Agenda and minutes
Venue: Room M71, The Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG
Contact: Margaret Sampson, Democratic Services Tel: 020 7364 4850, E-mail:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Motin Uz-Zaman.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 25 KB To note any declarations of interest made by Members, including those restricting Members from voting on the questions detailed in Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992. See attached note from the Chief Executive.
Minutes: No declarations of interest were made.
To note the rules of procedure which are attached for information. Minutes: The Rules of Procedure were noted.
Minutes: At the request of the Chair, Ms Jacqueline Randall, Principal Environmental Health Officer, introduced the report which sought a variation of the premises licence for the EOne Club, 168 Mile End Road, London, E1 4LJ. She pointed out that the current hours shown in the report for the sale by retail of alcohol (on and off sales) from Monday to Thursday should be amended to read: ”from 1000 hours to 0100 hours the following day.”
Following discussions with the Metropolitan Police, the variation hours had been amended. Accordingly, the days and hours sought for the sale of alcohol and for regulated entertainment (music) were those of Monday to Thursday from 1200 hours until 0330 hours the next day; Friday and Saturday from 1200 hours until 0430 hours the next day; Sunday from 1200 hours until 0300 hours the next day. The days and hours sought for regulated entertainment (dance) were Monday to Thursday from 2000 hours until 0330 hours the next day; Friday and Saturday from 2000 hours until 0430 hours the next day; Sunday from 2000 hours until 0300 hours the next day.
Appropriate consultations had been carried out with objections received from local residents.
Prior to formal consideration of the application, Mr Zakir Hussain, LBTH Solicitor, stated that there had been an issue as to the final date for consultation, with Licensing and the applicant disagreeing but all parties had now agreed that the final date was, in fact, 18th May 2008. Two representations had been made before 18th May and three made on 19th May. As the representations made on 19th May were outside the consultation period, Members were asked whether they wished to use their discretion to include these representations as part of the objections under public interest grounds.
At 6.55 p.m., the Chair indicated that the Sub-Committee would adjourn to consider the point. The Sub-Committee reconvened at 6.58 p.m. and the Chair informed those present that members had unanimously agreed that the representations made within the consultation period were sufficient for them to reach a decision as these covered what the others would have raised anyway.
The objections were on the grounds that granting the application would result in anti-social behaviour from patrons leaving the premises and disturbance from patrons leaving the premises on foot.
As there were no questions for Officers, the Chair asked the applicants to present their case.
Mr David Lucas, Solicitor for the applicant, stated that pubs owned by Admiral Taverns (Nevada) Ltd were all tenanted premises and the application had been made in the name of the company to allow more control of the premises. The premises at 168 Mile End Road had not been owned by the company until May 2007. Mr Peter Mackay, who then became the tenant, had 7-8 years’ experience and the application had flowed from the way in which the premises had been traded previously, for the restoration of hours formerly operated. Initial discussions ... view the full minutes text for item 4.1 |
Variation of Premises Licence: Victoria PH, 110 Grove Road, London E3 5TH PDF 2 MB Minutes: At the request of the Chair, Ms Jacqueline Randall, Principal Environmental Health Officer, introduced the report which sought a variation of the premises license for the Victoria Public House, 110 Grove Road, London, E3 5TH. The conditions required by the Environmental Protection Section had now been agreed and their representations were withdrawn accordingly. Appropriate consultation had been carried out, with objections being received from local residents.
Mr Zakir Hussain, LBTH Solicitor, referred to an aide-memoire provided by the applicants which summarised agreed conditions and works to the premises. This Sub-Committee agreed to receive the information.
There being no questions for Officers, the Chair invited the applicants to present their case.
Mr Andrew Grimsey, Poppleston Allen Solicitors, indicated that the hours sought in the variation application had been revised in the light of representations made. The additional hours sought for the sale by retail of alcohol were Friday to Saturday from 1000 hours until 0100 hours the next day; Sunday from 1000 hours until 2400 hours. All other closing hours remaining as per the current licence. The hours sought for live music (including more than two performers) were Friday to Saturday from 1000 hours until 2400 hours. The hours sought for films, making music and dancing were Sunday to Thursday from 1000 hours until 2400 hours; Friday to Saturday from 1000 hours to 0100 hours the next day.
Mr Grimsey stated that there were no links between the new tenants’ family and the former tenants of the premises. Having spoken to the petitioners, their foremost concern was that of noise. A noise assessment had been commissioned and some £10,000 would be spent on noise attenuation measures. After 2000 hours, staff would be present to ensure the entry door to the present was kept shut when music was played. The cellar door had also been insulated and music would not be audible within any surrounding residential property. The new tenants were intent on starting afresh with their neighbours and the past manner of running the premises should be disregarded.
Mr Martin Smith, applicant, stated that he had 25 years of running licensed premises in East London, the last 15 of which had included late licence venues. He appreciated concerns expressed by residents and Charles Wells Ltd had immediately committed to the installation of double glazing – due to be implemented on 14 August. The pub was to be a family operation, with his son and his associate to be full-time on the premises. Mr Smith indicated that he was prepared to give residents his mobile phone number, should they ever wish to raise concerns.
Following questions by Members, Mr Smith stated that the pub would remain closed until all the noise attenuation works had been completed. The side door would be used as a fire door only, with the front door providing the only entrance and exit, with an insulated lobby. The other doors would remain closed, for fire exit only. He added that ... view the full minutes text for item 4.2 |