Agenda item
Strategic Performance & Delivery Reporting - Q3 2020/21
- Meeting of Online 'Virtual' Meeting, Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Monday, 1st March, 2021 6.30 p.m. (Item 7.1)
- View the background to item 7.1
The Committee:
v Noted that 15 performance indicators have been met or are exceeding their target and 8 are between the target and the minimum expectation, while 13 are falling short. Whilst the remaining 20 indicators are data only measures, do not have an outturn this quarter or they are based on the annual residents’ survey which is due to take place in quarter 4.
v Noted that due to Covid some indicators for which data collection have been suspended or are not possible at present.
v Expressed concern that the number of adults supported into employment by the WorkPath service have fallen short of the minimum expectation as the labour market in the Borough continues to be particularly affected by the Covid and the lockdown measures to contain it. Also, like Inner London generally Tower Hamlets has experienced sharper decreases in those in paid employment when compared to Outer London.
v Noted that a greater proportion of Londoners across all age groups are now claiming unemployment related benefits compared with the rest of the Country.
v Expressed concern that younger people, especially those who have recently left education, have been especially hard hit by the economic impact of the pandemic. With youth unemployment increasing significantly.
v Stated that supporting and encouraging employers to provide opportunities for young people to access work experience, employment and training opportunities during this difficult period is vital. Previous recessions have highlighted the damaging long-term consequences of a period of unemployment when young to future earnings and employment outcomes, as well as on mental and physical health.
v Indicated their concern that in Quarter 2 the target for 22 per cent of household waste recycling was missed with only 19.8 per cent being achieved. However, officers (i) are redesigning the Service to improve recycling rates; (ii) are continuing to communicate the importance of recycling to residents and landlords to try and drive behavioural change; and (iii) can provide the Quarter 3 figures to the Committee once they become available.
v Noted that street cleansing service has been affected adversely by Covid as (i) a significant number of regular staff have been absent due to illness and/or self-isolation; and (ii) there has been a behavioural change in the Borough with people being at home has impacted on the cleanliness of local parks and seen the introduction of new technology to help identify hotspots and target resources to those areas quickly.
v Indicated that it was important to work with residents and businesses of Tower Hamlets to encourage and enable ways of dealing with waste
v Supported the Councils intention to collaborate with and provide leadership to businesses, housing associations and others that have a responsibility for managing waste.
v Recognised the challenges faced by the Service with (i) the number of businesses and people working in Tower Hamlets increasing; and (ii) 80 per cent of the population living in flats.
v Wanted the Service to think about food waste recycling from private blocks as well as from estates given the demand for this service from within private developments.
v Was informed that since the start of the pandemic, LBTH has provided food provisions to support residents in poverty. E.g. (i) processed 4,952 referrals to food banks and voluntary and community sector organisations supporting those residents experiencing food poverty; and (ii) in November agreed a grant of £100,000 to support the Tower Hamlets Credit Union and other initiatives to increase access to fair finance including the un-banked, under-banked and small businesses.
v Noted that LBTH have continued to target those groups most likely out of work and the Financial and benefits advice service is rapidly changing its offer to focus on the pandemic recovery.
v Wanted to know (i) what was considered the best way was to help people in need when seek help through the Council and its partner organisations in these difficult times with universal credit, rent, council tax, financial debts, and support with other needs; and (ii) how the Council works with other specialist organisations in the Borough who they can refer people to if needed.
In conclusion, the Chair:
1. Thanked Mayor John Biggs; Will Tuckley and Thorsten Dreyer for their presentation and to all members and guests for their contributions to the discussion on this topic; and
2. Indicated that Street Cleanliness; Universal Credit Benefit Maximisation; WorkPath and Advice Programmes should be added to the Committees Action Log.
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