Agenda item
Corporate/Directorate Risks Register Report 22/23 Q3
- Meeting of Audit Committee, Thursday, 26th January, 2023 6.30 p.m. (Item 5.2)
- View the background to item 5.2
Mr Nisar Visram, Director of Finance, Procurement and Audit stated this was a regular report received by the Audit Committee, which set out the corporate risk register. He said Directors from the Place Directorate were also in attendance to answer questions relating to the Place Risk Register.
Ms Karen Swift, Director for Housing and Ms Jennifer Peters Director of Planning and Building Control took members through their risk register. Ms Swift provided an update in relation to risk PLC0013 (page 183 of the main agenda pack) and said good progress had been made, with more funding being provided by the Government. She said there was a better flow of information and improved ICT to ensure the database of high-rise buildings was up to date. In reference to risk PLC0023 (page 201 of the main agenda pack) Ms Swift said the Building Safety Act came into force in April 2022 and they had appointed a much- needed Building Safety Lead, who had previous fire Brigade experience.
Ms Peters concurred the Directorate had made good progress in relation to the Building Safety Act and referred members to risk PPRMM0003 (Page 236 of the main agenda pack) and said that following the limited assurance report further investment had been made to the management of markets.
In response to comments and questions from members the following was noted:
- Councillor Bustin commented that the presentation of the risk registers was confusing and not easy to follow. She asked if Officers could clearly define the corporate risk register from that of the directorate risk register.
- ACTION: Mr Visram agreed to look at how the registers are presented to the Committee.
- Referring to SR0056 on the Corporate Risk register (Page 57 of the main agenda), Mr Visram reassured members that any overspend was carefully monitored through controls within the budget and regular meetings with the risk/budget holder. Mr Visram said the biggest area of overspend was the Adult Social Care budget and there were key pressures across the organisation.
- In reference to the Place Risk register, SDBCD0005(Page 240 of the main agenda) Ms Peters stated that the risk register had not been updated in relation to the South Dock Bridge as this had only recently been approved for development by the Development Committee. She said the decision was not an issue but there remained risks attached to the scheme.
- In reference to PLC0013 (Page 183 of the main agenda) Ms Swift acknowledged the control measure column required updating with the control and target dates. She said this would be done with a target date of six months.
- Referring to risk EPGGS0019 (Page 218 of the main agenda) Councillor King enquired how risks were being measured against the current economic climate. He asked what steps had been taken to ensure capital programmes, in general were not at risk from high inflation and the tough economic climate. Mr Visram responded stating that the capital programme had been refreshed with more accurate costings, which was part of the budget report going to Council for approval. He said they were keeping a close eye on projects and were working with project managers in relation to managing costs.
The Audit Committee RESOLVED to:
- Note the corporate risks, and where applicable request risk owner(s) with risks requiring further scrutiny to provide a detailed update on the treatment and mitigation of those risks including impact on the corporate objectives at the next Audit Committee meeting (or separately before the meeting, if urgent).
- Note the Place Directorate risks and where applicable request risk owner(s) with risks requiring further scrutiny to provide a detailed update on the treatment and mitigation of their risks including impact on the directorate’s objectives at the next Audit Committee meeting (or separately before the meeting if urgent).
Supporting documents:
- Corporate/Directorate Risks Register Report 22/23 Q3, item 5.2 PDF 237 KB
- Appendix. 1 for Corporate/Directorate Risks Register Report 22/23 Q3, item 5.2 PDF 141 KB
- Appendix. 2 for Corporate/Directorate Risks Register Report 22/23 Q3, item 5.2 PDF 997 KB
- Appendix. 2 for Corporate/Directorate Risks Register Report 22/23 Q3, item 5.2 PDF 997 KB