Agenda item
- Meeting of Online 'Virtual' Meeting, Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Monday, 27th July, 2020 6.30 p.m. (Item 6.)
- View the background to item 6.
The Committee received an update from Councillor Dan Tomlinson (Cabinet Member, Environment and the Public Realm) and Dan Jones, (Divisional Director, Public Realm) on the Liveable Streets programme.
Councillor Tomlinson advised of the key objective of the scheme, which can be summarised as follows:
- to improve the look and feel of public spaces.
- to improve the environment to encourage more walking and cycling.
- to significantly reduce cut through traffic on local residential streets, through for example, identifying and consulting on the use of more suitable routes for such traffic.
He also gave an overview of the following issues:
- The progress in meeting the timetable, highlighting the delays in carrying out the work for certain areas due in main to COVID-19. A number of projects remained broadly on schedule. It was anticipated that, due to the work to catch up, projects should still be completed on time. However, extensions to timeframes have been agreed where necessary.
- The TfL decision regarding the funding of the scheme. There would be a report to the Cabinet in September 2020 on the funding for the project.
- The consultation exercise.
The full presentation was available on the Council’s website.
In response to the presentation, the following points were discussed:
- In relation to the consultation, the Committee noted the checks carried out on responses to identify the number of local responses.
- Further details of the responses received can be provided to the Committee Members.
- The importance of the Council taking a proactive approach to its communications for the scheme.
- It was noted that the Council sought to reach out to the community in a number of ways. In relation to this, Councillor Tomlinson highlighted the work of Councillors in engaging with the local community on the scheme. Other activities included: posting out hard copies of leaflets on the proposals to households, holding workshops and engaging with key stakeholders and groups that would be most affected by any changes. In line with other schemes, Community language leaflets could be provided if there was demand for these.
- The implications of the TfL decision on the budget. As a result of this, it was noted that it may be necessary to review the programme in light of this. The Council was still in the process of reviewing the funding for the scheme. A report on the Liveable Streets programme and the funding for it was due to be considered by the Cabinet in September 2020. The Committee noted that they should look out for the capital programme report to identify how the Liveable Streets programme is included.
- The impact of the traffic diversions on low income families and social housing. Members were keen to ensure that it did not adversely affect particular groups.
- In response Councillor Tomlinson stated that he was mindful of the need to take into account the different needs of residents, and to seek a balance between this and meeting the aims of the scheme. He underlined his commitment to carefully consider the consultation responses before taking any decision. The impact from for example road closures were constantly reviewed.
- That the Council’s engaged with Housing Associations and Registered Social Landlords to coordinate work, and more details can be provided on this.
- That need for risk assessments for emergency access routes. The Council always worked to ensure that the Emergency Services were consulted and had no objections to proposals.
- The decision to focus on the roads most in need in improvement. The Council could still make improvements to roads not in this scheme.
- The measures to provide CCTV and control speeding cars.
- It was confirmed that the focus of the scheme mainly concerned improving local streets. However, the enhancements should also help address ASB, for example the Barkentine proposals sought to provide CCTV. Further consideration can also be given to ways the plans may help prevent ASB.
- The e-petition published on the Council’s website on road closures.
- It was felt that it would be helpful if the Council could consider this Petition before the Cabinet meeting where the decision on the scheme was taken scheduled for September 2020.
- The scheme would be regularly monitored and reviewed.
- Councillor Dan Tomlinson reported that he was happy to provide an update on the programme at future meeting.
The Committee thanked Councillor Dan Tomlinson for his presentation.
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