Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 3 - Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG. View directions
Contact: David Knight, Democratic Services Officer (Commmittee) Email:
No. | Item | |
STANDING ITEMS OF BUSINESS Additional documents: |
Welcome, Introductions and Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence and subsequently the Chair to welcome those present to the meeting and request introductions.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Gulam Kibria Choudhury (Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Social Care) welcomed everybody to the meeting. |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests PDF 215 KB To note any declarations of interest made by members of the Board. (See attached note of Monitoring Officer).
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest received at the meeting. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Matters Arising PDF 329 KB To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Board held on. Also to consider matters arising.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair Moved and it was: - RESOLVED
The unrestricted minutes of the last meeting were confirmed as a correct record and the Chair was authorised to sign them accordingly. |
Liveable Streets Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair indicated that he understood that there were some questions from the public and he invited Mr. Ted Maxwell a Bethnal Green resident and one of the authors of the open letter signed by 850 people and sent to Mayor Rahman about the proposals to reverse elements of the Liveable Streets schemes. A summary of the discussions on this issue is outlined below:
1. The Boroughs Health and Well-Being Strategy states that for a ‘healthy borough’ that everyone can access safe, social spaces near their home to live healthy lives a community and to achieve this ambition by working with partners to make the best use of land and spaces and to reduce traffic levels to ensure that (i) everyone can use open spaces and amenities; and (ii) local green spaces and public amenities are sustained and strengthened. The Liveable Streets schemes it was felt has helped to achieve these ambitions (e.g., by reducing traffic on Green Road along which four local schools are based and introducing a pocket park has transformed how local people use green spaces along this road). Therefore, given that the Council are consulting to remove all of these things, how will the health and well-being strategy support residents in maintaining these schemes so that health and well-being benefits are maintained? In response it was noted that since the implementation of the Liveable Streets programme, a significant number of objections and concerns have been raised by residents, businesses, and the emergency services e.g. petitions calling for the scheme’s removal and there have been numerous reported incidents where emergency service responses have been hindered by physical road closures and for many residents, the closures have created longer journey distances which has increased emissions and costs. 2. What actions will the Council do to achieve the same level of benefit in terms of promoting physical activity and active travel, tackling air pollution, and sustaining and strengthening local green spaces and public amenities. In response it was noted that the Council will be investing in a whole range of other areas and are keen to engage with residents in how the Council will deliver on those issues and tackle any challenges (e.g., promoting more healthier lifestyle choices).
ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Additional documents: |
CONFIRMATION OF VICE-CHAIR Additional documents: Minutes: Agreed to defer the appointment of the Vice-Chair to allow time to reflect on proposed changes resulting from variations to the (i) NHS governance arrangements; and (ii) health landscape.
The Board is asked to:
1. Note the currently published Terms of Reference for the Board; and 2. Note that the Terms of Reference will be subject in the near future to a review to reflect on variations resulting from changes to the (i) NHS governance arrangements; and (ii) health landscape.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Board:
1. Noted the currently published Terms of Reference for the Board; and 2. Noted that the Terms of Reference will be subject in the near future to a review to reflect on variations resulting from changes to the (i) NHS governance arrangements; and (ii) health landscape.
Health and Wellbeing Strategy - Overview PDF 226 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board noted that the Health and Wellbeing Strategy sets out the principles and ambitions of the strategy based on what residents said mattered to them and an approach based on the recognition that the enjoyment of the best possible health is a fundamental right of every human being.
Accordingly, having considered the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Locality Plan at a briefing session held earlier this evening the Board formally:
1. Noted the principles and aspirations of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and plans to develop the Locality Plan. |
Mental Health Strategy 2019-2024 PDF 224 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Shakila Ali (Women’s Inclusive Team); Safia Jama (Women’s Inclusive Team); Jamie Stafford (East London NHS Foundation Trust); and Phil Warburton (Rethink Mental Illness & Citizens UK) on the Adult Mental Strategy 2019-2024 that has identified three themes:
The main points of the discussions on this presentation may be summarised as follows:
The Board:
v Noted that the pandemic has impacted adversely on levels of mental health issues in the Borough. v Noted details of the Community Connector programme commissioned by East London Foundation Trust from the Women’s Inclusive Team as an example of the strategy in action. v Noted that Community Connectors provide person-centred support, working alongside clinical and other statutory and voluntary sector services to support people in achieving better mental health and wellbeing. v Noted that the service cross cuts all three themes of the adult mental health strategy and is presented as a case study of an approach to addressing health inequalities through the engagement of local people to improve access to mental health services and achieve better outcomes. v Agreed that to refer to people from ethnic minorities as Black, Asian, or Minority Ethnic (BAME) does not fully do justice to the diverse range of cultural experiences like fear, stigma and lack of culturally sensitive treatment can function as barriers to accessing mental health care for people from BAME backgrounds (e.g., parents claiming that their children have been possessed as opposed to admitting that they have mental health issues) v Agreed that there is no 'one size fits all' when talking about race and identity as group labels bundle many identities and experiences together. This obscures the fact that people in these groups do not all have the same experience of race and they do not all face the same challenges. v Commented that (i) residents from a BAME background, may experience different rates of mental illness than the rest of the population; and (ii) mainstream mental health services are not equipped to fully understand the needs of BAME groups due to a lack of training and a lack of staff diversity. v Felt that there was a lack of lack of knowledge about different cultures that was thought to perpetuate stereotypes and reduce compassion and empathy. That can potentially marginalise people from mental health services (e.g., staff do not take the time to ask about people about their culture and traditions). v Agreed that whilst it is a very difficult thing to achieve it was important to move towards a culture of care where referrals to mental health services are an important part of the continuum of mental health services. v Agreed that when staff members are proactive about referral processes, it can lead to consistent access to and use of services that ... view the full minutes text for item 3.4 |
Healthwatch overview PDF 220 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Matthew Adrien (Healthwatch Towerhamlets) that provided an overview of Healthwatch Tower Hamlets, including their governance arrangements, service areas and priorities. The main points of the discussion summarised as follows:
The Board:
v Noted that LBTH has commissioned Your Voice in Health & Social Care (YVHSC) had been as the new provider for Healthwatch in Tower Hamlets, taking over from the previous provider on the 1st of April 2022. v Noted that Your Voice in Health and Social Care (YVHSC) is an independent organisation that gives people a voice to improve and shape services and help them get the best out of health and social care provision. v Noted that YVHSC specialises in providing Health and Care services that offer effective engagement and involvement that impacts on community wellbeing and development. Using their expertise YVHSC involve people in ways that are both efficient and inclusive, and so can maximise the impact of their engagement. v Noted that as part of YVHSC’s commitment to represent communities and provide services that are valuable and required, YVHSC provide Healthwatch services, Carers provision, Advocacy, and comprehensive community engagement. Their research and engagement teams support community consultation and deep dive studies across all London Boroughs. As an organisation, YVHSC aims to empower and represent diverse communities, so as to make every voice count. YVHSC strive to understand local needs, experiences and concerns of people who use health and social care services and to effectively to speak out on their behalf. v Noted that YVHSC currently operates Healthwatch services in Hounslow; Ealing; Waltham Forest; Bromley; Lewisham, Hammersmith, and Fulham that engage and involve members of the public in the commissioning of Health and social care services. v Agreed that (i) it is through extensive community engagement and continuous consultation with local people, health services and the local authority; and (ii) Healthwatch members of staff and volunteers need to speak to local people about their experiences of health and social care services. To build bridges and create partnerships between local people and services, to provide a better future for all. v Noted the following priority areas for YVHSC in developing Healthwatch within Tower Hamlets is (i) to align community needs and priorities with partners strategic and commissioning plans, ensuring impact and influence; (ii) to work with CVS partners and building links with key community groups (e.g. Somali and Bangladeshi community); (iii) to develop Directed Enhanced Service provision at the local care homes (i.e. primary medical services); (v) to advance the concept of the “15 minute neighbourhood” to ensure that everyone who lives in the Borough should be able to meet most, if not all of their needs within a short walk, using public transport or a short bike ride from their home to help them live a fulfilling and healthy life within their local area; (v) to ensure that the local voice heard in new regional structures. v Noted the work being undertaken to establish a Local Advisory Committee with ... view the full minutes text for item 3.5 |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS To consider any other business the Chair considers to be urgent.
Additional documents: Minutes: With no other business to discuss, the Chair called this meeting to a close. Members were advised that the next meeting is scheduled for 20th September 2022 at 5.00 p.m. to be held in Committee Room One - Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG.
Finally, the Chair thanked everybody for their attendance and participation tonight. |