Agenda item
To debate a Motion submitted by the Administration in accordance with Rules 11 and 13 of the Council’s Constitution. The debate will last for a maximum of 30 minutes.
Council considered a motion as printed in the agenda on the Winter Fuel Payments Redress that had been moved by Councillor Saied Ahmed and seconded by Councillor Abu Talha Chowdhury.
Council also considered an amendment proposed by Councillor Marc Francis and seconded by Councillor Amina Ali as per the tabled papers as follows:
Amendment Proposed by Councillor Marc Francis and seconded by Councillor Amina Ali.
Additions Underlined
Deletions Struck through
Council notes:
- The difficult position that many residents – especially pensioners – find themselves in when paying bills around wintertime.
- That many residents in Tower Hamlets could have to make the choice between eating and heating this winter.
- That the Council continues to do all it can to support residents through the ongoing cost of living crisis.
- That through schemes such as the Warm Hubs and Warm Packs, pensioners will be able to go somewhere warm for a hot drink and receive hats, gloves, socks, hot water bottles and other amenities to help keep them warm and save money on their bills.
- The last Labour Government introduced the Winter Fuel Payment in 1999 in recognition that many older people were struggling with the costs of their gas and electric bills;
- By 2005, the sum paid was set at £300 for over-80s and £200 for those pensioners under-80 and that this figure has not increased for nearly 20 years;
Council believes:
- The new Government has inherited a dire economic situation, which will require it to make difficult decisions;
- That while these measures and the forthcoming investment into universal free homecare in February will go some way to alleviating these pressures, a cold winter could see vulnerable, elderly residents choosing between heating and eating.
- That around 9,000 pension-age residents who would have been eligible for a winter fuel payment will now not be receiving one.
- That there are also 4,304 residents who are eligible for pension credit who appear to not be claiming.
- That no pensioner or household should have to choose between eating and heating.
- That the Council must therefore provide support for elderly and vulnerable residents in the months to come, to offset any financial strain that will impact those already among the 40% currently living in fuel poverty in Tower Hamlets.
Council resolves:
- To request the creation a Mayor’s Winter Emergency Fund, to provide those pensioners without pension credit but struggling to make ends meet with financial support with their bills.
- To call on the Executive Mayor to instruct officers to establish a local ‘Tower Hamlets Winter Fuel Payment’ scheme offering sums of £300 to those over-80 and £200 to those under-80, who are not in receipt of Pension Credit and write to local pensioners inviting them to apply;
- To provide pensioners in a precarious financial position with a payment towards their winter fuel bills. This would see residents of pension age but ineligible for the scrapped Winter Fuel Allowance payments receive a payment.
- To launch this scheme at the earliest available Cabinet, with details of how to apply and eligibility in place by then.
- To write to the government requesting the reinstatement of the Winter Fuel Allowance.
- To back the public campaign by Age UK and other charities and the trade union movement to try to persuade the Government to reinstate the Winter Fuel Payment.
- To actively promote through a borough-wide campaign how to access pension credit, so those 4,304 residents eligible for pension credit but not claiming it can understand how to do so.
Following debate, the amendment moved by Councillor Marc Francis and seconded by Councillor Amina Ali was put to the vote and fell.
The motion moved by Councillor Saied Ahmed and seconded by Councillor Abu Talha Chowdhury was put to the vote and was agreed.
The Council RESOLVED to:
Council notes:
- The difficult position that many residents – especially pensioners – find themselves in when paying bills around wintertime.
- That many residents in Tower Hamlets could have to make the choice between eating and heating this winter.
- That the Council continues to do all it can to support residents through the ongoing cost of living crisis.
- That through schemes such as the Warm Hubs and Warm Packs, pensioners will be able to go somewhere warm for a hot drink and receive hats, gloves, socks, hot water bottles and other amenities to help keep them warm and save money on their bills.
Council believes:
- That while these measures and the forthcoming investment into universal free homecare in February will go some way to alleviating these pressures, a cold winter could see vulnerable, elderly residents choosing between heating and eating.
- That around 9,000 pension-age residents who would have been eligible for a winter fuel payment will now not be receiving one.
- That there are also 4,304 residents who are eligible for pension credit who appear to not be claiming.
- That no pensioner or household should have to choose between eating and heating.
- That the Council must therefore provide support for elderly and vulnerable residents in the months to come, to offset any financial strain that will impact those already among the 40% currently living in fuel poverty in Tower Hamlets.
Council resolves:
- To request the creation a Mayor’s Winter Emergency Fund, to provide those pensioners without pension credit but struggling to make ends meet with financial support with their bills.
- To provide pensioners in a precarious financial position with a payment towards their winter fuel bills. This would see residents of pension age but ineligible for the scrapped Winter Fuel Allowance payments receive a payment.
- To launch this scheme at the earliest available Cabinet, with details of how to apply and eligibility in place by then.
- To write to the government requesting the reinstatement of the Winter Fuel Allowance.
- To actively promote through a borough-wide campaign how to access pension credit, so those 4,304 residents eligible for pension credit but not claiming it can understand how to do so.
Supporting documents:
- 7 - ReportAdministrationMotionDebateCouncil 02.10.24, item 7. PDF 210 KB
- 7a - Labour Amendment to Aspire Motion for Debate, item 7. PDF 197 KB