Agenda and minutes
Venue: Whitechapel IDEA Store, 321 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1BU
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Welcome, Introductions and Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence and subsequently the Chair to welcome those present to the meeting and request introductions.
Minutes: The Vice-Chair, Dr Sam Everington welcomed everyone to the Health and Wellbeing Board. He conveyed the Board’s congratulations to the Chair, Cllr Whitelock-Gibbs for the birth of her baby boy and wished Cllr Whitelock-Gibbs and her family well.
Dr Sam Everington asked everyone to introduce themselves and moved to the business of the meeting.
Apologies were received from Cllr Amy Whitelock-Gibbs, Chair of the Health & Wellbeing Board, Dr Navina Evans – Chief Executive, East London Foundation Trust, Sue Williams – Borough Commander Metropolitan Police, Debbie Jones – Corporate Director Children’s Services, Simon Hall – Acting Chief Officer Tower Hamlets CCG, Dr Ian Basnett – Public Health Director, Barts Health NHS Trust and Jane Ball – Tower Hamlets Housing Forum. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Matters Arising To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Board held on. Also to consider matters arising.
Minutes: The minutes from the Board meeting of 18th October 2016 were agreed and approved as an accurate record of the meeting subject to the following clarifications.
Page 3 – second bullet point. The Community Safety Partnership is seeking CCG representation.
Page 5 – concerning whistle-blowers, Denise Radley clarified she should be informed of any specific case details.
Page 10 – the delegation of Better Care Fund Returns sign off will be to Denise Radley, Corporate Director for Adult’s and Simon Hall, Acting Chief Officer of Tower Hamlets, Clinical Commissioning Group.
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests To note any declarations of interest made by members of the Board. (See attached note of Monitoring Officer).
Minutes: Dr Sam Everington declared he was a local GP in Tower Hamlets.
Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2017- 2020 - Consultation Findings Additional documents: Minutes: Dr Somen Banerjee, Director of Public Health stated the consultation on the Health and Wellbeing Strategy commenced on the 11th November and was on-going until the 21st December.
The consultation was progressing well with the Board conducting an online survey, engagement through stakeholders and a coordinated event by Healthwatch, which took place on the 26th November at the IDEA store in Whitechapel. He set out an overview of interim findings from the survey which indicated that most respondents so far considered the priorities set out as important or very important.
Dianne Barham, Director of Healthwatch provided the Board with feedback on the event held on the 26th November. She stated the event was well attended and the draft report presented at the meeting outlined the main findings. Key messages were listed on page 3 of the document. She highlighted that the cross-cutting issues running across all five priority areas were environmental factors, such as the ability to spend time outside in green spaces, exercising, socialising or relaxing and being able to breathe clean air.
Across generations, parks were seen as a place to come together as it was a neutral space. There was a strong identification with walking as a preferred method of exercising however intrinsically linked was clean air and the level of congestion on roads.
Furthermore, adults and children know what makes a good diet and health, but needed enablers to help apply this to everyday. Providing good links to social networks and volunteering opportunities in their neighbourhood is also key. Keeping active through social and community involvement is important as are raising career aspirations of young people.
Dr Somen Banerjee added the qualitative information from the survey also showed that people wanted the strategy to be as inclusive as possible and to incorporate the needs and involvement of groups including the frail, elderly and disabled.
Board Members made the following comments:
· The event held on the 26th November was well organised and attended. Board Members thanked everyone who were involved in organising the event.
· A final push should be made to encourage participation in the online survey.
· The strategy should support community engagement and those who lead and provide the spark for an idea. Support should be provided to the informal volunteers/ group leaders.
· The Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy needs to be linked with the Community Engagement Strategy because involvement can be in many forms and can mean different things to people: For example, from shaping a strategy, providing feedback, influencing local communities, community and neighbourhood and self-care.
· The Board members agreed engagement needed to be a multi-layered approach and more work could be done with leaders on Estates.
Action: To promote the online survey with a final push on residents completing the survey and feedback on the numbers who have participated - Somen Banerjee.
Delivering the Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2017 - 2020 Discussion Paper Additional documents: Minutes: Dr Somen Banerjee introduced the report stating that the purpose of the paper was to look ahead as to how the Board will oversee the delivery of the new Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
He set out proposals on · A high level dashboard for overseeing the priority actions; · The role of Board Champions; · How priorities will come to the Board for discussion and action.
Dr Somen Banerjee explained the Board wanted to focus on a small number of high priority issues and wanted to think ahead as to how the Board will take forward the change as outlined in the Strategy document. He asked Members if the roles described for Board Champions sounded right and if the proposed reviewing of priorities at Board meetings – each priority reviewed three times a year was the correct way forward.
Board Members wholeheartedly AGREED to the proposals made in the report plus made the following comments and suggestions:
· The Dashboard should include schools to enable them to see how they are performing against.
· The role of Board Champions should be made clearer - they are the connecting strand for their priority but also the overall strategy.
· How will the success of the priorities be measured? Will champions be supported by officers?
Action: The Board Champions should meeting in the New Year, in order to discuss how they are going to take forward their priority.
Cllr Saunders agreed to be a Board Champion for ‘Communities – driving change’ as well as the ‘Children’s weight and Nutrition’ priority
Jackie Sullivan agreed to be the Board Champion for ‘Employment and Health'’ priority. She said the Maternity Partnership Board had looked at local employment and this priority tied in with the work the Partnership Board was doing.
Cllr Hassell agreed to be the Board Champion for ‘Creating a Healthier Place’ priority.
The members of the Board NOTED the report.
NHS Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Update Minutes: Jane Milligan, Chief Officer for Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group gave a verbal update on key issues including the sustainability and Transformation (NEL STP) plan and the CCG’s commissioning plans for 17-18.
She said the CCG has developed the commissioning intentions and plans and was aiming to complete these by the 23rd December, She said the timeframe to implement the commissioning plans needed to be quicker because of the pace of change in the NHS.
The CCG had delivered its Community Health Strategy and was working with Providers to manage the pressures on Acute services.
The CCG was continuing to examine joint commissioning arrangements and methods to bring skills and processes together under the ‘Transforming Services Together’ agenda, from April 2017 onwards.
Jane said the NEL STP consultation was receiving positive feedback and the next stage was to tease out the main issues and ensure the CCG’s and providers on the patch were clear on what was needed on a regional and local basis.
Board Members raised the following questions:
· What are the pressures on Acute services? · Has there been an increase in admissions as well as the number of patients seen in A&E? · What impact will the Ambulatory Care policy have on care? · Is there statistical information relating to trolley waits?
Jackie Sullivan, Managing Director for Hospitals, Bart’s Health Trust responded:
There has been a spike in the number of patients A&E departments are seeing. For example the Royal London usually sees about 450 patients per day but over the last three weeks this has been in excess of 550 patients. Patients are usually presenting at A&E in the twilight hours and at night. Statistical information is showing it’s a younger population 18-24 year olds and young families. Therefore Bart’s Health intends to work with colleges and schools to deliver key messages as to when A&E should be used.
Jackie stated the spike had led to an increase in admission and there was a lot of pressure on hospitals. However discharge teams were working with partners/stakeholders to ensure patients were not in hospital longer than necessary.
The Ambulatory care policy will impact on the numbers of patients presenting at A&E. Bart’s Health are in single figures and need to increase the use of this and other patient pathways. It’s better to deal with patients closer to home than at A&E.
The Trust had not experienced trolley waits over 12 hour however there have been occasions when the Royal London has been very close to this target.
Chis Lovitt, Associate Director of Public Health informed the Board the Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee was conducting a review looking at the night-time economy and wondered if the festive season, alcohol and violent disorder was impacting on the patient numbers at A&E. Jackie Sullivan agreed to meet with Chris Lovitt to further examine the possible causes for the spike.
The Vice-Chair, Dr Sam Everington thanked Jane Milligan and Jackie Sullivan for providing the Board ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Tower Hamlets Together - Vanguard Programme Update Additional documents: Minutes: Hafsha Ali Head of Tower Hamlets Together Transformation Programme made a presentation outlining the purpose of the vanguard programme, what had been its achievements and how it intended to move forward.
Tower Hamlets Together is a partnership of local health and social care organisations with an ambition to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in Tower Hamlets. This means health and social care organisations working more closely together and providing services in a more coordinated way to reduce duplication and improve the overall experience and outcomes for the patients who need them.
Hafsha explained the overall priorities of the programme were to improve
· Services provided for children and Young People · Services for adults particularly those with long-term health conditions or who are vulnerable to illness; and · Prevention and support people to lead a healthy lifestyle
Board Members made the following comments:
· It would be useful for the Board Champions for the new Strategy to work with the Tower Hamlets Together Board, in order to ensure the priorities identified are streamlined and delivered through an integrated health and social care network.
· Board Members agreed this was particularly necessary with regards to the first priority ‘Communities driving change’
The Vice-Chair, Dr Sam Everington thanked Hafsha for her presentation and the Board NOTED her report.
Better Care Fund Quarter 2 Monitoring Return 2016 - 17 Additional documents:
Minutes: Denise Radley, Corporate Director for Adults informed Board Members that the purpose of the report was to update members with a summary of the Quarter 2 monitoring return that had been submitted to NHS England for the Tower Hamlets Better Care Fund programme.
Board Members asked the following questions:
· Do we know what the future funding allocations are for Tower Hamlets under the BCF programme?
Denise responded stating the future allocation were known for the core BCF however there was a further flow of money, for which government guidance was awaited, which would be for the local authority and not the CCG. However the money would be pooled and will be used jointly.
The Board NOTED the progress made in the Quarter 2 monitoring report.
Tower Hamlets Draft Local Plan 2031 Minutes: Tim Madelin, Senior Public Health Strategist updated Members of the Board about the Local Plan.
The Local Plan is the Borough’s most important planning document. It sets out the vision, strategic priorities, and planning policy framework that guides all development in the borough. Its purpose is to help inform decisions on planning applications and to meet the Council’s national and regional planning policy duties.
Tim informed Members the Local Plan was being consulted on and the deadline for submissions was the 2nd January 2017. He asked if the Board wanted to submit a formal response and stated the Public Health team had been involved in the drafting of the Local Plan. He said the Public Health team had requested hot food takeaways to be away from local schools and children’s play spaces. They had also commented on the concentration of betting shops and had advised any future developments considered health lifestyle factors such as active walking, cycling and air quality.
Board Members asked the following questions:
· With regards to site allocation for new schools, has consideration been given to build these away from busy roads and air quality?
In response Tim said the footprint for a secondary school is large and whilst the priority would be to place schools away from busy roads, it might not always be possible.
Dr Somen Banerjee commented the Local Plan would make a real difference and Cllr Rachael Saunders asked that the ‘Creating a Healthier Place’ priority of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy was formally linked to the Local Plan.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS To consider any other business the Chair considers to be urgent.
Minutes: Dr Sam Everington thanked everyone for their attendance and also conveyed the Health and Wellbeing Board’s condolences to Robert Dolan’s family, who had recently passed away.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Minutes: Members of the Health and Wellbeing Board were asked to note the next meeting of the Board was on the 21st February 2017. |