Agenda item
Application for a Variation of the Premises Licence for Tai's Vine, 113 Globe Road, London, E1 4LB (LSC 35/011)
At the request of the Chair, Mr Mohshin Ali, Acting Senior Licensing Officer, introduced the report which detailed the application for a variation of the premises license for Tai’s Vine, 113 Globe Road, London E1 4LB. It was noted that objections had been received by the Metropolitan Police, Planning Enforcement and local residents.
Mr Mahir Kilic, Licensing Representative for the applicant sought clarification on when the objections from residents was received, it was accepted that the representation was made in time and received by fax by Licensing Services on 31st August 2010.
At the request of the Chair, Mr Kilic then explained that the application was to extend the hours for sale of alcohol. He explained that there was no evidence that could prove that there would be concerns for potential increase in anti-social behaviour. He referred to case law which stated that objections should be based on real evidence and that there was no evidence to support concerns raised by the objectors. He stated that the objection from Planning Enforcement was not valid and should not be given any weight during decision making as the same statement had been used for other applications and therefore lacked authenticity. He claimed that the objections were based on speculation with no real evidence of anti-social behaviour. Mr Kilic stated that the applicant was responsible and experienced and had successfully refused underage sales. It was noted that the applicant wished to amend the application to reflect the change to Sundays 08:00 to 00:00 hours (midnight).
At the request of the Chair, Mr Alan Cruickshank referred to his objection on page 133 of the agenda, and highlighted that the hours applied for were excessive and would be likely to affect the large residential population in the area with concerns of anti-social behaviour and public nuisance.
Mr Andrew Dickson referred to his statement on page 137 of the agenda and highlighted that Planning Enforcement did not support the variation of the premises licence to enable the supply of alcohol to 03:00 hours, seven days a week as this will cause public nuisance to surrounding residential occupiers for a longer period of time in the early morning hours than what currently occurs from the premises. He also made reference to the letter and petition sent by local residents which also raised concerns about anti-social behaviour in the area.
In response to questions it was noted that Globe Road was a very busy access road, and there had been reports of youth disturbance which has been also raised by the Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) in the area, the applicant stated that he was not aware of any antisocial behaviour in the area, and if this was the case why was there no representations from Environmental Health. It was confirmed that the Police had not received any complaints regarding anti-social behaviour linked to the premises.
The Chair advised that the Sub Committee would at 7.35pm adjourn to consider the evidence presented. The Members reconvened at 7.45pm. The Chair reported that;
After hearing representations from all interested parties, Members reached the decision not to grant the application as set out in the report. Members specifically took into account the objections from residents and concerns raised regarding anti-social behaviour and congregation of youth in the area and therefore Members decided not to grant the license in full.
Members gave consideration to the large number of residential properties in the area and the concerns regarding anti-social behaviour and the fact that granting of the licence is likely to result in an increase in anti-social behaviour. However Members were satisfied to grant the license in part with the hours and conditions recommended by the Metropolitan Police.
That the variation application for the premises license for Tai’s Vine, 113 Globe Road, London E1 4LB be GRANTED in part with the following conditions;
Sale of Alcohol
Sunday to Thursday from 08:00 hours – 23:00 hours
Friday & Saturday from 08:00 hours – 00:00 hours (midnight)
Hours Premises is Open to the Public
Sunday to Thursday from 08:00 hours – 23:00 hours
Friday & Saturday from 08:00 hours – 00:00 hours (midnight)
1. A CCTV camera system is to be installed covering both internal and external to the premises.
The CCTV system shall incorporate a recording facility and any recordings shall be retained and stored in a suitable and secure manner for a minimum of 31 days. A system shall be in place to maintain the quality of the recorded image and a complete audit trail maintained. The system will comply with other essential legislation, and all signs as required will be clearly displayed. The system will be maintained and fully operational throughout the hours that the premises are open for any licensable activity. There must also be someone on the premises, who can download the images and present them immediately on request by a police officer or other responsible authority.
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