Agenda item
The Council Procedure Rules provide for a maximum of four petitions to be discussed at an Ordinary Meeting of the Council.
The attached report presents the received petitions to be discussed. Should any additional petitions be received they will be listed to be noted but not discussed.
5.1 Petition regardingRefuse & Recycling is collected on time – Keep our streets clean
Michael Robinson and others addressed the meeting on behalf of the petitioners, and responded to questions from Members. Councillor Asma Islam, Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning, then responded to the matters raised in the petition.
It was noted that the Borough has faced a challenging period due the pandemic and Brexit, with difficulties in terms of staff sickness, and with a shortage of qualified drivers and repair issues with vehicles. A high level of waste had also been generated during the pandemic. However, she thanked staff for all their hard work and for continuing to deliver the service during the difficult period. To further improve the service, the Council had invested additional funding in a number of areas to provide:
· New Underground Waste Services vehicles.
· Resident and partner engagement initiatives, to raise awareness of waste and recycling issues.
· To tackle fly tipping and boost recycling
· To reduce missed collections.
She thanked the Petitioners for raising these very important issues.
1. That the petition be referred to the Corporate Director, Place for a written response within 28 days.
5.2 Petition regarding Say no to underpass closure and overdevelopment of Aberfeldy
Foysol Hussain and others addressed the meeting on behalf of the petitioners, and responded to questions from Members. Mayor John Biggs then responded to the matters raised in the petition. The Mayor advised that the Council engaged regularly with Poplar HARCA. The initial feedback from Poplar HARCA’s consultation on the planning proposals indicated that residents supported the proposals. However, the plans will need to be formally considered by the Council and the Strategic Development Committee in accordance with procedure rules.
The Mayor stated he was happy to meet with the Petitioners to discuss their issues further.
1. That the petition be referred to the Corporate Director, Place for a written response within 28 days.
5.3 Petition regarding prolonged road closure from Colliers (developer)
risks residents' lives
Shorif Ahmed and others addressed the meeting on behalf of the petitioners, and responded to questions from Members. Councillor Danny Hassell, Cabinet Member for Housing then responded to the matters raised in the petition.
It was noted that the development in Hanbury Street to provide 7 residential units and other works, was due to be completed soon. 25% of the lettings will be let to local residents. He also noted that it has been a difficult period for contractors, with issues with the availability of materials and labour. As a result of this, the works had been delayed. The Councill will however continue to review the measures in place to manage the works – and will continue to learn from these issues to mitigate the impact from future schemes.
He stated he was happy to meet with the Petitioners to discuss their issues further.
1. That the petition be referred to the Corporate Director, Place for a written response within 28 days.
5.4 Petition regarding New Riverboat Service at Wapping Pier
Dominic Buxton and others addressed the meeting on behalf of the petitioners, and responded to questions from Members. Mayor John Biggs then responded to the matters raised in the petition. The Mayor advised that whilst responsibility for this issues rested with third parties, not the Council, it was willing to explore the potential costs and benefits of the proposals to provide the new riverboat service.
1. That the petition be referred to the Corporate Director, Place for a written response within 28 days.
Procedural Motion:
Councillor Tarik Khan moved and Mayor John Biggs seconded, a procedural motion that “Council Procedure Rule 11.1 be suspended to enable an urgent motion on Ukraine to be considered at this point at the meeting”. The Speaker indicated that he accepted the reasons for urgency. The procedural motion was agreed. [The minute for this item is presented under Item 13.]
Supporting documents: