Agenda, decisions and minutes
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Contact: Matthew Mannion, Democratic Services Tel: 020 7364 4651, E-mail:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND OTHER INTERESTS Members are reminded to consider the categories of interest, identified in the Code of Conduct for Members to determine; whether they have an interest in any agenda item and any action they should take. For further details, see the attached note from the Monitoring Officer.
Members are also reminded to declare the nature of the interest at the earliest opportunity and the agenda item it relates to. Please note that ultimately it is the Members’ responsibility to identify any interests and also update their register of interests form as required by the Code.
If in doubt as to the nature of an interest, you are advised to seek advice prior to the meeting by contacting the Monitoring Officer or Democratic Services.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
UNRESTRICTED MINUTES The unrestricted minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 21 February 2024 are presented for approval. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the unrestricted minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on Wednesday 21 February 2024 be approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record of proceedings.
ANNOUNCEMENTS (if any) FROM THE MAYOR Additional documents: Minutes: Stephen Halsey, Chief Executive, announced that:
The Best Value inspection is progressing well and is in its fourth week. The inspection is scheduled to last for twelve weeks and the inspectors have been meeting with various individuals.
The Mayor chaired two appointment sub committees for the Corporate Director of Children Services and the Corporate Director of Health and Adult Social Care and shortlisting is currently taking place.
The Council has been shortlisted for nine LGC awards and the Council won two awards at the previous weeks national civil trust awards held in Manchester.
OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Additional documents: |
Chair's Advice of Key Issues or Questions Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) to report on any issues raised by the OSC in relation to unrestricted business to be considered.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Musthak Ahmed, Chair Overview and Scrutiny Committee addressed the meeting on behalf of the Committee. He provided the Mayor and Cabinet with an overview of the Committee’s previous meeting including the Committees comments on the two quarterly reports being consider at todays meeting of the Cabinet and the Council’s progress and challenges in become a net zero Council. Councillor Ahmed thanked officers and members of the Cabinet that attended the Committee to help with the discussions of those topics.
The Mayor thanked Councillor Ahmed and the rest of the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee in the role that they play in ensuring that the Council has checks and balances and for the work that they do. |
Any Unrestricted Decisions "Called in" by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Under provisions of Section 30, Rule 59 of the Constitution). Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Fixed Penalty Notice Increase for Environmental Crime Additional documents: Decision: DECISION:
1. To adopt new levels for fixed penalty notices (FPNs) for offences related to littering, graffiti/fly-posting, fly-tipping, and breach of the household waste duty of care and to set discount levels and periods as detailed in the table below.
Action by: CORPORATE DIRECTOR COMMUNITIES (S.BAXTER) Interim Director Public Realm (A. Ali), Minutes: Councillor Kabir Hussain, Cabinet Member for Environment and the Climate Emergency, introduced the report that asked the Mayor in Cabinet to agree new levels for fixed penalty notices (FPNs) for offences related to littering, graffiti/fly-posting, fly-tipping, and breach of the household waste duty of care. The report also asked to Mayor in Cabinet to set new discount levels and periods for those FPNs. Ashraf Ali, Director of Public Realm provided further detail.
The Cabinet welcomed the report but asked officers to make sure that residents are clearly communicated about the changes in the levels.
The Mayor welcomed the report and the benefits to the Council and residents in deterring the offences that FPNs cover and keeping the Council a cleaner borough. The Mayor echoed the Cabinet comments on making sure that all residents are communicated these changes. The Mayor also asked that officers look into the locations of bins in the borough and whether they are in the correct place.
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet:
1. Agrees to adopt new levels for fixed penalty notices (FPNs) for offences related to littering, graffiti/fly-posting, fly-tipping, and breach of the household waste duty of care and to set discount levels and periods as detailed in the table below.
Budget Monitoring 23/24 Quarter 3 Additional documents:
Decision: DECISION:
1. Note the council’s position and consequent forecast outturn as at 31st December 2023, against General Fund Budget (£0.1m underspend) Dedicated Schools Grant Budget (£0.3m overspend), Housing Revenue Account (£0.1m underspend).
2. Note the actions taken to date to address the demand pressures as set out in Appendix A to the report, Section 3.2.
3. Note the progress made against the 2023-24 savings targets, based on forecasts as of 31st December 2023.
4. Note the council’s forecast outturn position against General Fund and Housing Revenue Account capital programme approved budgets for 2023-24, based on forecasts as of 31st December 2023.
5. Approve the anticipated net slippages of £6.7m and net overspends of £2.6m across the General Fund capital programme and net slippages of £7.2m and net overspends of £0.1m across the Housing Revenue Account capital programme as detailed in sections 3.13 and 3.14 of the report.
6. Note that there are no equalities implications directly resulting from this report, as set out in Section 4 of the report.
Action by: CORPORATE DIRECTOR RESOURCES (J. LORRAINE) Director of Finance, Procurement and Audit (A. Kassim)
Minutes: Councillor Saied Ahmed, Cabinet Member for Resources and the Cost of Living, introduced the report that introduced the report that presented the forecast year end outturn compared to the budget as of 31st December 2023 (Period 9/Quarter 3) for the General Fund, Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG), Housing Revenue Account (HRA), progress against savings targets, the council’s capital programme and provides projections on General Fund earmarked reserves.
Cabinet members and relevant corporate directors introduced the key variances that fell within their portfolio areas and explained the drivers for each.
The Mayor thanked officers for the report and all the work they have done and asked officers to make sure that any variances in budgets going forward are report to the Cabinet as soon as possible.
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet.
1. Notes the council’s position and consequent forecast outturn as at 31st December 2023, against General Fund Budget (£0.1m underspend) Dedicated Schools Grant Budget (£0.3m overspend), Housing Revenue Account (£0.1m underspend).
2. Notes the actions taken to date to address the demand pressures as set out in Appendix A to the report, Section 3.2.
3. Notes the progress made against the 2023-24 savings targets, based on forecasts as of 31st December 2023.
4. Notes the council’s forecast outturn position against General Fund and Housing Revenue Account capital programme approved budgets for 2023-24, based on forecasts as of 31st December 2023.
5. Approves the anticipated net slippages of £6.7m and net overspends of £2.6m across the General Fund capital programme and net slippages of £7.2m and net overspends of £0.1m across the Housing Revenue Account capital programme as detailed in sections 3.13 and 3.14 of the report submitted.
6. Notes that there are no equalities implications directly resulting from this report, as set out in Section 4 of the report submitted.
Strategic Delivery and Performance Report Year 2 Quarter 3 Additional documents: Decision: DECISION:
1. Note the strategic delivery and performance report for Q3 covering the period of 1st October 2023 to 30th December 2023.
2. Note the measures in Q3 tracking the delivery of Year 2 of the Strategic Plan 2023-2024 (See Appendix A to the report).
Action by DIRECTOR STRATEGY, IMPROVEMENT AND PERFORMANCE (R. BEATTIE) Data Analytics, Business Intelligence & Performance Lead (D. Plumer) Minutes: Councillor Saied Ahmed, Cabinet Member for Resources and the Cost of Living, introduced the report that provided the Mayor in Cabinet with a Quarter 3 monitoring update of Year 2 Annual Delivery Plan 2023-24 performance measures. Councillor Ahmed outlines some of the key achievements from the past quarter, as well as some areas where the Council continued to experience challenge in meeting in targets.
The Mayor welcomed the report and noted the successful performance measures. With respect to the seven red, he invited lead members, supported by relevant corporate directors, to provide explanation for the underperformance and to outline the measures in-place, or planned to reverse the underperformance.
The Mayor offered his thanks to Cabinet members and officers for their contributions.
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet.
1. Notes the strategic delivery and performance report for Q3 covering the period of 1st October 2023 to 30th December 2023.
2. Notes the measures in Q3 tracking the delivery of Year 2 of the Strategic Plan 2023-2024 in Appendix A of the report submitted. |
EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC Should the Mayor in Cabinet consider it necessary, it is recommended that the following motion be adopted to allow consideration of any exempt/restricted documents.
“That, under the provisions of Section 100A of the Local Government Act, 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act, 1985, the Press and Public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting for the consideration of the Section Two business on the grounds that it contains information defined as Exempt in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government, Act 1972”.
Additional documents: Minutes: A motion to exclude the press and public was not required. |
EXEMPT / CONFIDENTIAL MINUTES Nil items. Additional documents: Minutes: Nil items. |
OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Additional documents: |
Chair's Advice of Key Issues or Questions in Relation to Exempt / Confidential Business Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) to report on any issues raised by the OSC in relation to exempt/confidential business to be considered.
Additional documents: Minutes: Nil items. |
Any Exempt / Confidential Decisions "Called in" by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Under provisions of Section 30, Rule 59 of the Constitution). Additional documents: Minutes: Nil items. |