Agenda item
GLA Polls update – Thursday 6 May 2021
- Meeting of General Purposes Committee, Tuesday, 8th December, 2020 5.30 p.m. (Item 4.2)
- View the background to item 4.2
Robert Curtis, Head of Electoral Services, introduced the report which set out the administrative progress and preparation being undertaken for the Polls to be held on Thursday 6 May 2020.
Mr Curtis referred to the report and detailed the management hierarchy for the polls, the three different contests that made up the Greater London Authority (GLA) elections and the two local referendums. It was noted that details of the referendums would be detailed in a future report to GP Committee at its meeting in February 2021.
It was noted that following the suspension of the polls and the COVID 19 pandemic it had been necessary to keep in touch with all the stakeholders both external and internally. Mr Curtis explained that the ongoing preparations were reliant on significant risk assessments and project planning that has been going ahead as if the current COVID situation was going to be at the same rate at present. Infection rates would continue to be assessed in the new year to further assess what amendments will need to be made for the election.
To assist in the project planning and risk assessment, several meetings had been held and guidance continues to be updated and reviewed with a range of stakeholders. It was also noted that an internal Tower Hamlets Project Group chaired by Will Tuckley, Chief Executive and Returning Officer, will be convened, the makeup of this project team would include officers from;
- Legal
- IT
- Communication
- Facilities Management
- The Metropolitan Police
- The Electoral Commission
- Electoral Services
- Democratic Services.
It was noted that risk assessments are considerable and are being reviewed daily with all Returning Officers across London, who will be sharing what is perceived to be best practice for a COVID affected poll. It was also highlighted that postal voting could increase in double or triple due to electorates not wishing to visit polling stations, however there would be a better steer on this in January/February 2021 and an update on those figures and the number of electorates would be reported back to the Committee at its meeting in February.
During a brief discussion, the following was noted;
- That the Returning Officer would be looking into crowd control and intimidation outside polling stations, the relevant risk assessments would be done and discussed with the Metropolitan Police nearer to the time of the election and would also be raised at the TH project group as a priority.
- That the process for postal vote applications had changed and applications were now data matched with the Department of Work and Pensions, date of births and national insurance numbers.
- Postal votes would not be issued unless verified via these processes. This robust process had reduced the number of accusations of fraud.
- Clarification on registering to vote in two boroughs was sought and explained.
- That all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred for the GLA poll would be reimbursed by the GLA subject to a submission of expenses once the poll concluded.
Accordingly, the General Purposes Committee
1. To note the report.
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