Agenda item
The Speaker of the Council, Councillor Jahed Choudhury in the Chair
The Speaker of the Council, Councillor Jahed Choudhury addressed the meeting about his time in office.
He thanked the Council, the Mayor, and elected Members for giving him the opportunity to serve as First Citizen of the Borough since May 2023.
He noted that he had made every effort to carry out his duties in a fair and impartial way, attending many community events, celebrating milestones and achievements of the people of Tower Hamlets. He said he regularly attended citizenship ceremonies and welcomed new citizens to the borough. Furthermore, a successful Civic Awards event had been held in April 2024, where the work of ordinary residents of the borough was recognised.
His chosen charity for which he had fundraised for, were the St Joseph’s Hospice and Eden Care Uk. Both provided compassionate care and support to people living with life limiting illnesses. He said the charity dinner event held in December 2023 helped to raised almost £20,000.
He thanked his Consorts for their support, in particular his daughter Miss Maria Sultana Choudhury who had supported him at many events, including the Royal Garden party at Buckingham Palace last week.
He also thanked the Democratic Services Team for their unequivocal support with particular thanks to Patricia Attawia and Benilda Baden. He said he looked forward to serving his constituents and spending more time with his family.
Following the Speaker’s address, the following Councillors addressed the meeting:
· Councillor Iqbal Hossain
· Councillor Nathalie Bienfait
· Councillor Abdul Mannan
· Councillor Peter Golds
· Councillor Abdul Wahid
· Councillor Mufeedah Bustin
· Councillor Musthak Ahmed
· Councillor Abdal Ullah
· Councillor Maium Talukdar
· Councillor Sirajul Islam
· Councillor Ohid Ahmed
· Councillor Sabina Khan
· Councillor Kabir Hussain
· Councillor Amina Ali
· Councillor Suluk Ahmed
· Councillor Leelu Ahmed
The Councillors praised Councillor Jahed Choudhury for this year in office and stated he had calmly presided over the Chamber at some difficult meetings. They thanked him for his charitable work and the money raised for his chosen charities. The Councillors thanked the Speaker for all his good work and his service to the Borough during his term. They wished him well for the future.
The Speaker then called for nominations to serve as Speaker of the Council for the coming year.
The following nomination was proposed:
It was moved by Councillor Maium Talukdar and seconded by Councillor Kabir Ahmed that Councillor Saif Uddin Khaled be elected to serve as Speaker of the Council until May 2025.
The nomination to elect Councillor Saif Uddin Khaled to serve as Speaker of the Council was put to the vote and was agreed on a majority vote.
1. That Councillor Saif Uddin Khaled be elected to serve as Speaker of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council until the Annual Council Meeting in May 2025.
Councillor Maium Talukdar and Councillor Kabir Ahmed then came forward to witness the Speaker of the Council signing the statutory declaration of acceptance of office.
The meeting was adjourned at 19:39 and reconvened at 19:48.
The Speaker of the Council, Councillor Saif Uddin Khaled in the Chair
The incoming Speaker, Councillor Saif Uddin Khaled thanked the Council for electing him as Speaker and congratulated the outgoing speaker on a successful term in office. He said he had been a fair and effective speaker and a worthy ambassador for the Borough. He thanked the Mayor and fellow councillors for electing him for the year ahead.
To support the Speaker in his role, he would be accompanied by his consorts: · Nurul Huda Juned;
· Hasnath Chouwdhury; and
· Mukammel Hoque.
The new speaker noted the residents of the borough were facing a difficult time, with the cost-of-living crisis and said it was more important than ever to work together to ensure residents were supported by creating opportunities for them through education, employment, encouragement and inspiration.
Finally, the Speaker stated his chosen charities were Sick Children’s Trust and Osmani Trust. He explained both charities worked with young children and families.