Agenda and minutes
Venue: Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG
Contact: Antonella Burgio, Democratic Services Tel: 020 7364 4881, E-mail:
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTEREST PDF 64 KB To note any declarations of interest made by Members, including those restricting Members from voting on the questions detailed in Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992. See attached note from the Monitoring Officer.
Minutes: No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING(S) Item deferred to next meeting . Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 21July 2015 were deferred.
Report to Those Charged with Governance - ISA260 2013/14 PDF 1 MB Report to follow. Minutes: At the Chair’s invitation, Andrew Sayers, Engagement Partner, KPMG, presented the report which related to the annual external auditor’s report for the period 2013/14. The Committee was informed:
· That KPMG would not presently exercise its other statutory auditor powers. In terms of a public interest report there had been significant publicity around the matters raised through the PWC investigation. In respect of potential items of account contrary to law KPMG’s view is not to seek a declaration from the court given the amounts involved are not material and the relatively small benefit to be obtained from further action and the significant cost to the local taxpayers of taking court action.
In response to Members’ questions the following information was provided:
Annual Financial Report 2013/14 PDF 102 KB Additional documents: Minutes:
The Chief Accountant introduced the report. He informed the Committee that as the ISA260 for the period 2013/14 report had been issued the annual financial report could therefore be presented for approval. He advised that a minor amendment had been made to the Annual Governance Statement and the document would be circulated to Members for comment back to the Chief Accountant. Once comments had been received a Chair’s action would be requested to approve the revised inspected document (following Members’ comments) by e-mail.
In considering the report the Committee noted that some of the achievements listed in the introductory paragraph lacked insufficient detail and should include statistical data to give depth to the statements.
The Committee also queried whether the level of the Council's PWLB borrowing was in the median range relative to other councils. Members were informed that the Council's loans had been placed with banking institutions and the Council was exploring options to repay these. The borrowing level was low.
That, subject to approval of the revised annual governance statement by the Committee via a Chair’s action, the annual financial report for the year ending 31 March 2014, including the statement of accounts for this financial year be approved, having regard for the auditors annual governance report for this period.
Quarterly Assurance Report PDF 225 KB Minutes: The Head of Audit and Risk Management introduced the report. He advised: · That the report summarised the internal audit work in the period June - August 2015 and reported the assurance rating of each audit finalised in this period. The Committee noted that 16 audits had been completed in the period, two of which had returned a limited assurance. · That assigning a limited assurance triggered a follow-up audit focussed around implementation of all recommendations arising from the initial audit. · That the audit team was presently on target to complete its schedule of audits in accordance with the annual audit plan.
Members noted that there were ‘priority one’ recommendations yet to be implemented six months after the initial audit had taken place. They were dissatisfied with this situation and advised officers that Audit Committee would monitor this matter closely with the aim of evidencing improved responses. They asked: · That managers explain why recommendations had yet to be implemented. · That the Head of Audit and Risk Management report to Members any trends which might affect the audit outcomes such as long-term sickness restructures or other influencing factors.
Action by: Minesh Jani, Head of Audit and Risk Management
Quarterly Audits
Contract Management of Photocopying and Printing Contract
The Head of Audit and Risk Management introduced the item informing Members that the follow up audit had returned a limited assurance because of the following issues:
The Head of ICT Client Team responded to the issues raised informing the committee that:
Responding to a ... view the full minutes text for item 4.2 |
Social Housing Fraud Update PDF 90 KB Minutes: The Corporate Anti-fraud Manager introduced the report which provided an update on work concerned with the recovery of unlawfully let public sector dwellings carried out by the Social Housing Fraud Team and performance since the termination of Government funding for this work.
The Committee was informed:
In response to Members’ questions the following information was provided:
Concerning the Council's recovery performance under the key amnesty scheme in relation to other authorities, the Committee was informed that most other authorities had had between seven and 12 properties returned under the scheme. The initiative was also being copied by other registered social landlords in other boroughs.
There was a rise in resistance to subletting surrenders as this area of activity was lucrative for inappropriate income generation.
Tower Hamlets wished to develop and enter into a voluntary code of practice with letting agents to promote better vetting of prospective tenants. The Corporate Director of Resources suggested that the Corporate Anti-fraud Manager collaborate with the Cabinet Member for Housing, who was reviewing the Council's housing policies and strategy, to explore how the Council could better engage with social registered landlords.
Single Fraud Investigation Service- Position Update PDF 92 KB Minutes: The Corporate Anti-fraud Manager presented the report which updated the Committee on the arrangements for the transfer of the existing Housing Benefits Fraud Investigation Service to DWP. The Committee was advised:
In response to Members’ questions the following information was provided:
2. That the resource gap the service transfer will create be noted and support in principle be endorsed to minimise the exposure to abuse by resourcing the shortfall from Council funds.
Annual Risk Management Report 2015/16 PDF 104 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Audit and Risk Management introduced the report which provided the committee with an oversight of the authority’s processes to facilitate the identification and management of its significant business risks. It also provided a summary of the first quarter 2015/16 corporate risk register and risk management activity over the past 12 months. He advised:
o Identify the corporate risks. o The Council’s work to manage identified risks. o To ensure that risk management work has been embedded in the organisation. · That it was not realistic to expect all of the Council's risks to be managed down to zero but the purpose of the register was that officers should give thought on the management of their risks in the best possible way. · That the elements of this process were identification of the risk, and the presence of management controls which would prevent its occurrence.
Members noted the following:
Treasury Management Activity Report for Year to 31 August 2015 PDF 417 KB Minutes: The Chief Accountant introduced the report which provided an update on the treasury management and investment activity carried out by the Council as that 31st of August 2015. He informed Members that the current low interest economic environment meant that there was little potential to achieve significant investment returns.
Responding to Members questions the Committee was informed that: · In relation to whether any ratings be damaged as a consequence of the recent decline in the Chinese economy, the Chief Accountant advised that he was not aware of any such effects but asked Members to note the recently downgraded rating of Barclays Banking Corporation.
Audit committee forward plan PDF 93 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Audit and Risk Management presented the report which informed Members of the forward plan of Audit Committee business in the forthcoming six months. He asked them to consider the proposed forward plan topics as detailed in Appendix 1 and to give their feedback. He then advised that any amendments would be incorporated into the updated report was next published.