Agenda item
PA/22/00591 56 - 58 Marsh Wall, London E14 9TP
Paul Buckenham introduced the application for the demolition of existing buildings and construction of building up to 46 storeys (151.905 m AOD) comprising up to 795 co-living units in sui generis use together with communal facilities, non-residential floor space (class E use) and public realm improvements including landscaping, access and highways works; together with other associated works in respect of the development.
Kevin Crilly provided a presentation to accompany the application, which highlighted the key features of the proposal’s site and surroundings, the planning history, existing building and consultation process.
Further to the presentation, the Committee asked questions to the Officers regarding the following issues:
· Clarification on the affordable housing contribution payment proposal. Details were provided on the instalments and proposed deadlines.
· Further details on comparable rent levels for co-living and studio schemes. Details were provided on the principles of co-living, classified as sui-generis use, which closely resemble HMO’s and acknowledged in the London Plan.
· Clarification on affordable housing provision. Details were provided on the applicant’s local rental market assessment and the London plan policy H16, which approves of this type of housing scheme.
· An explanation on wind assessments undertaken in relation to the height of the proposed scheme. Details were provided on the EIA (Environmental Impact assessments) which met the criteria and landscaping conditions which will mitigate any adverse effects.
· Clarification on Thames Waters conditions and drainage provision. Details were provided regarding the network upgrades, infrastructure and development phasing conditions imposed. Committee members were also provided with details of the flood risk and drainage stipulations within the London plan policies from D.ES4 to D.ES6.
· An explanation on why only 230 consultation letters were sent out to neighbouring properties. Officers confirmed that the consultation deadline boundary was extended to ensure more properties were notified. No responses were received.
Following the points raised by the Officers, the Committee debated the application and noted:
· Concerns with the lack of registered speakers in attendance.
· Concerns with the lack of 3d images to accompany the report.
On a vote of 4 in favour, 4 against, with 1 abstention. The Chair took the casting vote in favour which amended the vote to 5 in favour and 4 against. The Officers recommendation, as set out in the main report and amended in the update report to grant planning permission was agreed, subject to conditions and informatives set out in the committee report and completion of a s106 planning obligations agreement.
It was therefore RESOLVED that the planning application be GRANTED at 56 - 58 Marsh Wall, London E14 9TP:
Subject to:
1. Any direction by the Mayor of London
2. The conditions and informatives set out in the officers made and update reports; and
3. A completion of a s106 planning obligations agreement.
· Details of the plan
o Demolition of existing buildings and construction of building up to 46 storeys (151.905 m AOD) comprising up to 795 co-living units in sui generis use together with communal facilities, non-residential floor space (class E use) and public realm improvements including landscaping, access and highways works; together with other associated works in respect of the development.
Supporting documents: