Agenda item
5, Hollybush Place, London, E2 9QX - (PA/21/02500)
Demolition of builder's merchants (Sui Generis) and redevelopment of the land to provide residential units (Use Class C3) over two blocks and the provision of commercial floorspace (Use Class E) at lower ground and ground level, with raised podium and associated landscaping, access and cycle parking.
Summary Recommendation:
Grant planning permission with conditions and planning obligations.
The published update report was noted.
Paul Buckenham, Head of Development Management, introduced the application for demolition of builder's merchants (Sui Generis) and redevelopment of the land to provide residential units (Use Class C3) over two blocks and the provision of commercial floorspace (Use Class E) at lower ground and ground level and associated works.
Nicholas Jehan, Planning Officer, provided a presentation on the application. The Committee were reminded of the key features of the application, including photographs of the site and surrounds. The Officer’s recommendation was to grant planning permission.
Further to questions from the Committee, officers provided more details on the following elements of the application:
· Measures and conditions to mitigate noise from nearby railway.
· Configuration of different units and tenure types.
· The relationship between the previous planning application and this one.
· Vehicular access and highway improvements.
· Location and configuration of proposed play areas.
· Daylight and sunlight assessments.
· Impact on nearby allotments and proposed financial obligations to offset them.
· Distinction between London Affordable and Tower Hamlets Living Rent.
The Committee debated the application. Some Members indicated that the proposal lacked sufficient family housing to meet local need. Members suggested the application could be deferred to allow the applicant to consider a revised dwelling mix.
At the invitation of the Chair, Ben Kelway, representing the applicant addressed the Committee. Mr Kelway advised the applicant was acutely aware of Tower Hamlets housing need, but felt this application met or exceeded all relevant policy targets. He indicated that for reasons of design and viability there was no scope to adjust the tenure mix.
As Councillor Iqbal Hossain had not been present for all of the officers' introduction to the application, he did not vote.
On a vote of 4 in favour, 0 against and 2 abstentions the Committee RESOLVED:
1. that subject to any direction by the Mayor of London, conditional planning permission is GRANTED subject to the prior completion of a legal agreement to secure the following planning obligations:
Financial obligations
a. £25,336.56 towards construction phase employment skills training
b. £47,991.87 towards end-user phase employment skills training
c. £100,890 towards carbon emission off-setting
d. £30,000 towards improvements to the allotment to facilitate better utilisation of their site
e. £209,681 towards Highways improvement works and Section 278 agreement
f. £7,210 towards development coordination and integration
g. Monitoring Fee estimated at £18,383.28
Total financial contributions: £439,492.71.
Non-financial obligations:
a. Affordable housing (35.5% by habitable room)
· 11 units as Affordable Rented
· 6 units as Shared Ownership
· Details and implementation of London Affordable Rent/Tower Hamlets Living Rent‘wheelchair accessible’ dwellings(to M4 (3)(2)(b) standard)
b. Access to employment
· 20% local procurement
· 20% local labour in construction
· 3 construction phase apprenticeships
c. Affordable Workspace
d. Transport matters:
· Car Free development (residential)
· Residential and Workspace Travel Plans
· S278 Agreement (works to Schoolyard Land, Cranford Street and The Highway and potential additional accessible car park spaces).
e. Compliance with Considerate Constructors Scheme
f. Submission of “Be Seen” information relating to whole life carbon
g. Details of noise levels to be provided in marketing materials for all residential units which are subject to noise levels in excess of local plan policy requirements
That the Corporate Director of Place is delegated the power to negotiate the legal agreement. If within three months of the resolution the legal agreement has not been completed, the Corporate Director for Place is delegated power to refuse planning permission.
That the Corporate Director of Place is delegated the power to impose conditions and informatives to address the following matters:
Planning Conditions
1. 3 years deadline for commencement of development.
2. Development in accordance with approved plans.
3. Any gas boilers to be installed on site to meet the minimum emissions standards
4. Section 61 Consents controlling noise from construction
5. Restriction on advertisements placed on the building
6. Restriction on Roof Plant
7. Use Class Restriction for commercial floorspace
8. Active frontages required for 60% of ground floor external glazed surfaces
9. Restriction on roller shutters for commercial frontages
The inclusion of the following pre-commencement conditions has been agreed in principle with the applicants, subject to detailed wording
10. Archaeology written scheme of investigation
11. Piling Method Statement
12. Land Contamination remediation strategy
13. Construction Environmental Management Plan
14. Dust Management Plan
15. Details of Non-Road Mobile Machinery
16. Secured By Design accreditation
17. Accessible Units details
Pre-superstructure works
18. Details of external facing materials and architectural detailing.
19. Details of hard and soft landscaping of all public realm and open spaces including play equipment, street furniture and lighting.
20. Highway improvement works
21. Details of cycle storage
22. Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme
Pre-completion of superstructure works
23. Inclusive Communal Amenity and Place Spaces Access Management Plan
24. Full details of biodiversity enhancements
25. Car-free development
26. Provision of refuse stores
27. Energy & sustainability including verification report
28. Completion of play-space
29. Car Parking Management Strategy and Accessible parking
30. Delivery and Servicing Management Plan
31. Site Waste Management Plan
32. Travel Plan
33. Details of extraction and plant for commercial uses
34. Noise verification report for new residential units and outdoor amenities
35. Details of plant including post-installation verification report
1. Permission subject to legal agreement.
2. Development is CIL liable.
3. Thames Water – proximity to assets.
4. Thames Water – Surface water drainage
5. Secured by design contact details
6. Archaeological written schemes of investigation
7. Air quality monitoring
Supporting documents:
- Hollybush Place - Committee Report, item 5.1 PDF 7 MB
- Update report - 1 November 2022, item 5.1 PDF 99 KB