Agenda item
Barts Health NHS Trust - Verbal Update
To receive a verbal update from the Barts Health NHS Trust on the ongoing merger and Quality Accounts for 2011-12.
Steve Ryan, Medical Director and ?? from the Barts Health NHS Trust introduced the report.
Mr ?? gave a brief introduction on the ongoing merger and outlined the following points for the Panel:
- Two appointments are to be made to the Exectutive team and are in the process of making appontments to the full structures in the Corporate functions and Service Groups being created across the system;
- Currently managing new Trust through three units of management;
- Have started new and encouraging dialogue with ELK and new commissioning groups emerging in the East London area.
Mr Ryan tabled a Powerpoint presentation and highlighted the following points:
Looking back
- Can report significant progress in improving quality and safety; although trajectory set had not been achieved, infection rates were reducing;
- The Trust is second in the country for low mortality rate and it strived to maintain this record;
- Have implemented recent changes to ensure safer medical cover at night and the Executive agreed to resource an additional five neo-natal members of staff due to safety concerns raised;
- In-patient survey – made progress in 8 areas, but there was still room for improvement;
- Community Services and Neo-intensive out-patients show satisfaction levels were rising;
- Accommodation breaches no longer occured as a result of the new buld at the Royal London hospital;
- Nutrition – matrix report to Board every month who in turn refularly monitor the figures;
- Rated by the Department of Health as “perfoming”;
- Cardiac, Stroke and Chest units show excellent results.
Going forward
- The aim was to keep patients better informed about their care and treatment, not just during their hospital admission, but before and post admission;
- Staff very keen to get timely feedback on their issues and concerns – currently have good reporting lines, however, the Trust need to ensure that staff are kept informed about action to be taken by the Trust;
- One of the tangible objectives that the Trust hoped to achieve was the cessation of smoking – a new Assistant Medical Director was to be appointed and his remit would be Public Health;
- Aim was to be capable of delivering compassionate care.
Mr ?? made the following additional comments:
There were three base line issues to note –
1. feedback to staff;
2. service improvements;
3. administration of patient scheduling.
Following questions raised by Members, the following points emerged:
- The Chair questioned how a big organisation like the Barts NHS Trust managed to stay responsive to the people of Tower Hamlets, ongoing concern. Mr ?? stated that the Trust’s objective was to deliver a health care system which delivered a consistent standard, the “Barts Standard” across the board. There was a need to tailor services according to local conditions
- Population health – further room for improving or contributing;
- Community health services – three areas of focus for 2012/13:
1. The frail elderly-care;
2. Care of the dying;
3. Children Services and how these integrate into a seamless local experience.
- GUM services – there was still uncertainty as to where the services would be housed, but Mr ?? promised to get back to Members.
THAT the presentation be noted.