Agenda item
Social Landlord Performance Report
- Meeting of Housing & Regeneration Scrutiny Sub Committee, Wednesday, 10th February, 2021 6.30 p.m. (Item 3.1)
- View the background to item 3.1
Shalim Uddin, Affordable Housing Coordinator, introduced the report which summarised quarterly performance data for 14 registered providers (RPs) within the borough and an update on the work of the THHF benchmarking group, which was in the process of revising a new set of KPI data, which is on target to be in place from quarter 1, 2021/22. Shalim provided a summary of the key achievements and challenges reflected in the report.
Pam Bhamra, chair of Tower Hamlets Housing Forum, provided further detail on the ongoing work of the THHF KPI sub group. Pam explained there is work in progress to address the comments made by the sub committee at the November meeting, including reviewing/agreeing KPIs; addition of narrative to explain exceptions and clear and unambiguous definitions of metrics to facilitate comparisons.
Further to the officer introduction, the sub committee made the following observations.
The sub committee:
· indicated continuing concerns with The format/presentation of the performance data which they felt:
· did not make it easy enough to identify quarter-on-quarter comparisons and trends for each of the providers,
· did not allow members to make fair comparisons of performance between providers
· did not include sufficient narrative enable any meaningful conclusions to be drawn from the data
· did not explain why there were exceptions/gaps in the data for some providers (the ‘N/A’ comments).
· was not reader-friendly.
Officers advised they would provide sub committee members with additional explanatory information that would help to interpret the performance data.
· noted the ongoing work of the THHF KPI sub group and that the final version of the THHF KPI handbook was yet to be published, but indicated they felt it was not necessary to wait until the sub group had concluded its work to make improvements to the presentation of the performance data.
· expressed dissatisfaction with the suggestion that the Covid19 impact was largely to blame for poor performance, as their experience suggested performance was inadequate in many areas prior to the pandemic.
· asked officers to explore if any registered providers with stock in LBTH that are not part of Tower Hamlets housing forum and, if so, how we could connect them to it.
· indicated the sub committee would write to the Mayor and Lead Member to highlight their concerns with the reporting quality of RP KPI data and ask them to obtain further clarification from the RPs on what exactly is recorded in the submitted performance information. Members felt this would help them to better fulfil their role of holding RPs to account.
Sue Hanlon and Sandra Fawcett from One Housing Group presented a supplementary part of the report, that provided the sub-committee with an overview of One Housing’s recent performance and its plans for the future. The presentation included an explanation of how One Housing has aimed to deliver its services during the lockdown period; the impact lockdown has had on its operations, and how it has affected One Housing Group’s KPIs.
Further to questions from members of the sub committee, Ms Hanlon and Ms Fawcett:
· Provided further detail on the recording and monitoring methods for Customer satisfaction data
· Explained how One Housing Group’s approach to mask-wearing. Residents and staff are encouraged to wear masks in communal areas.
· Confirmed that currently One Housing Group does not have a backlog of repairs, despite the impact of lockdown.
· Provided further detail on how One Housing Groups is responding and adapting to the challenges raised by the governance downgrade by the social housing regulator.
· Provided further detail on OHGs Customer first approach, which directs the way in which it engages with and involves residents, and a summary its plans to deliver this further
Further to the presentation and questions, the sub committee:
· Indicated concern with what they felt was very limited involvement of residents in One Housing Group’s decision making, governance and oversight. Members strongly encouraged the organisation to think about the benefits that greater involvement of residents in the Board’s governance structure might bring.
· Indicated dissatisfaction with the condition of some One Housing Group stock. Examples were provided of prolonged waits for repairs to roofing, heating systems and leaks.
RESOLVED that the sub committee:
1. Noted progress in the performance outturns achieved by individual social landlords and the overall performance trend.
2. Agreed to write to the Mayor and the cabinet member for housing to highlight its concerns with the performance data available to it on registered providers and recommend that the council should proactively engage with the RPs to ensure they record crucial PI data on their respective stock in Tower Hamlets.
Supporting documents:
Social Landlord Performance Report, item 3.1
PDF 247 KB
Appendix. 2 for Social Landlord Performance Report, item 3.1
PDF 315 KB
Presentation slides from One Housing Group, item 3.1