Agenda item
(PA/22/00210) Ailsa Wharf, Ailsa Street, London, E14
Update Report noted
Paul Buckenham introduced the application to grant the redevelopment of the site for a mixed-use scheme providing 952 residential units; 1,548 sqm GIA commercial floorspace (Use Class E) within a series of buildings up to 23 storeys; the creation of a new access road and the realignment of Ailsa Street; the provision of safeguarded land for a bridge landing; the provision of cycle and car parking spaces; and associated site-wide landscaping and public realm works.
Aleksandra Milentijevic provided a presentation to accompany the application, which highlighted the key features of the proposal’s site for phase two of the scheme and its surroundings. The details included publicity and engagement, the proposed height and scale, a comparison with the extant planning permission granted in 2018 and the proposed scheme, as well as the required planning obligations.
Further to the presentation, the Committee asked questions to the Officers regarding the following issues;
· Noted that the proposed design mitigates against noise and pollution from the A-12, as a lift and staircase will be constructed along the western elevation of Block M. No habitable spaces would be built in that area, and a pre-occupation inspection will ensure noise levels are monitored to determine suitability. Additional green spaces and landscaping would also separate the properties from the road.
· Clarified that amenity spaces will be made available to members of the public and planning obligations will prohibit any signs or barriers from restricting access.
· Confirmed that the Environmental Health statement concluded that climate change will have a negligible impact. The Health impact assessment also stated negligible impacts during the construction phase and minor to moderate beneficial impacts after construction. A proposal has been made to ensure that air particulates and dust management are monitored.
· Explained that the commercial floorspace in block M will be for Use Class E. This is flexible space made available for shops, offices, cafes or restaurants, located on the ground and first floor.
· Clarified that any riverside lighting would be pointed away from the River Lea to protect the ecology and environment. Additional planting would also assist in promoting further diversity in accordance to the Local Biodiversity’s action plan.
· Confirmed that the Greater London Archaeological Advisory Service recommended a two-stage condition to protect the area and any potential archaeological remains, before any ground work is conducted.
· Observed that a Metropolitan Police Crime Prevention Officer recommended there should be no concealed areas within multiple blocks and there should be adequate lighting throughout the scheme. A provision has been made to ensure that a ‘secure design’ certification is submitted and accredited by the police, should the application be granted.
Following the points raised by the Officers, the Committee debated the application and noted the following;
· Concerns with the social housing placement in Block M near the A-12 dual carriageway.
· Concerns regarding pollution from the A-12 major road and transport accessibility issues.
· Concerns with the child play space and outdoor space for older children.
On a vote of 5 in favour 3 against and 0 abstentions, the Committee RESOLVED:
1. That the consideration of the application at Ailsa Wharf, Ailsa Street, London, E14 be GRANTED.
2. Subject to any direction by the Mayor of London, Section 106 agreement including obligations and conditions and informatives set out in the committee report.
Supporting documents:
- Ailsa Wharf Committee Report_v2, item 5.2 PDF 3 MB
- SDC Ailsa Wharf Update Report_v2, item 5.2 PDF 154 KB