Agenda item
The review the Budget Proposals
The Committee is asked to review the main changes between the budget report that went to Cabinet on 18th January 2022 and the updated one that went to Cabinet on 9th January 2022 as summarised in the attached cover sheet.
The Committee was reminded that at its January meeting (See Minute 4.1 – 24th January 2022) Tower Hamlets Council - Agenda for Overview & Scrutiny Committee on Monday, 7th February, 2022, 6.30 p.m. they had (i) received and reviewed the Council's 2022-23 Budget Report and Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) 2022-25 as part of the 2022-23 budget setting process, (ii) examined the key issues and pressures facing the Council such as the growth pressures and the need for efficiencies to ensure financial sustainability going forward; and (iii) noted that further information had been added to the budget proposals, including information on the capital programme and the allocation of one-off growth funding. A summary of the discussions and feedback provided is outlined below:
The Committee:
v Considered the updated information and in view of the latest information provided, Members reiterated the argument’s that they had made following the first meeting (See Minute 4.1 and 4.2 – 24th January 2022) Tower Hamlets Council - Agenda for Overview & Scrutiny Committee on Monday, 7th February, 2022, 6.30 p.m.
v Agreed that it wished to see a more strategic and sustainable approach for the allocation of supplementary reserves.
v Placed on record that there should be a focus on investing more on fewer areas to ensure a more sustainable and tangible impact.
v Recommended that previously agreed savings for 2022-23 should be reviewed and consideration given to what is still necessary and what can be delayed.
v Recommended it would like further clarity on the Technology Enabled Care saving. The budget line/reference SAV/HAC 005/21-22. However, when the budget was agreed last year, this reference was used for the ‘reduction in service, partnership support and management – Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), Hate Crime and Community Safety Teams SAV.’ Accordingly, Members stated that they would like a note to understand whether this is a new saving or if it remains the old saving.
v Whilst pleased to see that additional investment that will be given to strengthen the resource and capacity of the Waste service. However, as part of the previously agreed savings for 2022-23, there was £100,000 for Waste Service reorganisation. Therefore, Members questioned whether this will be delayed or reprofiled for an additional year and would like further information on this.
v Indicated that it would like to see the previously agreed savings included in the final budget papers presented to Full Council to ensure full transparency and good governance.
As a result of a full and wide-ranging discussion on the budget proposals the Chair (i) thanked all those attendees for their contributions to the discussions on the changes to the MTFS; and (ii) moved and the Committee RESOLVED to:
1. Agree the following additional recommendations.
A. Recommendation 8: Provide OSC with a briefing note setting out the position of the Waste Services Reorganisation and the Technology Enabled Care Saving.
B. Recommendation 9: Include a list of the previously agreed savings for 2022-23 in the budget papers presented to Full Council.
Supporting documents:
- The review the Budget Proposals, item 3.1 PDF 102 KB
- Appendix 3A New Growth, Inflation and Changes to Existing Savings, item 3.1 PDF 314 KB
- MTFS 2022-25 - OSC 14-02-2022 - slides for Cllr R v3, item 3.1 PDF 243 KB
- osc 140222 allocation of one off growth, item 3.1 PDF 150 KB