Agenda and minutes
Venue: Teviot Centre, Wyvis Street, E14 6QD
Contact: Committee Services Officer - Rushena Miah Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome, Introductions and Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence and subsequently the Chair to welcome those present to the meeting and request introductions.
Minutes: The Chair welcomed Members, officers and members of the public to the meeting.
Apologies were received from: Councillors Amy Whitlock Gibbs, Sirajul Islam, Amina Ali.
Chris Banks Chief Executive GP Care Group and Asmat Hussain – Director of Law and Governance Tower Hamlets Council.
Jackie Sullivan, Barts Health NHS Trust, also sent her apologies but sent a substitute, Claire Burden. |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests To note any declarations of interest made by members of the Board. (See attached note of Monitoring Officer).
Minutes: There were no declarations of pecuniary interests. |
Public Questions / Petitions Minutes: There were no public questions in relation to this meeting’s agenda. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Matters Arising To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Board held on. Also to consider matters arising.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting on 5 September 2017 were agreed as an accurate record, with the amendment that Charlotte Ladyman and Alison Robert were present at the last meeting, and signed by the Chair.
Minutes: The Board noted the Forward Plan. |
Host Presentation - Well One Project Minutes:
The Board heard a presentation from Hanif Osmani, Programme Manager at Poplar HARCA. The presentation informed the group of the work Poplar HARCA is doing on improving health and wellbeing for their residents, including a newly established partnership called the Well One Project.
Several partners are linked to the project including the Bromley by Bow Centre, Queen Mary University, St Pauls Way Medical Centre, Morgan Stanley, the Play Association Tower Hamlets, Tower Hamlets Council and other local providers. The project has conducted research on the wider determinants of health and has devised an innovative programme to tackle health issues including the use of social prescribing. The Well One project aspires to affect change at a strategic level by leading by example.
Mr Osmani noted key findings form their resident’s survey and explained that Queen Mary University has agreed to support with further analysis of the data collated. Mr Osmani informed the Board that the report and data will be made available online.
Dr Sam Everington, Chair of the Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group, thanked Mr Osmani for his presentation and praised the Well One Project as a strong and unique partnership in the borough which is leading by example. He encouraged this approach to other housing providers.
It was suggested that the Poplar HARCA initiative be raised at the Housing Hub Association meeting on 8 November 2017. The Chair said actions could be taken to the Tower Hamlets Partnership Board.
Dr Somen Banerjee, Director of Public Health, reminded the Board that Jane Ball, the Boards housing representative has left and the Board will soon need to identify another representative.
The Chair thanked Mr Osmani for his presentation.
(a) For Mr Osmani to send the report and data which surveyed residents health to Jamal Uddin, Board Co-ordinator, for circulation.
(a) To appoint a new housing representative on the Board.
Local Safeguarding Children's Board - Annual Report 2016-17 Additional documents: Minutes: The report was presented by Stephen Ashley, Independent Chair of the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB). Mr Ashley informed the Board that this was a condensed annual report due to the ‘inadequate’ Ofsted rating in February 2017. Particular areas of concern included monitoring and accuracy of performance datasets. He said the priorities were on improving performance and learning for next year. As the report was included in the agenda and reports pack circulated in advance of the meeting, Mr Ashley took questions from the board.
Dr Everington asked if GP networks were being used to best effect. Mr Ashley responded that there is a multi-agency board in place and the LSCB has a representative on the performance health forum set up by Tower Hamlets CCG.
Christabel Shawcross, Chair of the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) informed the Board that tackling domestic abuse was a new requirement in the Care Act as part of the ‘Think Family’ approach.
Dr Navina Evans said that the report recognises many obstacles to overcome but also highlights a lot of good work going on under difficult circumstances. She reminded the Board of the importance of celebrating and showcasing successes.
Charlotte Ladyman, Chair of Healthwatch Tower Hamlets, expressed an interest in incorporating safeguarding young people into the Healthwatch work plan. She suggested making a film on the topic. Mr Ashley agreed to discuss this with Ms Ladyman outside of this meeting.
Fahimul Islam, Young Mayor of Tower Hamlets, agreed that a film would be a good method of reaching young people and invited Mr Ashley to attend the Youth Council to discuss the idea.
The Chair thanked Mr Ashley for his presentation.
(a) To note the report.
(b) To consider the LSCB priorities and any implications arising from the LSCB Annual Report in the Health and Wellbeing Board Work Programme.
ACTION: For Mr Ashley to liaise with Healthwatch and the Youth Council in order to better engage with young people on safeguarding
Safeguarding Adults Board - Annual Report 2016-17 Additional documents: Minutes: Christabel Shawcross, presented the Annual Report. To summarise, the four main areas which required development were identified as performance data- introduction of a dashboard, modern day slavery, an integrated approach, learning from safeguarding reviews and embedding this learning into frontline staff.
Dr Everington asked if the people on the safeguarding list are discussed at the integrated care multi-disciplinary meeting and if adults with safeguarding concerns are flagged on the GP computers. Denise Radley, Corporate Director of Health, Adults and Community, responded to Dr Everington’s questions. She said that it is unlikely that all of the adults on the safeguarding list would be discussed at the multi-disciplinary meeting. There was a query raised about GP systems flagging adults with safeguarding concerns.
The Chair thanked Ms Shawcross for her report.
(a) To note the report.
(b) To consider any implications arising from this report for the HWBB and its work programme.
Mental Health Strategy Additional documents: Minutes: The update was presented by Carrie Kilpatrick, Deputy Director for Mental Health and Joint Commissioning. Ms Kilpatrick asked the Board for contributions to develop the 2017-2019 plan with an aim to finalise the document by December 2017. An outcomes based approach will be applied to the plan and a dashboard is being developed for the delivery of the plan.
Ms Shawcross said she was pleased to see suicide prevention, housing and homelessness being addressed.
Dr Evans raised concerns on behalf of the East London Foundation Trust on the issue of people with mental health issues not being supported by employers. The Trust has begun work with a group of employers on how to support employees with mental health issues but there has been little traction. Dr Banerjee pointed out that the Time for Change Forum would be a good place to raise this issue as they bring employers into the discussion.
Dianne Barham, Manager for Healthwatch Tower Hamlets, added that this issue is also linked to community cohesion and the stigma associated with people who have mental health issues.
Debbie Jones, Corporate Director for Children’s Services, said that a lot more joined up work is required to support people with eating disorders and conduct disorder. Ms Kilpatrick noted the Boards concerns and said she can be contacted if Board Members would like to have further input into the strategy.
(a) To note the progress on delivery of the Strategy to date and the refreshed delivery plan as attached at appendix 1 of the agenda and reports pack.
Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy 2017-2020 |
Health and Wellbeing Strategy 6 month update Including:
6.1.1 Developing Integrated Systems – presentation at the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: 10. Health And Wellbeing Strategy 6 Month Update:
Dr Banerjee presented the update. He explained that the champion groups for each of the Health and Wellbeing priorities are working towards delivering its objectives as set out in the annual delivery plan. There is ongoing work with Healthwatch to address further opportunities to collaborate with communities to support continuous improvement. The Health and Wellbeing Board has held its meeting in a community setting to support this objective.
Somen also noted that the Board should now begin to consider actions for 2018/19 Strategy and review the current membership of Board Champion Groups in the context of changes in membership of the Board.
Ms Radley mentioned that the Tower Hamlets Together Partnership is looking at streamlining governance and membership to increase the effectiveness of partnership working. She also informed the Board that a Director for Joint Commissioning will be appointed and the Better Care Funding has been approved by NHS England as of November 2017.
The Board agreed that a planning session should be organised to work on the 2018/19 strategy and discuss integration. Dr Banerjee will organise the session and circulate an email on Board Champion areas of work.
(a) To note the strategy (b) Review the composition of Board Champion Groups. (c) To organise a Health and Wellbeing Board planning session.
A Healthy Place: Tackling Fast Food - A Wicked Issue Additional documents:
Minutes: The meeting heard a presentation from Chris Holmes, Director of Shift. Public Health had commissioned Shift to conduct a food feasibility study to consider the opportunities available to the Council and its partners to intervene in the fast food environment. Shift designs products and builds social businesses to help solve social problems. Some key recommendations/findings from their research included:
Dr Everington asked if it would be possible for the Council to introduce measures to ensure every transport station has a fruit stall outside of it. Mr Holmes explained that although this suggestion may be a preferred option the Council does not have powers to enforce this kind of a business throughout the borough.
Dr Banerjee raised the issue of numerous fast food outlets next to secondary schools and suggested engaging with the Mayor of London to tackle this concern collectively. He said that if there was a social aspect to fast food, is there another kind of social space the borough could offer young people?
Another area of concern was air quality and the boroughs reliance on a car as the preferred mode of transport. In order to have more time to discuss these issues, the Chair proposed these topics be revisited at the Board away day planning session.
(a) To note the presentation
(b) To explore the issue of fast food at a future board meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: Dr Banerjee, introduced colleagues, Amanda Coyle and Karen Steadman from the Greater London Authority (GLA) to present on a consultation for a London wide health inequalities strategy. Dr Banerjee invited the GLA to present at the Health and Wellbeing Board because there are synergies between the London wide strategy and the Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Strategy which presents opportunities for the borough.
Ms Coyle said that improving health was one of seven key strategies that the Mayor of London was prioritising. She informed the Board that she was interested in hearing how the local strategy could tie into the London strategy. A consultation has been launched on the London strategy which has five overarching aims. These include: Healthy Children, Healthy Minds, Healthy Places, Healthy Communities, and Healthy Habits. The consultation was launched in September and will close on 30 November 2017.
Dr Banerjee informed the group that he plans to draft a response to the consultation on behalf of the Health and Wellbeing Board and members will have further opportunities to provide feedback on the consultation document. The draft response will be circulated a week before the deadline for comment.
Dr Everington identified ways in which Tower Hamlets could contribute to the London strategy. He said Tower Hamlets is at the forefront of social prescribing and the boroughs healthy schools programme is exceptional. As an idea to develop, he suggested a pupil health dashboard for every school which is a priority in the Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Strategy. In addition to this he suggested that there should be a health specialist on every school governing board.
He also recommended utilising the Mayor of London’s networks to strengthen the voice for health and promoted the concept of a CCG spokesperson for London.
Dr Evans highlighted the importance of ensuring that systems linked to the strategy have measurable outcomes.
Dr Ian Basnett said that from a provider perspective he looks forward to the implementation of the plan with a range of providers and hopes the Mayor draws on examples of best practice.
Dr Banerjee concluded the discussion by stating that it is important the London strategy has ambitious actions in order to galvanise people into taking action.
(a) Highlight areas of the consultation the Board is in support of and discuss how to support the Mayor of London in implementing them.
(b) Highlight areas of need in the Health Inequalities Strategy.
(c) Highlight local priorities that could be incorporated into the London Mayor’s Health Inequalities Strategy.
(d) Identify measurable outcomes for success in the aims of the London wide Strategy.
(e) To submit a response to the London Health Inequalities Consultation with Dr Banerjee taking the lead in drafting the response on behalf of the Board.
Community Plan Refresh - Emerging Themes Minutes: Due to time constraints the Chair asked if Members had any urgent points to raise with regards to this item. None were raised and the report was noted. It was agreed that the tabled presentation would be circulated to Members via email. Members were advised to contact Shahanaz Begum, Senior Strategy, Policy and Performance Officer, if they had any feedback or questions.
(a) To note the report.
(b) For Members to be emailed the Community Plan Refresh presentation.
(c) For Members to discuss comments or concerns with regard to the item with Shahanaz Begum, Senior Strategy, Policy and Performance Officer at Tower Hamlets Council.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS To consider any other business the Chair considers to be urgent.
Elizabeth Lynch from the Arts and Events Team in Tower Hamlets Council, spoke about the London Culture Bid. £1.1 million will be awarded to the winning borough. There are sixteen boroughs competing in total. Ms Lynch has been tasked with developing the bid for Tower Hamlets. The theme for Tower Hamlets is ‘Community Cohesion’ with a health aspect. One idea included health walks to both improve health and explore the cultural heritage of the borough. The deadline for the bid submission is 1 December 2017. Members and officers were asked to ‘back the bid’ and pledge their support to Tower Hamlets online.
The Board expressed strong support for the bid and requested that social prescribing be incorporated into the bid as well as themes of inclusion, mental health, and food as part of social cohesion such as community gardening.
(a) To discuss further ideas for input into the bid with Elizabeth Lynch, Arts and Culture Team, Tower Hamlets Council.
(b) To back the bid online.
The Chair bought the meeting to a close at 7.47 pm.
Councillor Denise Jones Chair of the Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Board |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Minutes: The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 20 December 2017, 5.30pm, venue tbc. |