Agenda item
The Chief Executive provided his regular update regarding the following issues:
- Covid rates and Vaccines. As restrictions had relaxed, the Borough had seen a rise in case rates up by 29% and hospital admissions. Although the Borough remained significantly below the national average. This situation will be kept under review. 236,815 residents had received their first vaccine and 1800 booster jabs were given last week. The Council, working with the NHS, will continue to encourage take up of vaccines – including the booster vaccines and amongst young people and children.
- Continuing success at Awards. He congratulated the Growth and Economic Development Team on winning an award from the Federation of Small Businesses and London Council’s on their work in supporting local businesses in the pandemic. He was also pleased to report that the Council have recently been recognised in the following ways:
- Awarded Silver Status by Stonewall.
- Shortlisted for four LGC awards – in relation to public health, digital impact, growth and economic development and most improved council.
- Shortlisted in the Sustain Awards for the work of the pensions fund on sustainable investment.
- Reviews and Inspections. He provided an update on the Council’s participation in a forthcoming LGA Peer Review of Children’s Social Care and the communications service. He also advised of his work to assist LB Croydon with their preparations for a Mayoral System
- Staffing Issues. Paul Rock, the Chief Internal Auditor, would be leaving the Council to join Lambeth. Araan Winter would be taking over this role for a period. It was also noted that the Chief Executive of Tower Hamlets Homes, Susmita Sen, would be taking up a senior role at Croydon. They were thanked for their contributions to Tower Hamlets, and the Council wished them well for the future.
- Local Elections. The preparations for the May elections were gathering pace. Since this was the last Council meeting before the election, he expressed gratitude to the Councillors not standing for their contributions to the Borough. He also wished the those who were candidates in the election all the best.
- Regarding Ukraine, the Council stands ready to meet the needs of those arriving from the country.
Presentation from Isle of Dogs Pupil’s Parliament
At this point in the meeting, the Speaker agreed to change the order of business to accept a request from the Isle of Dogs Pupil’s Parliament to address the Council meeting on the issue of violent crime.
A number of the young representatives the addressed the meeting. They highlighted a range of issues discussed during their recent debates and responded to questions from Members. Some of the issues discussed included the following points:
- That tacking knife crime and violence was a top priority of the parliament
- Knife crime was everyone’s responsibility as well as the Police.
- Importance of raising awareness of mental health issues in young people.
- The need to promote kindness and provide help to those in need, both in terms of those experiencing physical and mental health issues.
- Need for more safety precautions.
- Suggested crime prevention measures
Councillor Mufeedah Bustin, Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion, responded to the representatives, highlighting that they had raised some very good points on an important issue. She also praised their confidence and noted that it was very important to listen to young people and their ideas. The Council thanked them for attending the meeting.