Agenda item
South Dock Bridge, London (PA/21/00885)
Construction of a new pedestrian footbridge to connect South Quay and Canary Wharf in Isle of Dogs, to align with Upper Bank Street on the north bank of the London South Dock, and the Berkeley Homes 'South Quay Plaza' scheme on the south bank, including landscaping on Upper Bank Street and other associated works.
Summary Recommendation
Grant Planning Permission subject to conditions.
Update report was noted.
Paul Buckenham introduced the report for construction of a new pedestrian footbridge to connect South Quay and Canary Wharf in Isle of Dogs, to align with Upper Bank Street on the north bank of the London South Dock, and the Berkeley Homes 'South Quay Plaza' scheme on the south bank, including landscaping on Upper Bank Street and other associated works
Conor Guilfoyle, Planning Officer, provided a presentation on the application. The Committee were reminded of the key features of the application, including photographs of the site and surrounds. The Officer’s recommendation was to geant planning permission subject to conditions.
The Chair invited Andrew Wood to address the meeting in objection to the application. He explained that whilst he supported the bridge, he had concerns about:
· Unauthorised cycling on the bridge. Fears signage would not prevent this creating a danger to crossing pedestrians. A preferred option would be a segregated cycle lane.
· Late at night delivery scooters using the bridge illegally.
· Reduction in the amount of water space for sea scouts. Lack of clarity as to how they would access the dock to the other side of the bridge and access the water on weekends or during periods of maintenance.
· Lack of clarity as to who would have responsibility for bridge maintenance.
The Chair invited Louise Plant to address the meeting in support of the application. She highlighted the following:
· The bridge would improve connectivity, reduce congestion on the Docklands Light Railway and on the existing bridges, improve pedestrian access to jobs, retail and other services in Canary Wharf.
· The principle of establishing a new bridge was supported in the Local Plan.
· Over ninety per-cent of respondents were in favour of the development.
· Cycle access will be controlled through appropriate measures and signage and will be subject to further consultation.
· Sea scouts had been engaged at the design stages of the project; there had been dialogue with the scouts about opening the bridge at certain times for their activities.
· The Council would be responsible for maintenance. A third party operator was being sought to operate and maintain the bridge once delivered.
Further to questions from Committee Members, officers provided more information on:
· Approach to concerns regarding illegal moped use.
· Anticipated impact on mooring space at the site and proposed options to mitigate it.
· Responsibility for maintenance of the bridge and the role of recommended conditions to enforce this.
· Non- financial contributions and associated policies. The Council as planning authority had to treat all applications the same and could not insist on enhanced contributions from a Council application.
· The bridge operation and maintenance condition. It was anticipated the bridge would open two times on average per week,
· Anticipated disruption to residents and the environment during construction.
· How the proposal would facilitate opportunities for economic and social growth in the area.
Further to questions from Committee Members regarding cycling and moped use, the applicants’ representatives reported that there would be CCTV surveillance on the bridge to discourage illegal use.
Councillors debated the application and made the following points:
· Construction of the Bridge was welcomed by residents of the Isle of Dogs.
· Concerns about cycle access had not been allayed. The Committee asked that:
o the options for cycling, including for those with disabilities, be explored further and include input from local disability charities; and
o an associated condition be attached to enforce this.
On a unanimous vote the Officers’ recommendation as set out in the main report and as amended in the update report to GRANT planning permission was agreed, subject to an additional condition requiring details of the cycling strategy and associated review mechanism.
It was therefore RESOLVED that the planning application be GRANTED at South Dock Bridge (Land on the north and south side of South Dock, including dock area and Upper Bank Street) for the following development:
· Construction of a new pedestrian footbridge to connect South Quay and Canary Wharf in Isle of Dogs, to align with Upper Bank Street on the north bank of the London South Dock, and the Berkeley Homes 'South Quay Plaza' scheme on the south bank, including landscaping on Upper Bank Street and other associated works.
Subject to:
1. The conditions and informatives set out in the officers’ report and update report; and
2. an additional condition requiring details of the cycling strategy and associated review mechanism.
At this point in the meeting, the Chair moved that the meeting be adjourned for five minutes. This was AGREED without further discussion. The meeting adjourned at 7.20pm and resumed at 7.25pm.
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