Agenda and minutes
Venue: Room C1, 1st Floor, Town Hall, Mulberry Place, London E14 2BG
Contact: Antonella Burgio, Democratic Services, Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: An apology for lateness was received on behalf of Councillor Whitelock-Gibbs.
Councillors Edgar and Islam each submitted an apology for leaving early.
The Board also noted an apology for lateness from Debbie Jones, Corporate Director for Children’s Services.
DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTEREST PDF 68 KB To note any declarations of interest made by Members, including those restricting Members from voting on the questions detailed in Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992. See attached note from the Monitoring Officer. Minutes: No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were declared.
UNRESTRICTED MINUTES To confirm as a correct record of the proceedings the unrestricted minutes of the meeting held on 18 December 2018. (To follow) Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were deferred.
VARY ORDER OF BUSINESS The Chair moved and it was agreed that the order of business be varied. The business of the meeting was discussed in the following order: Item, 5, 6, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10. For ease of reference the minutes are printed in the published agenda order.
BEST VALUE IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2017-18 -Year End Report PDF 122 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Senior Strategy, Policy and Performance Officer presented the report which informed the Board of progress against the delivery of the Council’s Best Value Improvement Plan 2017-18. The Board noted that 79% of the activities in the Plan were complete or on target for completion and those which were overdue or delayed included a report of mitigating actions.
Some of the highlight achievements reported for 2017/18 include: · Regular planning meetings for the Mayoral and local elections with a comprehensive count plan and training being developed for count staff and poll clerks. Count location confirmed as Excel Centre and enhanced security arrangements agreed for count and polling stations in partnership with the police; · Agreed piloting of enhanced Postal Voting scheme with the Cabinet Office; · New Communications Strategy adopted in 2017 · Weekly staff email newsletter with growing open rates and interaction with articles and an Intranet project manager appointed to drive improvements; · Introduction of dedicated poster sites and information screens in council buildings to improve communication with staff and visiting public; · Media consumption survey informing how to communicate more effectively with different audiences and an increased sign-up to e-newsletters; · Move from weekly printed public newsletter to more focussed communications supporting thematic messages and projects; · Revised governance structure to manage council owned property enabling the use of vacant buildings for housing and commercial use; · 4 sites identified for use as community hubs; · Grants management in partnership with local Voluntary and Community Sector and system mapping completed to enable new GIFTS software; · Mainstream grants monitored by Grants Scrutiny Committee and Grants Determination Committee; · Revised “TOWER” core values - Together, Open, Willing Excellent Respect -devised in consultation with staff and adopted; · Staff Survey and Staff Wellbeing Survey completed; · Refreshed Member/Officer Protocol and Whistleblowing Policy developed and adopted; · Transformation programme actively engaging staff.
The Board noted the updates presented around each of the Plan themes and that due to timescales some projects had been delayed.
2. That the revised milestone timescales in the improvement plan attached as appendix 2 be approved.
SPOTLIGHT - Grants To receive a presentation. Minutes: Corporate Director, Resources presented a Best Value Spotlight on Grants outlining information on the following areas: aims and objectives, key achievements and their expected impact, on-going work and future aims/targets.
The Board heard that: · 90% of the recommendations of the Best Value Plan (BVP) had been implemented · A review of the Third Sector Team had been completed and a restructure proposal has been consulted on and a final structure agreed for implementation. · A web based grants system was being implemented that would provide greater functionality in terms of monitoring and reporting and would be more accessible for grant recipients and members.Grants Scrutiny Sub-Committee (GSSC) had broadened its scope of engagement to include a wider grant-related remit. Under this, a review into recreational activities for young people had recently been completed. · The grants framework would move towards commissioning. Strategy Policy and Performance officers were working on this framework with Tower Hamlets VCS and co-production was at the heart of the new arrangement; this would also include a Voluntary Sector Compact and Grants Policy. · The next steps would include a review of GSSC, development of a GSSC work programme for the new municipal year and implementation of the remaining BVP actions.
The Board noted:
The Board: · Asked that the action plan outcomes be linked to the individual actions in the report. · Noted that not all voluntary sector organisations would be able to deliver under a commissioned arrangement, asked that officers review/investigate what mechanisms would be suitable to deliver an appropriately balanced grant-making - commissioning environment to support a wide scope of voluntary sector projects. · Asked that signposts are conveyed to Ward Councillors so that they also might mediate engagement between voluntary sector organisations and the Council.
1. That the presentation be noted. 2. That the actions arising from the discussion be referred onward and taken forward.
Action by: Z. Cooke, Corporate Director, Resources
ICT TRANSFORMATION To receive a presentation Minutes: The Divisional Director, Information Technology presented an update on the transformation programme to deliver improvements in the Council’s ICT arrangements across the organisation.
The Board heard that:
The Board noted:
The Board asked:
1. That the presentation be noted. 2. That the actions arising from the discussion be referred onward and taken forward.
Action by: A. Gorst, Divisional Director, IT
CHILDREN'S SERVICES IMPROVEMENT- Progress Report PDF 165 KB Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Education and Children's Services introduced the report which provided an update on progress in delivering improvements to Children’s Services arising from the OFSTED report in April 2017.
The Board heard that:
The Board noted:
The Board asked:
1. That the progress made in delivering the children’s services improvement programme be noted. 2. That the next steps in the improvement journey which will be updated on in the next report be noted. 3. That the actions arising from the discussion be referred onward and taken forward.
Action by: D. Jones, Corporate Director, Children's Services
CLEAR UP PROJECT - Recommendations Implementation PDF 64 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Corporate Director, Governance and Monitoring Officer introduced the report which provided the Board with an update on progress on the recommendations for further action arising out of the Clear Up Report.
The Board heard that the majority of actions recommended were now complete and therefore the projects to which the actions related were now closed. Projects with actions outstanding relating to HR have been deferred until after the local elections.
The Board noted the progress reported.
That the report be noted.
LGA CORPORATE PEER CHALLENGE PDF 154 KB Minutes: The Senior Strategy, Policy and Performance Officer presented the report which informed the Board of the scoping of the Peer Challenge and arrangements for delivery.
The Board noted:
The Board asked:
The Board thanked the Independent Representative and Local Government Association Representative for their contribution to the planning of the Peer Challenge.
1. That the key areas of focus for the scope for the peer challenge as detailed in paragraph 3.4 be noted. 2. That the actions requested in the above minute relating to providing evidence and input into the council’s position statement and supporting documents according to the enclosed timeline with particular reference to lead officers highlighted in paragraphs 3.2 and 3.5 be taken forward. 3. That Board Members commit to work with councillors, key officers and stakeholders to ensure attendance and participation in interviews and discussions with the LGA Peer Challenge Team during the on-site element of the Peer Challenge in the week commencing 18th June 2018. 4. That the progress made with the preparation for the Peer Challenge and the revised timeline to delivering the Peer Challenge included in paragraph 3.6 be noted.
Action by: William Tompsett, Senior Strategy, Policy and Performance Officer