Agenda item
School Curriculum
Councillor Maium Talukdar, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Education, Youth and Lifelong Learning introduced the second item, which considered the teaching of RSE and PHSE within the school curriculum. Kate Smith, Head of Healthy Lives, informed members that the Department for Education (DfE) is due to publish the new national guidance with regard to relationship, sex education and health education. It is anticipated that this will include recommendations regarding which topics should be taught at specific year groups.
Ms Smith outlined the current guidance on what should be taught by primary and secondary school end. It was noted that sexual health is not statutory in the primary school curriculum. Sub-committee members were informed of the importance of the DfE's recommendations in teaching RSHE in schools, as well as OFSTED's Review of sexual abuse in schools and colleges in 2021, indicating the alarming figures and the need for more reports of inappropriate contact.
The council is committed to combating homophobic behaviour and increasing equalities, and guidance on teaching different types of families should be taken into consideration. In the interests of safeguarding children, the borough currently recommends the basic naming of body parts is also taught at a Key Stage 1, as schools sought advice on this from the council. Medical leaders in the borough also wrote a letter in support of different types of families being taught about within schools and the teaching of the names of sexual body parts.
The borough currently recommends that puberty lessons begin at Year 4,, as it is important for children to understand themselves and aby changes in their body. Schools are not obliged to follow borough guidance. It is important that parents are consulted on decisions regarding the RSHE taught to their children.
Further to questions from the sub-committee, Lisa Fraser, Director of Education and Kate Smith;
· Clarified that the councils initial RSHE guidance was compiled following a time of safeguarding concerns. Once the updated DfE guidance has been published, Tower Hamlets will be adopting those recommendations. Further details on how parents’ complaints in specific faith schools were resolved and how the council engaged with parents and community groups will be discussed outside of this meeting.
· Confirmed that schools are advised to share RSE resources with parents and the community in order to fully comprehend what borough children will be taught. Parents are advised to discuss any concerns they may have with the school.
· Explained that following the OFSTED Review, more emphasis has been placed on teaching children the importance of appropriate methods of behaviour towards each other and to report any issues faced to school staff. The councils safeguarding team is also on hand to support all schools within the borough.
· Noted that the council expects the new DfE guidance to state the appropriate age in which the teaching of certain RSE subjects should occur. Parents are encouraged to discuss any concerns they may have with schools and support is also available from the council for both parents and schools.
1. A written brief on advice given to schools about working with parents and concerns that are raised.
2. That the presentation be noted.
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