Agenda item
PA/21/01713 - 28-36 Leman Street, London E1
Update report noted.
Paul Buckenham introduced the application to grant planning permission for the demolition of the existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide a building ranging from basement, ground plus 19 storeys, comprising office (Class E (g)) and aparthotel (Class C1); associated cycle and car parking, hard and soft landscaping and other associated works.
Robin Bennett provided a presentation to accompany the application, which highlighted the key features of the proposal’s site and surroundings. Details also included; the existing and proposed uses, publicity and engagement, the proposed height and scale, the daylight and sunlight impacts to neighbouring properties and the planning obligations
Further to the presentation, the Committee asked questions to the Officers regarding the following issues:
· Clarification on the number of apprenticeships provided. Details were given on the eleven apprentices outlined in the construction phase and one end user phase apprentice.
· Further details on the 10 out of 19 neighbouring properties who will experience a reduction in daylight / sunlight. Officers confirmed that the impacts are negligible and only account for 9 out of 345 windows throughout the proposed building.
· Clarification on why separate approaches to fire safety have been proposed for the office space and aparthotel. Officers explained that as the aparthotel’s use will differ from the office space, the ‘defend in place’ approach is more appropriate for applications of this nature.
· Further details on the proposal with regard to the former Dispensary. Officers clarified that the design approach has been taken to reduce the impact on the historical building and respond appropriately to the townscapes height and surroundings.
· Clarification on the existing use of the building. Details were given on applications site, currently occupied by two office blocks bound by Camperdown Street to the north, Leman Street to the east and Alie Street to the south. These are independent buildings which adjoin and the ground floor is currently in use as a gentleman’s club.
· Further details on the benefits the scheme will have to the borough. Officers outlined that if approved, the proposal will attract financial investment with retail and business opportunities. Incentives of 15% of office floorspace and 35% discounted rate for the lifetime of the development have also been proposed. Modernising the existing build with affordable workspace and the aparthotel will generate visitors and bring employment into Tower Hamlets.
· Clarification on the statutory public consultation. Details were given on the methods used to gain resident feedback on the proposal. This included mailing 189 letters, two site notices erected around the site and newspaper advertisements. No objections were received.
· Queried if occupants at 55-57 Alie Street were consulted. Officers clarified that those properties are outside the boundary for consultation, They are over 40 metres away from the proposed site and the daylight/sunlight impact is less than 1%. The boundary recommendation requires 20 metres and the BRE guidance are metrics to measure impacts, so are negligible in this instance.
· Further details on approximate staircase evacuation times in the event of a fire. Officers clarified the scheme proposes two staircases, one for the office and one for the aparthotel as well as three lifts, including one for fire fighters. The evacuation times are not known as they are not required at the planning application stage. If the application were to be granted, this would depend on building regulations requesting further requirements.. If additional requirement alters the design, the application would be brought back to the Strategic Development Committee for review.
· Queried if this application includes a premises license. Officers confirmed that this is not a specification, as the proposal requests all existing buildings be demolished, including the current gentleman’s club.
Following the points raised by the Officers and the Committee debated the application and noted the following:
- Concerns with the separate fire safety approach for the office and Aparthotel and requested further details on this.
- Concerns with the daylight / sunlight impact the proposal will have on occupants of 55-57 Alie Street.
Councillor Kamrul Hussain requested a deferment of the vote to undertake a site visit. This was seconded by Councillor Iqbal Hossain.
On a vote of 5 in favour 0 against and 2 abstentions, the Committee RESOLVED:
1. That the consideration of the application at 28-36 Leman Street, London, E1 8EW be DEFERRED for a Committee Site Visit.
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