Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Whitechapel
Contact: Joel West, Democratic Services Tel: 020 7364 4207, E-mail:
No. | Item | |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND OTHER INTERESTS Members are reminded to consider the categories of interest, identified in the Code of Conduct for Members to determine; whether they have an interest in any agenda item and any action they should take. For further details, see the attached note from the Monitoring Officer.
Members are also reminded to declare the nature of the interest at the earliest opportunity and the agenda item it relates to. Please note that ultimately it is the Members’ responsibility to identify any interests and also update their register of interests form as required by the Code.
If in doubt as to the nature of an interest, you are advised to seek advice prior to the meeting by contacting the Monitoring Officer or Democratic Services.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
UNRESTRICTED MINUTES The unrestricted minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on Wednesday 11 September 2024 are presented for approval.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the unrestricted minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on Wednesday 11 September be approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record of proceedings.
ANNOUNCEMENTS (if any) FROM THE MAYOR Additional documents: Minutes: Stephen Halsey, Chief Executive, advised of a number of of upcoming awareness events including Baby loss awareness, Get Online week and Hate crime awareness week. He also noted the results of the most recent Tower Hamlets Annual Resident Survey, as would be discussed at this meeting, which reflected some of the best results in recent years and was well-above the London average in many key areas.
The Mayor announced:
· The upcoming launch of a new Mayor’s winter fuel allowance - funding in place to secure up to 5000 eligible pensioners with £175 allowance toward fuel this winter and an accompanying campaign to assist those not eligible for the Mayoral scheme to make with DWP applications.
· His disappointment at what he felt to be misleading statements made by opposition Councillors at the recent full Council meeting regarding the Housing Allocation Policy. He reiterated statements made at previous Cabinet meetings, that no resident would be re-homed further than 90 minutes journey time from the borough. He explained how he and his administration was committed to working to undo what he felt to be prolonged underinvestment and mis-management of the Council under the previous administration. |
OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Additional documents: |
Chair's Advice of Key Issues or Questions Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) to report on any issues raised by the OSC in relation to unrestricted business to be considered.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Bodrul Choudhury, Vice-Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee, provided a summary of recent scrutiny activity in October 2024. The Committee had:
· Considered a Call-In the Committee heard on the Domiciliary Care Service contract award. Overall, Members agreed to confirm the decision taken by Cabinet to award the contract. However, the Committee expressed concerns that the paper was published shortly before the Cabinet meeting, leaving no time for Scrutiny to effectively scrutinise such a significant report.
· Considered a progress update on the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan. The Committee welcomed progress against the plan and discussed some of the specific actions including the Women’s Commission, the Be a Councillor Campaign and the diversity and inclusion actions. The Committee also questioned areas in the plan which haven’t been delivered, the political tone of the report, the involvement of the LGA in setting the actions to accurately address their recommendations, and how the Council will capture the learning from the delivery of the actions.
The Committee had also: · Reviewed the Q1 performance report which Cabinet would consider this evening. · Considered the Cumulative Impact Assessment Policy 2024-27 · Considered the council’s approach to tackling temporary rent arrears, and · Received an update on the Youth Justice Plan.
Stephen Halsey, Chief Executive, responded to the Vice Chair’s presentation. He informed the Cabinet he had attended the Committee the previous evening, and welcomed the robust and challenging discussion, which he felt demonstrated effective overview and scrutiny. He explained that he had been exploring potential actions to raise the profile and productivity of the Committee; he wished to build on the existing scrutiny improvement action plan to ensure that the Committee had the profile and resource that it needed to be as productive as practicably possible.
He had committed to ensure there was a presence of senior officers whenever needed at OSC meetings and was happy to personally attend forthcoming committee meetings to talk about the Council’s performance, and to work in partnership with the Committee as the action plan is progressed.
He informed the Mayor and Cabinet he would be in getting in touch with the Chair of the Committee to ensure more regular meetings between himself and the Chair of OSC.
Finally, he noted the concerns raised at the previous meeting that officers had adopted a political tone in reports. He reassured members of the Council, Cabinet and the Committee that was not, and would never be the intention of officers, whose role was to provide support to the Council as a whole. He would ensure all future report better reflect officers’ corporate role and responsibilities. |
Any Unrestricted Decisions "Called in" by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Under provisions of Section 30, Rule 59 of the Constitution). Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Annual Resident Survey (ARS) 2024 results and analysis Additional documents:
Decision: DECISION
1. Note the findings of the latest Annual Resident Survey.
2. Note on the report and that the results will be shared and used to contribute to service improvement.
Action by CHIEF EXECUTIVE (S. HALSEY) Senior Research Officer (M. Evans)
Minutes: The Mayor introduced the report that summarised the key findings from the 2024 Annual Resident Survey. Officers, including Stephen Halsey, Chief Executive and Martin Rogers (Senior Research Officer) provided further detail and context. Martin explained how, further to the analysis of survey results, officers would be working to integrate insight and measure and analysis in more detail and how this would inform further research and analysis to contribute to service improvement.
The Mayor and Cabinet welcomed the report and in particular some of the key survey findings including: 90% of residents saying that people from different backgrounds get on well, up from 87% in 2019; 84% of residents are satisfied with the local area, up six percentage points from 2023 and above the national benchmark (74%). Cabinet members indicated they felt such improvement reflected the Mayor’s investment in the borough.
Reflecting on the findings relating to crime, disorder and ASB, the Lead Member summarised work already underway to address underlying causes.
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet:
1. Notes the findings of the latest Annual Resident Survey.
2. Notes that the report and that the results will be shared and used to contribute to service improvement.
Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan – Position Statement and Organisational Impact Additional documents: Decision: DECISION
1. Note the council’s progress against the LGA CPC Action Plan
2. Suggest key areas of attention in advance of the upcoming LGA progress review.
3. Request the Chief Executive write to the Chief Executive of the LGA, requesting that they re-visit the Council to undertake a progress review at the earliest possible opportunity.
Action by CHIEF EXECUTIVE (S. HALSEY) Acting Deputy Director Strategy, Improvement, Transformation (A. Hakim Rahman)
Minutes: The Mayor introduced the report that presented progress on action to implement the recommendations of the Local Government Association (LGA) Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC). The Mayor noted that the Council had completed 84% of actions and was on track to reach 91% completion of actions aligned to the CPC recommendations by November 2024. He indicated he felt the decision to seek a CPC review demonstrated the Council’s commitment to seeking and acting on external input, feedback and criticism.
Officers, including Stephen Halsey (Chief Executive), Ayesha Hakim Rahman, (Acting Deputy Director of Strategy, Improvement and Transformation) and Salome Chukhua, (Transformation Programme Manager) provided further detail and context on the report. Stephen Halsey explained he was keen for the LGA peer team to revisit the Council to witness the improvements made on their recommendations. Ayesha explained how the Council had extended several of the LGA of recommendations to better reflect Council’s ambition.
The Cabinet welcomed the report, noting some of the key achievements including establishing a permanent senior leadership team and addressing the two-council culture identified by the peer team.
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet:
1. Noted the council’s progress against the LGA CPC Action Plan
2. Requested the Chief Executive write to the Chief Executive of the LGA, requesting that they re-visit the Council to undertake a progress review at the earliest possible opportunity.
Tower Hamlets Council's Target Operating Model Additional documents:
Decision: DECISION
1. Approve the formal launch of the council’s new Target Operating Model (TOM).
2. Take note of the TOM launch campaign (Section 3.8 of the report), which will commence on 1 November 2024. This campaign will highlight the TOM Guidance Notes and TOM People First Activity Map, as detailed in Appendices B and C to the report, respectively.
Action by CHIEF EXECUTIVE (S. HALSEY) Acting Deputy Director Strategy, Improvement, Transformation (A. Hakim Rahman)
Minutes: The Mayor introduced the report that proposed a new Target Operating Model (TOM), designed to align organisational priorities, enhance resident focus, and improve organisational efficiency. The Mayor explained how the TOM represented a significant departure from the previous model, which placed excessive emphasis on internal processes, with limited consideration of resident needs and neglected the resident experience.
Officers, including Ayesha Hakim Rahman, (Acting Deputy Director of Strategy, Improvement and Transformation) provided further detail and context on the TOM. Ayesha explained how the new TOM was developed through extensive stakeholder engagement and was guided by six key design principles, which she briefly summarised. She explained how adopting the new TOM would position the organisation for a more efficient, effective, and responsive future.
Cabinet members welcomed the report. The Cabinet Member for Resources and the Cost of Living explained how the new TOM would link to the existing Strategic Plan.
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet:
1. Approves the formal launch of the council’s new Target Operating Model (TOM).
2. Takes note of the TOM launch campaign (Section 3.8 of the report), which will commence on 1 November 2024. This campaign will highlight the TOM Guidance Notes and TOM People First Activity Map, as detailed in Appendices B and C to the report, respectively.
Strategic Delivery and Performance Report Year 3 Quarter 1 Additional documents: Decision: DECISION
1. Note the strategic delivery and performance report for Q1 covering the period of 1st April 2024 to 30th June 2024.
2. Review the status of 56 performance measures in Q1 tracking the delivery of Year 3 of the Strategic Plan 2022-2026 (See Appendix A to the report).
3. Consider whether there have been any major changes to the assumptions underpinning the targets set for the 2024/25 financial year since the target setting exercise.
Action by CHIEF EXECUTIVE (S. HALSEY) Director Strategy, Improvement, Transformation (R. Beattie)
Minutes: Councillor Saied Ahmed, Cabinet Member for Resources and the Cost of Living introduced the report that provided Cabinet with a Quarter 1 monitoring update of the Year 3 Annual Delivery Plan 2024-25 performance measures and reported the delivery status of operations relevant to the council’s strategic objectives with the intention to give a clear understanding of the council’s current performance.
Officers including the Chief Executive and John Ainsworth, (Senior Performance Improvement Analyst) provided further detail and context on the performance trends. Further to comments on whether the measures included in the report provided the most valuable insights possible, John explained how officers were shortly to commence the process for KPI refresh and would ensure all Cabinet members were invited to contribute to this process.
The Mayor welcomed the report, but noted that the 9 measures showing as ‘red’ continued to cause him concern. Further to this, all Cabinet Lead Members and Corporate Directors present provided the meeting with a brief summary of work underway to reverse poor performance for measures within their remit.
The Mayor asked that an options paper be submitted to an upcoming Cabinet meeting to address KPI021: Percentage of education, health and care assessments completed in 20 weeks. The report should explain how the Council can learn from other authorities with more adequate performance for this KPI.
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet:
1. Note the strategic delivery and performance report for Q1 covering the period of 1st April 2024 to 30th June 2024.
2. Review the status of 56 performance measures in Q1 tracking the delivery of Year 3 of the Strategic Plan 2022-2026 (Appendix A to the report).
Additional documents:
Decision: DECISION
1. Note the partnership Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Inclusion Strategy.
2. Note the Equalities Impact Assessment as set out in Paragraph 4 of the report.
3. Establish a task and finish group whose remit will be to ensure that Members, officers and partners have sufficient resources and support to deliver the improvements from the strategy.
Action by CORPORATE DIRECTOR CHILDREN’S SERVICES (S. REDDY) Director of Education (L. Fraser)
Minutes: Councillor Maium Talukdar, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Education and Lifelong Learning (Statutory Deputy Mayor) introduced the report that proposed a partnership strategy that set out the shared outcomes that leaders will work collectively to achieve for all children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Tower Hamlets. Councillor Talukdar explained how the Strategy was a partnership strategy developed on behalf of the Tower Hamlets SEND Improvement Board: a partnership between the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, schools representatives, Barts Health NHS Trust, North East London Integrated Care Board, East London NHS Foundation Trust, the SEND Parents forum, and the Our Time Young People’s Forum.
Officers, including Steve Reddy, (Corporate Director, Children's Services) provided further detail and context for the Strategy. In response to questions from Cabinet Steve explained how the partnership would measure success and track delivery.
Cabinet welcomed the report which they felt would help all young people to reach their potential.
Stephen Halsey, Chief Executive, explained he was keen to ensure that all involved in delivery of the Strategy whether Members, partners and officers had sufficient resources and support to bring forward improvement. He asked the Mayor to consider establishing a partnership task and finish group to support drawing out key actions for improvement. The Mayor welcomed and approved this additional recommendation.
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet:
1. Notes the partnership Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Inclusion Strategy.
2. Notes the Equalities Impact Assessment as set out in Paragraph 4 of the report.
3. Establishes a task and finish group whose remit will be to ensure that Members, officers and partners have sufficient resources and support to deliver the improvements from the strategy. |
Review of the Licensing Act Cumulative Impact Assessments Additional documents:
Decision: DECISION
1. Retain the Brick Lane CIA (Cumulative Impact Assessments), and expand it to its southeastern edge.
2. Remove the Bethnal Green CIA (Cumulative Impact Assessments).
3. Agree the CIA Policy Statement, which has been reviewed in light of the consultation. The Policy Statement can be found in Appendix One to the report.
4. Note paragraph 9.11 of the Policy, which states if there are no representations, the Council must grant the application in terms that are consistent with the operating schedule submitted, in line with the Council’s delegated authority.”
5. Note that the proposed Cumulative Impact Assessment, as part of the Statement of Licensing Policy will take effect from 20th November 2024 until 20th November 2027. The existing Cumulative Impact Policy, which is contained in Appendix 5 of the Statement of Licensing Policy will be rescinded on the 18th November 2024.
Action by CORPORATE DIRECTOR COMMUNITIES (S. BAXTER) Service Manager, Regulatory Services (T. Lewis)
Minutes: Councillor Shafi Ahmed (Cabinet Member for Environment and the Climate Emergency) introduced the report that reported the review of the Council’s two existing Cumulative Impact Policies, in Brick Lane and around Bethnal Green. Councillor Ahmed explained that the Cumulative Impact Assessment forms part of the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and therefore if the reviewed CIA Policy is adopted, then the Statement of Licensing Policy will be updated to reflect this change.
Councillor Ahmed summarised the statutory consultation process that had accompanied the review place between the January and April 2024.
The Mayor welcomed the report. He indicated he was minded to accept the proposals as set out in the report, to retain Brick Lane CIA (Cumulative Impact Assessments), and expanding it to its southeastern edge and to remove the Bethnal Green CIA (Cumulative Impact Assessments).
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet:
Supported Living Pathway Additional documents: Decision: DECISION
1. Note that Lot 3 of the tender, which included low-to-medium support provision, has now been awarded to a provider (Salvation Army) who is not an incumbent and is also bringing provision in borough.
2. Note that Lots 1, 2 and 4 of the most recent tender could not be awarded due to not enough bids or not enough quality bids having been received. As a result, based on legal and procurement advice, the outcome of this tender now falls within the scope of Regulation 32 of the Public Contracts Regulation 2015. Under Regulation 32, in the event of a failed tender, the Council may enter into a negotiated procedure (without prior publication) to award the provision that could not be secured via the tender, provided that the initial conditions set out in the tender are not substantially altered.
3. Note that, in order to ensure continued service provision to some of the borough’s most vulnerable residents, including avoiding unnecessary moves for children and young people currently accommodated within the Pathway, the Council has approached incumbents and is in the process of agreeing how those providers would be able to deliver the lots that could not be awarded during the tender.
4. Note that the Councill has commenced efforts on exploring a pre-approved suppliers list model, as an alternative to the current block contracts model, based on learning and feedback received from the market during this tender and based on learning from other innovative models seen across other London-based councils.
Action By CORPORATE DIRECTOR CHILDREN’S SERVICES (S. REDDY) Covering Director Commissioning and Youth (L. Richards)
Minutes: Councillor Maium Talukdar, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Education and Lifelong Learning introduced the report that set out a preferred procurement process for Children and Young People’s Supported Housing Pathway which provided accommodation and housing-related support services to vulnerable children and young people across the borough.
Councillor Maium Talukdar explained how previous tender processes had been unsuccessful: failing to attract a high number of quality bids, necessitating an amended procurement approach.
Steve Reddy, (Corporate Director, Children's Services) provided further detail on the previous procurement activities and the new approach. He explained that, whilst he maintained delegated authority to agree this new approach, he wished to bring the matter to the attention of the Mayor in Cabinet for maximum transparency.
The Mayor welcomed the report. He stressed that whilst his preferred approach to procurement was to pursue open tenders, he was satisfied of the exceptional circumstances in this case and therefore willing to agree the alternative approach. He asked that himself and the Lead Member are consulted prior to any award.
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet:
1. Note that Lot 3 of the tender, which included low-to-medium support provision, has now been awarded to a provider (Salvation Army) who is not an incumbent and is also bringing provision in borough.
2. Note that Lots 1, 2 and 4 of the most recent tender could not be awarded due to not enough bids or not enough quality bids having been received. As a result, based on legal and procurement advice, the outcome of this tender now falls within the scope of Regulation 32 of the Public Contracts Regulation 2015. Under Regulation 32, in the event of a failed tender, the Council may enter into a negotiated procedure (without prior publication) to award the provision that could not be secured via the tender, provided that the initial conditions set out in the tender are not substantially altered.
3. Note that, in order to ensure continued service provision to some of the borough’s most vulnerable residents, including avoiding unnecessary moves for children and young people currently accommodated within the Pathway, the Council has approached incumbents and is in the process of agreeing how those providers would be able to deliver the lots that could not be awarded during the tender.
4. Note that the Councill has commenced efforts on exploring a pre-approved suppliers list model, as an alternative to the current block contracts model, based on learning and feedback received from the market during this tender and based on learning from other innovative models seen across other London-based councils.
Additional documents:
Decision: DECISION
In relation to the Order, to:
1. Agree that there is a compelling case in the public interest to justify the making of the Order to include interests that must be acquired to facilitate the redevelopment of the Order Land for the reasons detailed in the Report;
2. Agree that the public interest in enabling the development of the Order Land to proceed outweighs the interference with relevant rights under the European Convention on Human Rights as discussed in the Report;
3. Resolve, further to the Cabinet report dated 31 January 2024, to make the Order to include all land interests within the red line boundaries shown on the plan at Appendix 1 to the report and any other new rights or third-party rights necessary in order to facilitate the regeneration of the Order Land by the Council to provide new and improved housing, and community facility;
4. Delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Housing and Regeneration and the Director of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer (in consultation with the Mayor) the power to effect the making, confirming and implementation of the Order;
5. Delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Housing and Regeneration and the Director of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer (in consultation with the Mayor) to take all necessary steps to give effect to the Order, including, but not limited to, the following procedural steps: (a) Progressing and finalising the Statement of Reasons to properly reflect the Council's position regarding the Order so as to properly present the Council's case; (b) Making any reductions and/or amendments, if necessary, to the extent of the land included in the draft Order Map annexed at Appendix 1 or to effect the withdrawal of objections to the Order; (c) Preparing and making the Order and Schedule to the Order; (d) Power to remove from the Order any interest no longer required to be compulsorily acquired and to amend interests in the Schedule to the Order (if so advised) and to request that the Secretary of State makes any changes to the Order prior to confirmation as may be appropriate; (e) Publicising and serving any press, site and individual notices and other correspondence for such making of the Order; (f) Making any ancillary orders and the exercise of any of the Council's planning functions to give effect to the Order; (g) Paying all costs associated with making the Order, including the compensation payable to landowners; (h) Appointing external consultants to assess, agree and pay any compensation and claims arising from redevelopment of the Order Land pursuant to the Order; (i) Seeking confirmation of the Order by the Secretary of State, including the preparation and presentation of the Council's case to the Secretary of State / Inspectors as necessary or, if permitted by the Secretary of State pursuant to Section 14A of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 (the 1981 Act), to confirm the Order; (j) Appointing a professional team, including legal professionals and experts, and assembling any witnesses ... view the full decision text for item 6.8 Minutes: This item was considered together with Item 6.9 ‘Harriott, Apsley & Pattison (HAP) Houses Regeneration Scheme - Two Stage Tender Negotiation’ and the combined minute is presented here.
Councillor Kabir Ahmed, Councillor Kabir Ahmed (Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Inclusive Development and Housebuilding) introduced the report that sought authorisation for Officers to make, seek confirmation and give effect to a Compulsory Purchase Order (the Order) from the Secretary of State, which will empower the London Borough of Tower Hamlets (the Council) to acquire property interests within the land known as the Harriott, Apsley & Pattison Houses (HAP Houses). He explained how this would help facilitate the Council's proposed regeneration of the area with a proposed development comprising a residential-led mixed-use development, comprising the delivery of more than 400 new homes and a new community centre and two community buildings.
Councillor Ahmed also introduced the report for Item 6.9, that sought agreement to negotiate the second stage price with the selected bidder following their successful first stage tender submission and appointment to complete the Pre-Construction Services Agreement.
The Mayor and Cabinet welcomed the reports and in particular the proposal to increase the supply of affordable homes in the borough, helping to reduce overcrowding and pressure on housing waiting lists.
The Mayor noted some references to members were out of date in the report’s appendices and asked that any such references are reviewed and updated as necessary prior to any further consultation or promotion regarding the HAP Regeneration Scheme.
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet:
In relation to the Order:
(a) Progressing and finalising the Statement of Reasons to properly reflect the Council's position regarding the Order so as to properly present the Council's case; ... view the full minutes text for item 6.8 |
Additional documents:
Decision: DECISION
1. Note the award of the Pre-Construction Services Agreement and JCT Minor Works Contract for the first stage procurement recently completed.
2. Delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Housing and Regeneration, the authority to appoint any consultants required to assist the Council in the delivery of the Pre-Construction Services Agreement.
3. Authorise the Corporate Director Housing and Regeneration (in consultation with the Mayor) to enter into any negotiation of the Development Agreement and Second Stage Price with the successful bidder in order to facilitate the redevelopment of the Site and, to provide new and improved housing and community facility.
4. Note the intention to bring a further report to the Mayor in Cabinet later in 2025 recommending the formal entering of the Development Agreement.
Action by CORPORATE DIRECTOR HOUSING & REGENERATION (D. JOYCE) Head of Housing Supply (R. Brandon) Minutes: This item was considered together with Item 6.8 ‘Harriott, Apsley & Pattison (HAP) Houses Regeneration Scheme – Resolutions to make a compulsory purchase order. For detail of discussion on this item, see the minute for Item 6.9.
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet:
1. Notes the award of the Pre-Construction Services Agreement and JCT Minor Works Contract for the first stage procurement recently completed.
2. Delegates authority to the Corporate Director of Housing and Regeneration, the authority to appoint any consultants required to assist the Council in the delivery of the Pre-Construction Services Agreement.
3. Authorises the Corporate Director Housing and Regeneration (in consultation with the Mayor) to enter into any negotiation of the Development Agreement and Second Stage Price with the successful bidder in order to facilitate the redevelopment of the Site and, to provide new and improved housing and community facility.
4. Notes the intention to bring a further report to the Mayor in Cabinet later in 2025 recommending the formal entering of the Development Agreement. |
VAWG and Women’s Safety Strategy Additional documents:
Decision: DECISION
1. Approve the council’s Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) and Women’s Safety Strategy (Appendix 1 to the report).
2. Acknowledge that addressing and preventing violence against women and girls requires a whole system response and consider how members can support the delivery of this across the organisation, improving and strengthening system leadership of this cross cutting and critical agenda.
3. Requests that the Corporate Director for Health and Adult Social Care takes the lead for corporate delivery of the Strategy.
Minutes: Councillor Abu Chowdhury, Cabinet Member for Safer Communities introduced the report that proposed a new Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy to set out new approach and priorities for 2024 to 2029. He also explained how a corresponding action plan would ensure the Strategies priorities were delivered.
Officers including Simon Baxter, Corporate Director Communities, added further details and context. All attendees offered thanks to Ann Corbett, Director of Community Safety, for her work leading on the Strategy from the officer-side.
Stephen Halsey, Chief Executive, explained he was keen to ensure that the new strategy had corporate oversight for delivery. He asked the Mayor to consider appointing the Corporate Director for Health and Adult Social Care as lead for corporate delivery of the Strategy. He explained such an appointment would not take-away from the Corporate Director Communities’ responsibility for service delivery. The Mayor welcomed and approved this additional recommendation.
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet:
ANY OTHER UNRESTRICTED BUSINESS CONSIDERED TO BE URGENT Additional documents: Decision: Nil items. Minutes: Nil items. |
EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC Should the Mayor in Cabinet consider it necessary, it is recommended that the following motion be adopted to allow consideration of any exempt/restricted documents.
“That, under the provisions of Section 100A of the Local Government Act, 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act, 1985, the Press and Public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting for the consideration of the Section Two business on the grounds that it contains information defined as Exempt in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government, Act 1972”.
Additional documents: Minutes: A motion to exclude press and public was not required. |
EXEMPT / CONFIDENTIAL MINUTES Nil items. Additional documents: Minutes: Nil items. |
OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Additional documents: |
Chair's Advice of Key Issues or Questions in Relation to Exempt / Confidential Business Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) to report on any issues raised by the OSC in relation to exempt/confidential business to be considered.
Additional documents: Minutes: Nil items. |
Any Exempt / Confidential Decisions "Called in" by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Under provisions of Section 30, Rule 59 of the Constitution). Additional documents: Minutes: Nil items. |