildings.
Finally the Mayor highlighted the importance of cross-party agreement on such an important project and so he stated that he would be looking to present a motion to Council for debate and he would also look to ensure all parties were involved in a steering group for the project.
The Mayor agreed the recommendations as set out in the report subject to the above amendment in relation to Jack Dash and Albert Jacob.
1. To agree that the former Royal London Hospital site in Whitechapel is the preferred site location for a new civic centre;
2. To agree to retain and refurbish John Onslow House;
3. To agree to ring-fence the disposal receipts from Jack Dash House, LEB, Commercial Road, Albert Jacob House, Southern Grove, and Cheviot House to finance the new civic centre;
4. To note that officers will be bringing forward reports on the disposal of the above sites at the appropriate time;
5. That officers determine an appropriate continued commemoration of Jack Dash and Albert Jacob following the disposal of the properties;
6. To agree to the procurement of a multi-disciplinary design team to progress design development to detailed planning level (RIBA Stage 3) for both the former Royal London Hospital site and John Onslow House;
7. To agree to the scoping and procurement of site surveys (as required) for both the former Royal London Hospital site and John Onslow House;
8. To agree to engage legal and financial support as deemed necessary by officers, and as agreed by the Project Board, to support existing in-house capacity and expertise in developing a procurement strategy and tender documentation;
9. To agree to investigate the financial viability of delivering a mixed-use scheme at LEB, including the provision of a One Stop Shop and/or Idea Store;
10. To endorse the development of a full business case in order to confirm a capital estimate and programme for the project;
11. To approve the funding for recommendation 5, adopting a capital estimate with a budget cap of £3.35m – representing 35% of budgeted professional fees (up to RIBA Stage 3) for both the former Royal London Hospital site and John Onslow House capital projects; and
12. To authorise the Corporate Director, Development and Renewal, after consultation with the Director of Law, Probity and Governance (or their nominee) to agree and enter into the terms and conditions of any agreements required to implement recommendations 2, 6, 7, 8 and 9 following compliant procurement exercises.
Supporting documents:
- 5.1a Civic Centre Cabinet Report, item 5.1 PDF 192 KB
- 5.1c Civic Centre Relocation - QAC, item 5.1 PDF 70 KB