Agenda item
Mental Health Strategy Update
- Meeting of "Hybrid" Meeting, Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Board, Tuesday, 21st September, 2021 5.00 p.m. (Item 3.2)
- View the background to item 3.2
The Board received a presentation and a report providing an update on the work being carried out on the Mental Health Strategy.
The Board received a presentation on the Mental Health Strategy that proposed three key themes of focus for its five-year duration (2019-2024). |
- Theme 1 To raise awareness and understanding of the importance of mental health and wellbeing
- Theme 2 To ensure early help is available particularly in time of crisis
- Theme 3 To ensure the provision of high-quality mental health care and treatment
It was noted that a significant amount of work has been undertaken against these three themes in the last year and more is planned however due to the nature of the pandemic not all proposed actions have been taken forward in the way initially proposed. The presentation provided an update against these themes and their associated actions / outcomes with a particular focus on recovery from Covid-19. A summary of the questions and comments from the Board is set out below:
The Board
v Noted that the Safeguarding Adult Board agrees that the consideration of mental capacity is crucial at all stages of the safeguarding adults process as it provides a framework for decision making to balance independence and protection. Especially the interface between (i) mental health accommodation issues; (ii) poverty and related difficulties on road to recovery from Covid-19; (iii) substance misuse; and (iv) the layers of vulnerability that any vulnerable adult could have, not just those diagnosed with mental health conditions.
v Noted that the Safeguarding Adult Board was keen to collaborate with colleagues on the development of the Mental Health Strategy.
v Noted that in regard to talking therapies there is a specific programme of work being undertaken over the next few months to look at the particular barriers to access and under representation from older adults and individuals from the BAME communities and how the offer can be adjusted to address accessibility and representation (e.g. Bringing in organisations or individuals that can better represent people from those community groups). In addition, the public health response to the pandemic, will be the subject of continued analysis and commentary over the next 12 to 18 months especially addressing (i) inequalities and population health; (ii) reshaping the relationship between communities and public services (e.g. Talking Therapies); and (iii) co-production with local communities (e.g. Addressing the barriers for community elders and how to reach into communities and to facilitate discussions).
v Noted the development of Community Connectors (e.g. in the Somali and Bengali Communities) to help people in the Borough and their families or carers, to access community-level services and activities that will help them maintain independent lives and which help prevent their circumstances deteriorating to a point where they might need higher level health or social care services. The Community Connectors can also help support people when they return to home from hospital by helping other Third Sector services identify additional local services that may be needed.
v Noted that the East London NHS Foundation Trustin recognising that Covid has further exacerbated existing social, environmental, and economic inequalities are now collaborating with Professor Sir Michael Marmot and his team at University College to establish a programme of work to address inequalities and to become the first NHS Marmot Trust.
Accordingly, the Board resolved to:
1. Note the presentation; and 2. Agree that going forward in terms of the Strategy and the Black Asian Minority Ethnic inequalities action plan that both the staffing and clinical expertise profile needs to truly represents the local communities that they seek to serve. |
Supporting documents:
Cover Report - Mental Health Strategy update HWBB v2, item 3.2
PDF 235 KB
Appendices - Mental Health Strategy update HWBB, item 3.2
PDF 326 KB