Agenda item
Dismissal Appeals - Process and Guidance
- Meeting of General Purposes Committee, Tuesday, 5th October, 2021 6.00 p.m. (Item 4.4)
- View the background to item 4.4
Amanda Harcus, Divisional Director of HR, introduced the report which referred to a new dismissal appeals procedure. It was noted that a report was brought to the Committee in February 2021 and was followed by an in depth discussion with Members, Officers and Trade Unions resulting in the Committee asking management to reconsider options and report back to the committee with a different proposal. This took place in June 2021 and the General Purposes Committee supported the changes to the dismissal appeals panel to move to a model for a dismissal appeals panel to be supported by Members but with the decision maker being a Corporate Director.
The proposed process for conducting the dismissal appeal panels were detailed in the report as well as a proposed policy with best practises. Ms Harcus referred to submissions made by the Trade Unions which was circulated to Members at the meeting. She highlighted that the Trade Unions wanted it noted that their previous objections that were raised at General Purposes Committee in February remained with the view that the dismissal appeals should continue to be heard by a Member only panel. The trade unions also believed that it was important that this arrangement continues as it mitigates against organisational and institutional bias intending to always uphold management decisions and therefore ask the Committee to review the decision made in June to give sole responsibility to a Corporate Director. It was also noted that the Trade Unions had also given some really constructive feedback on the proposed policy which would be considered by Officers.
Ms Harcus then set out the approach for the process and put forward the proposal to implement the new policy from November 2021, she suggested implementing the new policy for a trial period of six months or over a set number of dismissal appeals and then review the policy again if Members were minded to do this.
In response to questions the following points were noted;
- Further clarification sought on the makeup of the proposed panel.
- That the proposed model of dismissal appeals would be moving in line with other boroughs across London.
- There would be a fair representation from all members of the panel however the final decision would be taken by the Chair of the panel (Corporate Director).
- The elected member on the panel would be selected from each political party on a rotational basis for each appeal.
Following a short discussion on the prosect of trialling this policy for a period of time, it was agreed that the policy be adopted, and it be reviewed after an 18 month period and for GPC to receive an update report on an annual basis.
Accordingly, the General Purposes Committee;
1. The revisions to the constitution to reflect the revised arrangements for appeals against dismissal, as set out in the report to GPC on 24th June 2021 be agreed.
2. The amendments to the relevant polices and procedures to reflect the changes to the appeals process for dismissals be agreed.
3. The new policy for dismissal appeals panel be adopted and the new arrangements to be implemented with effect from 1st November 2021
4. The policy to be reviewed after 18 months
5. The General Purposes Committee to receive an update report on an annual basis.
Supporting documents: