Agenda item
Air Quality Governance
The Board noted that in 2017 the Cabinet had approved an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) that set out the action that the Council will take to improve air quality within the Borough over a 5 year period 2017-2022. The main points of the discussion are outlined below:
The Board:
- Was advised that an Air Quality Partnership Board (AQPB) was created to oversee the monitoring and delivery of agreed actions;
- Noted that at Cabinet on 31 July, 2019 Mayor Biggs in Cabinet had resolved to move the governance of the AQAP to the Health & Wellbeing Board (HWB) which would then oversee the Air Quality Delivery Plan for the final years of the Air Quality Action Plan to address targeted action on the most affected areas;
- The Board noted that this report sought to inform the Board of the various actions the Council is taking to tackle poor air quality in the borough;
- Noted Evidence on the effects of long-term exposure to traffic pollution with especially for those living in areas with the highest socioeconomic deprivation. The relatively greater vulnerability of the most deprived populations has important implications for public health in LBTH;
- Was advised that the LBTH the Liveable Streets programme aims to improve the look and feel of public spaces in neighbourhoods across the borough and make it easier, safer, and more convenient to get around by foot, bike and public transport;
- Noted that LBTH want to reduce people making ‘rat runs’ and shortcuts through residential streets to encourage more sustainable journeys and to improve air quality and road safety e.g. the increase use of bikes by patients or simply walking to the Health Centres instead of getting in their cars;
- Noted that LBTH and its partnerswill be looking at the practicalities of reducing journeys to hospitals, there evidence is needed that will drive that change;
- Wanted more information on the impact of 20 mph limit and raising awareness around the number of deaths due to pollution each year;
- Want to raise awareness to mounting evidence that vehicles provide little protection from harmful traffic pollution, and drivers and their passengers may even be exposed to higher levels than on the road outside. It is especially important to understand the impacts of air pollution on professional motorists such as taxi and lorry drivers, who spend many hours behind the wheel each day;
- Want this report to be presented to the CCG Well Board;
- Agreed that the Council and its partners need to (i) look at how staff can understand how they use their cars for work too; (ii) consider why people will not’ exercise because of pollution; (iii) local people working to address pollution in their areas need to be listened to too so do not feel ignored; (iv) Look at the impact of population on the economy; and
- Agreed that it was important to recognise that many residents feel their children’s breathing issues are more the result of damp over crowed homes than pollution.
The Chair Moved and it was RESOLVED that:
- Housing Associations have role in looking at the condition of their stock e.g. condensation/dampness to health issues;
- Bart’s Health commitment to addressing such health issues especially for young children needs to be recognised;
- The Board needs to collectively raise the profile of this issue with the public;
- Need to repeat this message time and time again and in many ways; also need to think about the use of aerosols and the impact that they have in the home;
- Need to personalise the message tell people about the pollution levels in the home;
- Need to look at the reasoning behind road closures and roll out those out the rationale to raise awareness; and
- There is a need to look at the funding to increase use of bicycles and public transport and draw in other agencies to raise this awareness and to draw down more funds.
Supporting documents:
Air quality Report to HWBv3 nov 19, item 4.3
PDF 346 KB
Appendix 1- Tower Hamlets Air Quality Management Order, item 4.3
PDF 103 KB
Appendix 2 - LBTH Air Quality Action Plan 2017-2022, item 4.3
PDF 807 KB
Appendix 3- Tower Hamlets ASR 2018 GLA Acceptance, item 4.3
Appendix 4- Draft Air Quality Delivery Plan, item 4.3
Appendix 4- Draft Air Quality Delivery Plan part 2, item 4.3
Appendix 5- Tower Hamlets Mayor's Air Quality Funded Projects, item 4.3
PDF 132 KB