Agenda item
15-27 Byng Street (odd), 29 Byng Street (Flats 1-6 Dowlen Court) and 1-12 Bellamy Close, London, E14 (PA/21/02776/A1)
- Meeting of Strategic Development Committee, Thursday, 21st July, 2022 6.30 p.m. (Item 4.1)
- View the background to item 4.1
Demolition of the existing buildings and structures and construction of residential dwellings (use class C3), public realm works, landscaping, access, servicing, parking and associated works.
Grant planning permission with conditions and planning obligations
Update report was published.
Jerry Bell introduced the application for the demolition of the existing buildings and structures and construction of residential dwellings, public realm works, landscaping, access, servicing, parking and associated works.
Fran Haines provided a presentation on the application.
It was noted that this application for planning permission was considered by the Strategic Development Committee on 8th June 2022.The application was deferred by members for a site visit. This was held on 4th July 2022.
The application has been updated since the June Committee with a Post Committee Clarification Note – prepared by Quod
No additional consultations have been carried out.
The Committee were reminded of the key features of the application, including photographs of the site and surrounds.
The following topics were discussed during the Strategic Development Committee on 8th June 2022. Officers addressed each matter in turn:
- Clarified the number of additional storeys to the residential tower. This proposal sought to increase the number of residential storeys by six (and five overall) compared to the previous scheme, ref PA/20/01065 with other changes as set out in the Committee report.
- Residential entrances would be of the same standard. The development would be tenure blind in terms of the quality of the private and the affordable housing
- Affordable housing. A total of 202 dwellings would be provided including 94 low cost homes which totalled 58% of the total residential accommodation by habitable room, which exceeded policy.
- Of these 94, 58 would be affordable homes (including 34 London Affordable rent homes) and 36 intermediate homes, which was in accordance with the 70/30 policy target.
- Compared to the previous scheme, this proposal would provide 58 more homes including 12 more affordable homes. Of these 12, six would be homes for London Affordable Rent and 6 shared ownership.
- The proportion of larger family sized affordable homes also complied with policy. A viability assessment had been carried out showing that this was the maximum amount of affordable housing the application could provide.
- Shared ownership agreement. This would be controlled by the nominations agreement in the s106 and One Housing’s, following their inclusion on the LBTH Intermediate Housing register.
- Child play space provision. Play space would be located at podium level in Block C as well as in the pedestrian link. This would be assessable to all.
- Fire safety matters. Details of the staircase and lift arrangements were noted and the fire protection features. The proposals met the relevant building regulation.
- Details of the energy strategy, including the plans to link the development to the Barkantine District Heating Network where feasible and viable. This would be secured via the s106. If not feasible, an alternative strategy would be secured in the s106 involving Air Source Heat Pumps.
The Officers recommendation is to grant planning permission.
The Committee asked questions of Officers around the following issues:
- Assurances were sought about the quality of the development. It was confirmed that all of the proposed housing would be tenure blind and be of a good quality. Warranties would also need to be secured. Quality of accommodation complied with relevant standards.
- The number of family size of homes. Whilst Officers noted the overall housing mix, and the slight deviations from policy targets, it was emphasized that the development would deliver a good number of family sized affordable units - where there was a great deal of need.
- The issues raised regarding lack of community hall and poor consultation It was noted that update report addressed the point regarding the community hall. The report also set out the findings of the Council’s statutory consultation exercise that complied with requirements. It also outlines the nature of the applicant’s consultation exercise, as set out in their statement of community involvement
- The nature of the public benefits. It was confirmed that the scheme would deliver a number of benefits in terms of the re provided pedestrian link, child play and amenity space, a significant amount of housing, including the re– provision of the existing homes. The applicant had worked to ensure the re - provided homes would be of a better quality and would be larger.
- Water pressure issues on the Isle of Dogs. It was confirmed that the Council were working with Thames Water in respect of infrastructure capacity. Thames Water also had a legal duty to deliver water to developments, and the developer must also work to ensure this. Thames Water had not objected to the application. Further information on this could be supplied to Members.
- Car parking issues. The development would be car free. It was understood existing residents could transfer their parking permits to the development. The One Housing Group would work also with the residents to provide parking as required/ on request.
- Six accessible parking bays would be provided, including two with electric charging points. Highways Services has stated that additional accessible on street spaces could be provided if more demand arises. Overall the approach to limiting car parking was consistent with policy.
- Daylight and sunlight impacts. An assessment has been carried out in accordance with the BRE guidance. Overall Officers were satisfied that it had been carried out correctly and that overall the impacts were considered to be acceptable.
- It was confirmed that an energy strategy would be secured to ensure the properties have sufficient heating by condition. It was proposed that the development would be connected to a centralised heating system -through the Barkantine District Heating Network or an Air Source Heat Pump system.
In conclusion the Chair stated that he would like to see future development include more affordable five bedroom accommodation.
On a vote of 5 in favour and 3 against the Committee RESOLVED:
1. That subject to any direction by the Mayor of London planning permission is GRANTED at15-27 Byng Street (odd), 29 Byng Street (Flats 1-6 Dowlen Court) and 1-12 Bellamy Close, London, E14 for the following development
· Demolition of the existing buildings and structures and construction of residential dwellings (use class C3), public realm works, landscaping, access, servicing, parking and associated works.
2. The prior completion of a legal agreement to secure the planning obligations set out in the Committee report.
3. That the Corporate Director of Place is delegated the power to negotiate the legal agreement. If within three months of the resolution the legal agreement has not been completed, the Corporate Director for Place is delegated power to refuse planning permission.
4. That the Corporate Director of Place is delegated the power to impose conditions and informatives to address the matters set out in the Committee report.
Supporting documents:
PA_21_02776 committee report, item 4.1
PDF 125 KB
PA_21_02776 - Committee Report, 08/06/2022 Strategic Development Committee, item 4.1
Addendum report - PA_21_02776, 08/06/2022 Strategic Development Committee, item 4.1
PDF 151 KB