Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: The Council Chamber, Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG
Contact: Simmi Yesmin, Senior Democratic Services Officer Tel: 020 7364 4120, E-mail:
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 214 KB Members are reminded to consider the categories of interest, identified in the Code of Conduct for Members to determine: whether they have an interest in any agenda item and any action they should take. For further details, see the attached note from the Monitoring Officer.
Members are also reminded to declare the nature of the interest at the earliest opportunity and the agenda item it relates to. Please note that ultimately it is the Members’ responsibility to identify any interests and also update their register of interest form as required by the Code.
If in doubt as to the nature of an interest, you are advised to seek advice prior the meeting by contacting the Monitoring Officer or Democratic Services. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interests made.
To note the rules of procedure which are attached for information. Additional documents: Minutes: The rules of procedure were noted.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING(S) PDF 299 KB To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Licensing Sub-Committee held on 8th March 2022.
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Licensing Sub Committee held on 8th March 2022 was agreed a correct record of proceedings.
ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Additional documents: |
Additional documents: Minutes: This application was resolved prior to the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: At the request of the Chair, Ms Kathy Driver, Principal Licensing Officer, introduced the report which detailed the application for a variation of the premises licence for Brick Lane Coffee Shop, 47 Brick Lane, London E1 6PU. Ms Driver explained that the application sought late night refreshments for additional hours for delivery only. It was noted that objections had been received by Officers on behalf of Licensing Authority and Environmental Health
At the request of the Chair, Mr Keith Lumley, Agent on behalf of the Applicant, Ms Azize Avmedoska explained that there may have been a confusion when making the application as to what the Applicant’s understanding of late night refreshments meant and there was no dispute that the sale of alcohol ceased at 11.00pm. He said that due to a demand from customers to stay open until late, an application for late night refreshments to be provided until 00:30 hours. It was noted that the hours for sale of alcohol would remain the same, and the Applicant only wanted the hours for late night refreshments and the opening hours to be extended Monday to Sunday till 00:30 hours to sell hot drinks and hot desserts etc.
Mr Lumley stated that the hours applied for were similar to the Council’s framework hours and explained that there were other premises in close proximity with longer hours than applied for. He said that Brick Lane was changing and becoming far less restaurant and bar orientated with Indian restaurants closing down and more fashion outlets and bookshops opening, that the café would be simply providing a service due to demand from customers, and that the hours would be for delivery only.
Members then heard from Ms Nicola Cadzow, Environmental Health Officer, she explained that the premises were in the Cumulative Impact Zone (CIZ) and granting of a variation for later hours would be likely to cause noise disturbance as the area was a mix of residential and business properties. The hours applied for were over the Council Framework hours and there was nothing in the application to show how the application if granted would not add to the cumulative impact in the CIZ. She stated that Environmental Health did not support the application for the increase in hours, particularly as the premises is in the Brick Lane CIZ, and if the Sub Committee were minded to grant the application, she questioned how the Applicant would demonstrate how the premises would not add to the cumulative impact on the CIZ by operating at a later hour.
Members then heard from Mr Mohshin Ali, Licensing Officer, who explained that the onus was on the Applicant to demonstrate how they would not negatively add to the cumulative impact in the CIZ. He said that need and demand for a business was not a licensing objective, and so not a relevant consideration. Mr Ali referred to his representation on page 132 of the agenda papers and said that on 28th January 2022 an anonymous complaint ... view the full minutes text for item 4.2 |
Additional documents: Minutes: The hearing for the application was adjourned at the request of the Applicant.
EXTENSION OF DECISION DEADLINE: LICENSING ACT 2003 The Sub Committee may be requested to extend the decision deadline for applications to be considered at forthcoming meetings due to the volume of applications requiring a hearing. Where necessary, details will be provided at the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: Nil items.