Agenda, decisions and draft minutes
Venue: Committee Room One - Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG. View directions
Contact: Zoe Folley, Committee Services Officer Email:; 020 7364 4877
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Councillor Sirajul Islam.
DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS PDF 117 KB Minutes: Councillor Asma Begum declared a Non-DPI interest in Agenda Item 6.1 This was on the basis that Councillor Tarik Khan was a Trustee of Tower Hamlets Youth Sports Foundation.
Councillor Tarik Khan declared a Non-DPI interest in Agenda Item 6.1. This was on the basis that he was a Trustee of Tower Hamlets Youth Sports Foundation
Councillor Sabina Akhtar declared a Non-DPI interest in agenda items as she knew some of the organisations listed in the agenda.
Councillor Candida Ronald declared a Non-DPI Interest in agenda item 6.6 Wood Wharf Health Centre. This was because she was a Trustee of the Island Health Medical Trust that had a Trust in Blackwall |
UNRESTRICTED MINUTES PDF 165 KB To confirm as a correct record of the proceedings the unrestricted minutes of the meeting held on 3rd July 2019. Minutes: DECISION:
The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd July 2019 were presented and approved as a correct record of proceedings.
CONSIDERATION OF PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS Consideration of any written comments received from members of the public in relation to any of the reports on the agenda.
[Any submissions should be sent to the clerk listed on the agenda front page by 5pm the day before the meeting]
Minutes: There were none. |
EXERCISE OF MAYORAL DISCRETIONS To note for information individual decisions relating to the award of grants that have been taken by the Mayor the last meeting.
Minutes: None |
OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE- ADVICE OF KEY ISSUES AND QUESTIONS PDF 447 KB Minutes: Councillor Tarik Khan (Scrutiny Lead for Resources) presented the feedback from Overview Scrutiny Committee Members during each of the items. |
Local Community Fund PDF 293 KB Minutes: Afazul Hoque, (Head of Corporate Strategy & Policy) presented the report setting out proposals for implementing the mitigating actions identified for the Local Community Fund agreed at Cabinet on 31st July 2019 including the extension of mainstream grants (MSG) funding for community language strand and for lunch club from 1 October 2019 to 31 March 2020. Appendix A listed the funding proposals. It was noted the 4 organisations that had been successful in securing LCF funding had not been listed. He also provided an update on the MSG transitional Arrangements and Equality Mitigation actions as set out in Appendix B.
Councillor Tarik Khan (Scrutiny Lead, Resources) advised of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s questions on this report regarding: the duplication of funding in terms of organisations recommended for LCF funding and the availability of support to organisations unsuccessful in the LCF process. It was noted that the written responses to these questions had been circulated and would be published on line.
In response to questions about the feedback and support provided to unsuccessful applicants, it was noted that Officers had provided feedback to such organisations and were waiting for few organisations to confirm their availability to meet. The Council was also actively working with the THCVS, (who they have commissioned to provide capacity support) to help organisations with business planning and applying for appropriate grant funding. Applications for funding from the Emergency Funding scheme were assessed on a case by basis against the revised criteria agreed by the Grants Determination Sub Committee. Unforeseen circumstances could include issues arising from the LCF.
The mitigations measures included support for maintaining participation and access for BME Communities.
In response to further questions from the Sub – Committee, Officers agreed to bring a further report to the next meeting of the Grants Determination Sub Committee on:
In response to questions about ‘hard to reach groups’, Officers reported that they would explore with the TH CVS, the option of providing a more tailored service. Officers would also check the following theme to clarify the focus of this.
· ‘provision for early years age children or pregnant and new mothers’
1. Agree to extend funding to the organisations listed at Appendix A at the current level of funding under the council’s mainstream grants programme (MSG) for a period of six months from 1st October 2019 to 31st March 2020, subject to the same funding conditions as those in place for MSG funding and also subject to continued satisfactory performance.
2. To note the progress relating to thetransitional arrangements and equality mitigation ... view the full minutes text for item 7.1 |
ESF Community Employment programme update PDF 268 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Robert Mee (Interim Voluntary & Community Sector Team Manager) presented the update report on grants that have been awarded through the European Social Fund (ESF) Community Employment Programme which is co-financed through the European Union and administered by London Councils. The reported included a closure report for round 1 and updates on rounds 2 and 3, the latter was the final round.
Councillor Tarik Khan advised of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s questions on this report. These related to: the use of unallocated funding. Written responses to these questions would be provided and published on line.
In response, Officers advised that they had yet to formulate proposals on the use the unallocated funded, (once it had been returned to the Corporate Match funding budget for community projects). It was possible that the funding may be allocated towards funding community groups and to help mitigate any impacts from the LCF. Given this, Officers advised that they intended to wait for further information on the impact of the LCF mitigations measures, before formulating plans.
The Sub – Committee also agreed with the Officers proposals to not participate in round 4.
1. Note the organisations and projects provisionally funded through Round 3 of the ESF Community Grants Programme as detailed in 3.8 and 3.9 of the report.
2. Note the update on the outcome of Round 1 as detailed in 3.4 and 3.5 and Appendix 1.
3. Note the progress of projects funded in Round 2 as detailed in 3.6 and 3.7 and Appendix 2.
Community Benefit Rent Reduction update PDF 277 KB Minutes: Robert Mee (Interim Voluntary & Community Sector Team Manager) presented the report on grants that have been awarded by the Community Benefit Rent Reduction Panel at its meetings on 6 February and 3 July 2019. 7 organisations had been successful in gaining funding for the 80% rent reduction.
Councillor Tarik Khan advised of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s questions on this report. These related to the requirements around the provision of evidence demonstrating a projects commitment to the Equality Act 2010 in their application. It was noted that written responses to the questions would be circulated and published on line.
In response, Officers provided assurances about the requirements in relation to this. It was confirmed that projects were required to show that they had achieved a quality standard or accreditation. Equalities and diversity are assessed as part of these standards, for example the Matrix Standard.
In response to questions about the publicity arrangements, Officers outlined how the projects were identified. In particularly, they highlighted the role of the Council’s Asset Management Team in identifying projects that met the criteria for the rent reduction scheme and providing information on the scheme.
1. Note the organisations and projects funded through the LBTH Community Benefit Rent Reduction Scheme as detailed in 3.6 of the report.
MSG Project Performance Report - Extension Period 03 (April to June 2019) PDF 271 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Robert Mee (Interim Voluntary & Community Sector Team Manager) presented the report. The report covered red and amber performance rated projects for the extension period April to June 2019.
Councillor Tarik Khan (Scrutiny Lead Resources) advised of the Overview and Scrutiny’s Committee’s question on this report. This related to the need to provide additional resources to manage the Toynbee Hall, Wellbeing in Tower Hamlets project improvement plan– which was Amber rated.
In response, it was confirmed that Officers worked with groups that underachieved to develop improvement plans. Officers would continue to provide support to the Toynbee Hall project by way of helping them to deliver the revised targets, (agreed for the extension period). There has been no indication that the organisation is using additional resources for this.
1. Note the performance of the Mainstream Grants (MSG) programme as set out in 3.3 – 3.6 and the premises update 3.7 – 3.9 of the report
Schools Energy Retrofit Programme - Phase 2 PDF 466 KB Minutes: Abdul J Khan, (Service Manager – Energy Sustainability & Private Sector Housing) and David Esdaile, (Environmental Sustainability Officer) presented the report regarding the deliver the Schools Energy Retrofit Programme.
Councillor Tarik Khan (Scrutiny Lead Resources) advised of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s questions on this report. These related to: the work that had been carried out to ensure all schools are aware of the opportunities, the plans to tackle schools who may be in greater need and the support provided to schools to apply for the funding.
In response, Officers advised of how the Council publicised the initiatives to schools, through school bulletins for example. The application process provided a window for schools to raise expressions of interests and allow smaller schools to prepare applications. Officers also provided technical support to help schools with their applications. Regarding the targeting of particular schools, it was noted that the funding was available to all schools - given that the primary aim of the initiative was to reduce carbon emissions.
Officers would provide a list of all the schools funded.
Officers also outlined a number of the other carbon reduction grant programmes to support Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and community centres.
1. Approve the grant funding of £250,000 to deliver the Schools Energy Retrofit Programme.
1. Delegate Officer Authority to the Service Manager for Energy, Sustainability & Private Sector Housing to approve grants up to £30,000
Additional documents:
Minutes: Matthew Quin, (Healthy Environment’s Programme Lead, Public Health), presented the report relating to the release of an additional £2,055,526 of funding to NHS Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). He advised of the need for the request to meet the additional unforeseen costs set out in the report. This project would enable the treatment of additional patients and provide high quality health facilities.
Councillor Tarik Khan (Scrutiny Lead Resources) advised of the Overview and Scrutiny’s Committee’s questions on the report. These related to: the key difference between the council’s internal estimate and the consultants and the actions that have been undertaken to prevent this type of deficit occurring again. Written responses to these questions would be circulated and published on line.
The Sub - Committee also asked questions about the escalation in the costs of the project, and asked about the work that had been carried out to ensure the request was reasonable. Members also discussed the consequences of not agreeing this funding for the project. Members also noted the need for new health facilities in this area.
In response, Officers confirmed that the Tower Hamlets CCG supplied the original cost estimates based on an in house assessment, to progress the application for LBTH support. The estimates were subsequently revised at the design stage. TH CCG have now taken steps to prevent such requests, and the Council’s Infrastructure and Viability Team felt this was request was justifiable.
Officers also provided reassurances about the revised costs report, due to the appointment of an international design and construction consultancy as costs and design consultants.
1. To approve the additional grant funding of £2,055,526 from £4,824,474 (incl. VAT) to £6,880,000.00 (incl. VAT).
Additional documents: Minutes: Matthew Quin, (Healthy Environment’s Programme Lead, Public Health), presented the report relating to the grant funding of £5,780,000.00 to provide a modern health facility within the Wood Wharf development.
Councillor Tarik Khan advised of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s Questions on this report. These related to the costs of the project, how it had been calculated and whether the CCG were obliged to return any underspend to the Council. Written responses to these questions would be circulated and published on line.
In response, Officers provided details of the cost assessment - based on benchmarking information to identify lessons learnt. The costs included funding for a variety of facilities and full details of which would be set out in the supplemental agenda with the written responses. As the Council only pay based on invoices, the Council would only pay for spend incurred and any residual balances would be retained and reprogrammed.
1. To approve the grant funding of £5,780,000.00 to provide a modern health facility within the Wood Wharf development. This will provide sufficient capacity to meet projected population demand and support the introduction of new models of care to deliver a broader range of integrated primary care and community health services to the local community.