Agenda item
To elect a Councillor to serve as Speaker of the Council for the municipal year 2022/23 or until a successor is appointed, whichever is the sooner.
(Note: Section 4 and Schedule 2 of the Local Government Act 1972 provide that the election of the chairman (which post the Council has resolved to title ‘Speaker’ in Tower Hamlets) shall be the first item of business transacted at the Annual Meeting of the Council and that in the case of an equality of votes, the person presiding at the meeting shall give a casting vote in addition to any vote they may have).
The Speaker of the Council, Mohammed Ahbab Hossain addressed the meeting about his time in office.
He thanked the Council, including the former Mayor, John Biggs and Councillors, for giving him this unique opportunity to serve as the First Citizen of the Borough, since September 2020
He noted that, whilst his term began during the height of the pandemic, he had made every effort to carry out his duties in the best way he could, mostly by attending virtual events. During this period, he was particularly proud to have participated in a range of events, aimed at supporting the community at this very difficult time. These included:
· An inter faith event to bring comfort to residents.
· A programme of celebration events to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Bangladesh, which started on – line.
· Council led events to commemorate all those who had lost their lives during the pandemic and to thank those who had worked tirelessly to support the sick and vulnerable in their communities.
Following the easing of restrictions, he had made a real point of engaging with the community in person to celebrate their achievements. He had tried his best to reach out to as many organisations as he could.
He also stated that he was very proud to have hosted only the second Freedom of the Borough ceremony in the last 20 years, and the first at the Tower of London. The contributions of the five recipients were truly outstanding.
He had also held a very successful Charity Ball in December in Canary Wharf. He thanked all of the people and organisations who supported these events especially the sponsors for each. The final fundraising figure has yet to be confirmed. The money will be donated to the Speaker’s chosen charities: Capital Kids Cricket, Patchwork Foundation and Soytten Sen School of Performing Arts.
He also confirmed that the Council had been finally able to hold the Civic Awards again, to thank those who had worked tirelessly for the community.
Other key highlights of his term included: his visit to Bangladesh, where he had the honour of meeting local dignitaries and attending a range of events.
He had also been very proud to Chair meetings of Full Council.
He concluded by thanking his consort and all the Council Officers that had supported him.He also wished the new Speaker the very best for the year ahead.
Following the Speaker’s address, the following Councillors addressed the meeting:
· Councillor Kabir Ahmed
· Councillor Sabina Akhtar
· Councillor Peter Golds
· Councillor Maium Talukdar
· Councillor Ohid Ahmed
· Councillor Sirajul Islam
· Councillor Ayas Miah
The Councillors acknowledged that the Speaker had taken on the role at a difficult time. However, he had shown great leadership and had been an excellent role model for the community. He had also been approachable to all.
They also welcomed that he had worked so tirelessly to reach out to all sections of the community. He had shown great support to many community organisations and good causes particularly during the pandemic. The Speaker had achieved so much and had raised a significant amount of money for charity.
The Councillors thanked the Speaker for all his good work and his service to the Borough during his term. They wished him well for the future.
The Speaker then called for nominations to serve as Speaker of the Council for the coming year.
The following nominations were proposed:
It was moved by Councillor Maium Talukdar and seconded by Councillor Kabir Ahmed that Councillor Shafi Ahmed be elected to serve as Speaker of the Council until May 2023
It was moved by Councillor Sirajul Islam and seconded by Councillor Sabina Akhtar that Councillor Amina Ali be elected to serve as Speaker of the Council until May 2023.
The nomination to elect Councillor Shafi Ahmed to serve as Speaker of the Council as the first nomination received was put to the vote and was agreed on a majority vote.
1. That Councillor Shafi Ahmed be elected to serve as Speaker of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council until the Annual Council Meeting in May 2023.
Councillor Maium Talukdar and Councillor Kabir Ahmed then came forward to witness the Speaker of the Council signing the statutory declaration of acceptance of office.
The meeting was adjourned at 7.30pm and reconvened at 7.35pm.
The Speaker of the Council, Councillor Shafi Ahmed in the Chair
The incoming Speaker, Councillor Shafi Ahmed thanked the Council for electing him as Speaker, especially since he was a relatively new Councillor. He congratulated the outgoing speaker on a successful term in office and welcomed all new members, returning Members and the new Mayor on their election victories.
To support the Speaker in his role, he would be accompanied by his consorts:
• Abdul Alim and
• Saadiyah Ahmed.
He noted that these were difficult times. Therefore, it was important that the Council and the Borough worked together to continue to provide opportunities for everyone and promote an inclusive society. In view of this, he expressed a commitment in the year ahead to encourage community engagement and build respect and harmony across age and cultural divides.
Finally, the Speaker reported that he intended to support one charity dedicated to helping children with autism in the Borough. He would confirm at the next Council meeting his chosen charity.