Agenda item
Application for New Premises Licence: Jamboree, Gallery West, 566 Cable Street, London E1W 3HB (LSC008/809)
Ms Randall presented the report which was as detailed in the agenda and advised that any films shown must carry certification. Any films certified beyond normal classification categories would require a special licence.
The applicant advised that they had operated 15 Temporary Event Notices with no complaints from either residents or the Responsible Authorities. The premises intended to operate as a small European style bar with independent artists, musicians, and film makers presenting their work. She empathised with residents and was willing to act to ameliorate the issues raised and abide by any conditions put on the licence. The main source of noise and nuisance was believed to come from the three large venues on site.
Ms Randall advised that irrespective of this information, all films shown would require certification and this would be a matter of condition.
In response to questions from Members, Ms Beck advised that the capacity of the premises was 100 persons and there was no external area. There was no connection with other venues, only that the site was shared between a number of units. Several of the units were looking to work together to manage security of the buildings. A door supervisor would be employed Friday and Saturday evenings.
Mrs Parks, local resident, reported that residents were caught between the noise and raves from this site and the large parties held at the Troxy site on Commercial Road. Residents suffered serious noise nuisance every weekend night and Sunday afternoon. At this point, Mr Hussain advised Mrs Parks that her comments should only relate to this particular premise.
Mrs Parks reported that the noise nuisance from this site was constant as it operated every day until late and even into the following day. The only parking in the area was on local streets and many of the bedrooms faced onto the street. The primary concern related to yet another premise operating every day until late causing noise to residents from the operation of the premises and from people leaving. This disturbed both her and her epileptic son.
For the benefit of Members, Mrs Parks showed on the local map where her house was in relation to the premise.
There being no further questions, the Sub Committee adjourned at 8.22pm to consider the evidence presented. On reconvening at 8.45pm the Chair reported that the Sub Committee had resolved:
That the application for a new Premises Licence for Jamboree, Gallery West, 566 Cable Street, London E1W 3HB, be GRANTED subject to amendment and the following conditions:
Hours Premises are open to the public: 08:00 to 23:00 Sunday to Thursday, 08:00 to 24:00 Friday and Saturday
Sale of Alcohol (on sales only): Noon to terminal hour of the premises on all days
Late Night Refreshment: 23:00 t0 24:00 Friday and Saturday
Plays and Performance of Dance: 18:00 to 23:00 on all days
Live music and anything of a similar description to live music, recorded music and performance of dance: 18:00 t0 23:00 Sunday to Wednesday, 18:00 to 23:30 Thursday, 18:00 t0 24:00 Friday and Saturday
Recorded music and provision of facilities for making music: 11:00 to terminal hour of the premises on all days
Provision of facilities for dancing: 20:00 to terminal hour of the premises on all days
Provision of facilities for entertainment of a similar description to making music and dancing: 18:00 to terminal hour of the premises on all days
Non-standard timings: Sunday until midnight
Films: refused.
There being no further business to transact, the meeting closed.
Supporting documents: