Agenda and minutes
Venue: MP702 - Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG. View directions
Contact: Committee Services Officer - Rushena Miah Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome, Introductions and Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence and subsequently the Chair to welcome those present to the meeting and request introductions.
Minutes: Apologies: Councillor Sirajul Islam Dr Navina Evans – Substitute was Dr Paul Gilluley Alison Robert – Substitute was Peter Vittles Randal Smith – Substitute was Dianne Barham Sue Williams – Substitute was Mark Broom Apologies for lateness – Councillor Danny Hassell
The Board welcomed Jackie Fearon to represent Tower Hamlets Housing Forum. It was noted that Simon Walton had stepped down.
Minutes of the last meeting, Action Log & Matters Arising Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2019 was approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chair.
RESOLVED: 1. To approve the minutes. 2. To note the action log. |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests To note any declarations of interest made by members of the Board. (See attached note of Monitoring Officer).
Minutes: There were no declarations of pecuniary interests. |
To note and to note meeting dates for 2019/20.
5.00-5.10pm (10 mins)
Minutes: The Board agreed to add tackling knife crime to the work programme in addition to the existing Forward Plan items.
RESOLVED: 1. The Board agreed to add tackling knife crime to the work programme in addition to the existing Forward Plan items.
Developing a Tower Hamlets Transport Strategy Report of Dan Jones, Divisional Director for Public Realm. 5.10-5.25pm (15 mins) Minutes: The Board received the report of Dan Jones, Divisional Director for Public Realm, on developing a Tower Hamlets Transport Strategy. In response to Member question the Divisional Director provided the following:
The Chair thanked the Divisional Director for his report.
The NHS Long Term Plan and the Refresh of the ELHCP Strategy Report of East London Health & Care Partnership – Presented by Simon Hall. 5.25-5.55pm (30 mins) Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Simon Hall, Director of Transformation East London Health & Care Partnership (ELHCP), on the NHS Long Term Plan and Refresh of the ELHCP Strategy.
Board discussion:
· It was noted the Long Term Plan closely aligned with existing Tower Hamlets programmes due to the groundwork done by the Tower Hamlets Vanguard. · Stakeholders were encouraged to think of the health and social care system as a whole when making decision regarding investment in healthcare and redirection of funds. · Members agreed that healthcare achievements needed to be better communicated to the wider public. Accomplishments included:
o Kidney disease reduction by 80%. o Shift out of hospital for end of life care with approximately 50% of people being able to die at home. o Greater awareness about health and safety for frail patients in hospital wards. o Partnership with the Genome Project which offered the potential for more personalised care.
· Simon Hall and Debbie Jones agreed to meet outside of the meeting to discuss children’s health plans. · Healthwatch would be conducting an engagement exercise which will be informed by Long Term Plan priorities to form key lines of enquiry.
Update report on screening and immunisation programmes Presented by Chris Lovitt – Associate Director of Public Health. 5.55pm–6.25pm (30 mins) Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Chris Lovitt, Associate Director of Public Health, Dr Catherine Heffernan-NHSE/PHE and Dr Josephine Ruwende NHSE/PHE. Comments from the Board: · There was a discussion on the take up of screening tests. Where GPs actively reminded patients to test screening rates improved. · There was a suggestion that children should be provided with immunisations certificates when starting school. · Members agreed better efforts should be made to promote the flu jab from October – March. It was noted that around 15% of people signed against getting a flu jab and this contributed to the lower take up levels. · Members agreed there should be better communication to dispel the rumour the NHS staff would not receive sick pay if they did not take the flu jab. · Members suggested that there may be higher take up if different types of screenings could take place during the same appointment. Distance was also an issue. People did not wish to travel too far for appointments. · The Board agreed that the housing and the voluntary sector could be better utilised to promote vaccinations and screenings. · It was noted that there was an anti-vaccine movement and this was gaining traction via social media. Speakers said Public Health England was aware of the issue and their social media team were working towards tackling misinformation. · Action: LBTH to work with NHSE/PHE leads to agree indicators for 19/20 and develop a shared action plan for circulation to board members.
Workshop session - setting the direction of the new Health and Wellbeing Strategy Workshop introduced by Somen Banerjee – Director of Public Health 6.25pm-7.05pm (40 mins) Additional documents: Minutes: Members took part in workshop activity to support the development of the new Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Members broke into groups to discuss the current and future context as well as the role of the Board in making progress against the shared outcome framework I Statements Current and future context: A range of contextual factors were identified Political Political uncertainty considering Brexit - pressures on health force worldwide.Universal Credit rollout and impact on health.
Economic Income inequality, private health insurance as a driver of health inequalities Societal Ageing population, increased fraily, increased pressures on social care, community safety, cohesion Technology Artificial intelligence, technology as driver for efficiency, electric vehicles Environmental Climate change - synergies between sustainability and health Board role in relation to shared outcomes It was noted that the Board has a lead role across a number of the I statements and a supportive role for others (where other partnerships would appropriately lead. This will require further discussion Action: A report to come to the next Board reflecting the above discussion and setting out plans and milestones to develop the strategy.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS To consider any other business the Chair considers urgent. 7.05pm-7.15pm (10 mins)
Minutes: There was no other business. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 13 May 2019. 5pm, Town Hall Mulberry Place. |