Agenda item
Member Enquiries Policy and Process
Raj Chand, Director of Customer Services, introduced the report which proposed to improve the Council’s Member Enquiry (ME) Process with the new ME policy and process which simplifies existing protocols by reducing the number of steps interested parties needed to take in managing ME’s and also addressed historic issues around the delivery of the service. She explained that there had been extensive discussion since the report was previously considered at the General Purposes Committee meeting on 5th October 2021 where the decision was deferred pending a number of actions. It was noted that the report now included an update on the actions and progress that has been made since, it also provided an update on continued improvements of the member enquiry process that is being undertaken as part of the wider Information Governance Team and Service Review which was ongoing.
Ms Chand asked Members to note the report which recommends the Committee to adopt the new Member Enquiry Policy and Process which would in turn help improve the member enquiry process and provide improved outcomes for residents. Ms Chand took the opportunity to thank Members for their continuous engagement as part of this review and the ongoing progress made as a result of their input.
Councillor Golds expressed his discontent with the new policy and process based on his recent experiences of receiving delayed and poor-quality responses, and then briefly highlighted examples of the errors and inconsistencies in the process. Cllr Golds believed the system was poor and not fit for purposes and wished for his dissent against the proposal set out in the report to be noted.
Ms Chand welcomed the feedback and responded by referring the Committee to the actions set out in the report to improve the process which Members had been engaged in. She also highlighted the positive dialogue between the Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) and how having met with individual RSL’s had helped update data in order to improve the speed of responses, as well as this the actual system upgrade which would also help with the improvements set out.
Ms Chand explained that the new policy would ensure that Members are copied into responses and are also given direct case officer names from external agencies as well as officers that are dealing with cases within the Council, to allow Members to be able to contact the Officer dealing with the enquiry directly as well as using the Information Governance Service to be kept updated. Ms Chand concluded that this policy and process would be kept under continuous review so that it could be continuously improved for residents and Councillors.
The Committee acknowledged the concerns raised regarding the speed and quality of responses but were generally in agreement with the policy and process. It was noted from the update report that resources to deal with Member Enquires across the Information Governance team were being reviewed as part of the wider Information Governance Review which was taking place and additional support with the ME process had been arranged till May 2022. The Committee also welcomed the commitment made in terms of continuous review and improvement of the service to allow on-going scrutiny, maintenance and updating of the document. The Committee asked that good proactive monitoring be undertaken and that the sufficient capacity of staff for this area of work be monitored and kept under review.
On a vote of 3 for and 1 against it was AGREED, by a majority vote by the General Purposes Committee;
Councillor Peter Golds asked for his dissent to be recorded.
1. The report be noted.
2. That the Members Enquiry Policy and Process be adopted.
Supporting documents:
Member Enquiries Policy and Process, item 4.6
PDF 235 KB
Appendix. 1 for Member Enquiries Policy and Process, item 4.6
PDF 353 KB
Appendix. 2 for Member Enquiries Policy and Process, item 4.6
PDF 229 KB