Agenda item
Application for a New Premises Licence for A1 News, 59 Brady Street, London, E1 5DW (LSC 45/011)
At the request of the Chair, Ms Kathy Driver, Acting Principal Licensing Officer, introduced the report which detailed the application for a new premises license forA1 News, 59 Brady Street, London E1 5DW. It was noted that objections had been received by local residents.
At the request of the Chair, Mr Helal Miah, Solicitor, on behalf of the applicant Mr Abdul Rab, explained they were applying for a new premises licence for the sale of alcohol. He explained that Mr Rab had been operating the premises for the past 15 years, a local shop, a local service for local people and the local area. He believed that the objections were personally aimed at Mr Rab and not the premises as a whole. Mr Miah acknowledged that there were issues of anti-social behaviour in the area, however believed that by granting the licence would not increase the anti-social behaviour that currently exists. He noted the concerns of local residents but assured the sub committee that appropriate measures would be put in place to deter such problems ie. signage displayed in the premises, identifications checked, operating a challenge 18 policy. He also explained that Mr Rab was not responsible to control the behaviour of youth who congregate around the local area and cause anti-social behaviour.
It was noted that there had been no complaints regarding the premises over the past 15 years and that all objections were allegations made on Mr Rab’s character, no specific complaints about the premises and questioned why all objections were made during the last days of the consultation period and believed that these were instigated by certain individuals.
Councillor Lesley Pavitt spoke on behalf of local residents and as a Ward Member for Bethnal Green South, she explained that she was aware of the particular area which had high levels of anti-social behaviour. It was noted that the particular area was an alcohol free zone and therefore hard to access alcohol. She explained that residents were particularly concerned because the premise was on the route to and from a secondary school and primary school, which may encourage young people to experiment with alcohol. She asked Members to note the number of residents who signed the petition and those who had made individual representations.
The Chair reported that there were no objectors present at the meeting, however, all the written objections would be considered and noted by Members.
In response to questions it was noted that there had been no underage sales of alcohol, as the premises does not have a licence, however on one occasion they were found to sell alcohol without a licence, this was stopped and this incident had occurred one year ago. It was noted that Sainsbury’s was the local supermarket in the area and was approximately 800 yards away from the premises. It was also noted that CCTV cameras had already been purchased and would be installed immediately if the application was to be granted. It was noted that there had been no general or social complaints made about the premises.
The Chair advised that the Sub Committee would at 6.50pm adjourn to consider the evidence presented. The Members reconvened at 7.10pm. The Chair reported that;
Members considered the application and made a decision based on the terms of reference and taking into account the licensing objectives. Whilst Members acknowledged the objections from residents and their concerns about anti-social behaviour in the local area, Members concluded that there were insufficient grounds to refuse the application as no evidence related directly to the premises, therefore Members granted the licence with conditions.
That the application for a new premises license for A1 News, 59 Brady Street, London E1 5DWbe GRANTED with the following conditions;
Sale of Alcohol (off sales only)
Monday to Saturday from 09:00 hours – 23:00 hours
Sunday from 10:00 hours – 23:00 hours
Hours Premises is Open to the Public
Monday to Sunday from 07:00 hours – 23:00 hours
1. To introduce the ‘Challenge 21 Policy’
2. A refusal book to be used and maintained
3. A CCTV camera system covering both internal and external to the premise is to be installed.
4. The CCTV recordings are to be maintained for 30 days and to be provided upon request to either a Police Officer or an officer of any other Responsible Authority.
5. At all times the premises is open, a person who can operate the CCTV system must be present on the premises.
6. Prominent and clearly legible notices shall be displayed at all exits of the premises requesting patrons to respect the needs of local residents and to leave the premises and area quietly.
Supporting documents: