The above link takes you to the current
Constitution as agreed by Council.
This Constitution sets out how the Council operates, how
decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure
that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local
people. Some of these processes are required by the law, while
others are a matter for the Council to determine.
The Constitution is divided into four parts:
Part A
Introduction and explanations as well as top-level
decision-making information such as the Budget and Policy Framework
and Key Decision thresholds, and the list of Council Committees.
This section also sets out the Council structure and senior
Part B
This includes most high-level information in areas such as
Corporate Delegations, Council meeting procedures (including the
Petition Scheme), Executive and Scrutiny arrangements and Access to
Part C
This section contains Codes and Protocols such as the
Member Code of Conduct (including information about Registers of
Interest and receipt of gifts and hospitality), Financial
Regulations, Planning and Licensing Codes, and the Member
Allowances Scheme.
Part D
This section contains supplementary information to the main
constitution including Corporate Financial Delegations, Directorate
Schemes of Delegation, Meeting Procedures, the Filming Protocol and
The Constitution is periodically updated to
ensure that it incorporates current legislation and reflects the
Councils local choice functions and any other necessary