Agenda item
28-42 Tomlins Grove, London E3 4NX
Construction of an additional storey to create five new residential apartments. Associated cycle and refuse store.
Summary Recommendation:
Grant planning permission with conditions and planning obligations
Update report published
On a vote of 3 in favour, 2 against and 1 abstentions the Committee RESOLVED:
That planning permission is GRANTED subject to the prior completion of a legal agreement to secure the following planning obligations:
Financial obligations
£215,456 small sites contribution to Affordable Housing in the borough
Non-financial obligations:
Car Free agreement
That the Corporate Director of Place is delegated the power to negotiate the legal agreement. If within three months of the resolution the legal agreement has not been completed, the Corporate Director for Place is delegated power to refuse planning permission.
That the Corporate Director of Place is delegated the power to impose conditions and informatives to address the following matters:
Planning Conditions
1. 3 years deadline for commencement of development.
2. Development in accordance with approved plans.
3. Refuse storage
4. Cycle storage
5. Restrictions on demolition and construction activities:
a. All works in accordance with Tower Hamlets Code of Construction Practice;
b. Standard hours of construction and demolition;
c. Air quality standards for construction machinery;
d. Ground-borne vibration limits; and
e. Noise pollution limits.
The inclusion of the following pre-commencement conditions has been agreed in principle with the applicants, subject to detailed wording
6. Construction Management and Logistics Plan
7. Details of materials
8. Biodiversity Enhancements
9. Tree protection plan
10. Arboricultural method statement
11. Arboricultural impact statement
1. Permission is subject to legal agreement
2. CIL liable
The published update report was noted.
Jerry Bell, Area Planning Manager, introduced the application for Construction of an additional storey to create five new residential apartments. Associated cycle and refuse store.
Fran Haines, Planning Officer, provided a presentation on the application. The Committee were reminded of the key features of the application, including photographs of the site and surrounds. The Officer’s recommendation was to grant planning permission with conditions and planning obligations.
At the invitation of the Chair, objections were raised to the committee, highlighting concerns on the size of the development, the impact on Tomlins Grove conservation area and potential of noise disturbances.
At the invitation of the Chair, the agent on behalf of the applicant, responded to the concerns raised by the objectors, stating that this application provides much needed housing within the borough, will be in keeping with the conservation area and the development will be car free. Members asked the agent about the consultation process with residents and the agent stated that letters had been sent to local residents. This was the extent of the consultation process.
Further to questions from the Committee, officers provided more details on the following elements of the application:
- The footprint of the building means it would be unlikely to allow for more 3-bedroom houses.
- The construction period will be a year and this is considered to be short term.
- There was around 46 objections that were received.
- The development will only have a minor increase of height of 1.6 meters.
- The green space will include mitigation measures, including a biodiversity roof to cover the refuse points. Officers did not find any issues with the biodiversity measures.
The Committee debated the application and moved to the vote.
On a vote of 3 in favour, 2 against and 1 abstentions the Committee
That planning permission is GRANTED subject to the prior completion of a legal agreement to secure the following planning obligations:
Financial obligations
£215,456 small sites contribution to Affordable Housing in the borough
Non-financial obligations:
Car Free agreement
That the Corporate Director of Place is delegated the power to negotiate the legal agreement. If within three months of the resolution the legal agreement has not been completed, the Corporate Director for Place is delegated power to refuse planning permission.
That the Corporate Director of Place is delegated the power to impose conditions and informatives to address the following matters:
Planning Conditions
1. 3 years deadline for commencement of development.
2. Development in accordance with approved plans.
3. Refuse storage
4. Cycle storage
5. Restrictions on demolition and construction activities:
a. All works in accordance with Tower Hamlets Code of Construction Practice;
b. Standard hours of construction and demolition;
c. Air quality standards for construction machinery;
d. Ground-borne vibration limits; and
e. Noise pollution limits.
The inclusion of the following pre-commencement conditions has been agreed in principle with the applicants, subject to detailed wording
6. Construction Management and Logistics Plan
7. Details of materials
8. Biodiversity Enhancements
9. Tree protection plan
10. Arboricultural method statement
11. Arboricultural impact statement
1. Permission is subject to legal agreement
2. CIL liable
Supporting documents:
- PA.22.01289 - Tomlins Grove committee report - final, item 5.1 PDF 2 MB
- DC update report - 7 Dec, item 5.1 PDF 124 KB