Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room One - Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG. View directions
Contact: Farhana Zia, Democratic Services Tel: 020 7364 0842, E-mail:
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 215 KB Members are reminded to consider the categories of interest, identified in the Code of Conduct for Members to determine: whether they have an interest in any agenda item and any action they should take. For further details, see the attached note from the Monitoring Officer.
Members are also reminded to declare the nature of the interest at the earliest opportunity and the agenda item it relates to. Please note that ultimately it is the Members’ responsibility to identify any interests and also update their register of interest form as required by the Code.
If in doubt as to the nature of an interest, you are advised to seek advice prior the meeting by contacting the Monitoring Officer or Democratic Services.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no pecuniary declarations of interest declared at the meeting by members.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING(S) PDF 304 KB To confirm the minutes of the Audit Committee held on 28th June 2022.
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes from the meeting of 28th June 2022 were agreed to be an accurate record of the meeting and were approved by the Committee.
DELOITTE ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Additional documents: Minutes: There were no Deloitte items for consideration.
Follow up work to the independent review on the Finance Improvement Plan PDF 232 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Mr Kevin Bartle, Interim Corporate Director for Resources and Section 151 officer provided the Committee with a verbal update relating to the improvements made to accounting systems. He said the report in front of the Committee was the follow up report from the independent review conducted by Mr Peter Worth. He said the report provided a narrative of the progress made since the last review which was conducted in September 2020. He said there were two significant areas the Council needed to consider; (1) a restructure of the finance team and (2) whether the Council ought to move to an ERP – enterprise, resource planning system. He said a move to an ERP system would cause significant upheaval but may be the solution that the Council requires. He said an independent organisation had been appointed to advise if an ERP solution was best for the Council. In response to comments and questions from members the following was noted:
Internal Audit and Anti-Fraud Progress Quarterly Reports (22-23) Q2 PDF 448 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Mr Aaron Winter, Interim Head of Internal Audit, Fraud and Risk stated the report provided an update on the progress made against the delivery of the 2022/23 Annual Internal Audit Plan as well as provide an update on anti-fraud work undertaken by the team. He said the report highlighted any significant issues since the last report to the Audit Committee in June 2022. Mr Winter referred members to paragraph 3.1 of the report and said he was pleased that two out of three vacancies had now been filled. Referring to paragraph 3.2 he said BDO had been awarded the contract to assist with undertaking some of the internal audit work. In response to comments and questions from members the following was noted:
The Audit Committee RESOLVED to:
Risk Management - Corporate and Health, Adults and Community Directorate Risk Registers PDF 237 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Mr Aaron Winter, Interim Head of Internal Audit, Fraud and Risk presented the Corporate Risk Register and stated that Ms Denise Radley, Corporate Director for Health, Adults and Community along with her Divisional Directors were present to answer question relating to her Directorate. Mr Winter reminded the committee that Internal Audit provided oversight of the corporate risk register but responsibility for individual risks laid with the risk owner. He said the corporate risk register was regularly reviewed by the Corporate Leadership Team, with Directorate registers reviewed and updated with the assistance of Corporate Directors and the JCAD risk software. In response to comments and questions from members the following was noted:
The Audit Committee RESOLVED to:
Additional documents: Minutes: Mr Aaron Winter, Interim Head of Internal Audit, Fraud and Risk said the report recommended the Committee to note and approve the Council’s Anti-Money Laundering Policy and Guidance (‘The AML Policy’) that all council employees are expected to comply with. In response to comments and questions from members the following was noted:
The Audit Committee RESOLVED to:
Annual Risk Report 2021/22 PDF 230 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Mr Aaron Winter, Interim Head of Internal Audit, Fraud and Risk said the report summarised the risk management activity during the course of 2021/22 and provided an update on the progress made against the previously agreed actions as well as a proposed action plan for 2022/23. In response to comments and questions from members the following was noted: · Members had no questions for Mr Winter.
The Audit Committee RESOLVED to:
Annual Insurance Report 2021/22 PDF 288 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Mr Aaron Winter, Interim Head of Internal Audit, Fraud and Risk stated the report was presented annually to the Audit Committee and provided the Committee with an overview of the work of the internal insurance service and their performance. In response to comments and questions from members the following was noted:
The Audit Committee RESOLVED to:
Code of Corporate Governance PDF 235 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Ms Janet Fasan, Director of Legal and Monitoring Officer presented the Code of Corporate Governance report. She said the code of corporate governance set out the Council’s commitment to uphold the highest standards of good governance. She said the code was first created in 2018 and has been reviewed every year since. She said the report being presented was the 2022/23 review version for the Committee’s comments and endorsement.
In response to comments and questions from members the following was noted: · Ms Fasan confirmed protocols such as the member and officer code of conduct, member-officer relations protocol could be found on the intranet, as part of the council’s constitution. · Ms Fasan said that as part of the consultation process, each directorate was consulted and responsibility for the code lie with the Corporate Leadership Team. She said the code is reviewed each year to ensure it is up to date. · Mr Winter added that Members had an opportunity to comment on the code as part of the Annual Governance Statement. The Audit Committee RESOLVED to:
1. Review and comment on the revised Code of Corporate Governance 2. Endorse the Code and agree that it be published on the Council’s website. 3. To delegate to the Head of Democratic Services, following consultation with the Chair of the Audit Committee and the Head of Internal Audit, Fraud and Risk, the authority to make minor changes to the Code as required before final publication on the Council’s website.
AUDIT COMMITTEE WORK PLAN PDF 257 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor James King suggested Deloitte and KPMG should be invited to the next meeting of the Audit Committee, to explain what the outstanding issues in relation to the accounts are. Councillor King said it was vital to understand how the deadlock could be broken, to get the outstanding accounts signed-off.
Mr Kevin Bartle confirmed they would be invited to the next meeting.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS THE CHAIR CONSIDERS URGENT Additional documents: Minutes: Mr Kevin Bartle, Interim Corporate Director for Resources and Section 151 Officer, Mr Nisar Visram, Director of Finance, Procurement and Audit, as well as Committee Members thanked Mr Aaron Winter, Interim Head of Internal Audit for his contributions to the Audit Committee, stating that they were thankful to Mr Winter for overseeing the responsibilities for Internal Audit over the last eight months. They wished Mr Winter the best for the future. Mr Bartle said they had recruited to the permanent position of Head of Internal Audit and were awaiting HR clearances before announcing the appointment.
Committee Members also thanked Mr Bartle for his contribution and enquired if he would be still in post for the January 2023 meeting. Mr Bartle said he hoped to attend this meeting.