Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Committee Room - Tower Hamlets Town Hall, 160 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1BJ. View directions
Contact: Simmi Yesmin, Democratic Services Officer Tel: 020 7364 4120, E-mail:
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are reminded to consider the categories of interest, identified in the Code of Conduct for Members to determine: whether they have an interest in any agenda item and any action they should take. For further details, see the attached note from the Monitoring Officer.
Members are also reminded to declare the nature of the interest at the earliest opportunity and the agenda item it relates to. Please note that ultimately it is the Members’ responsibility to identify any interests and also update their register of interest form as required by the Code.
If in doubt as to the nature of an interest, you are advised to seek advice prior the meeting by contacting the Monitoring Officer or Democratic Services. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
To note the rules of procedure which are attached for information. Additional documents: Minutes: The rules of procedure were noted.
ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Additional documents: |
Application for a Premises Licence for Boulebar, 7 Frying Pan Alley E1 7HS Additional documents:
Minutes: At the request of the Chair, Mr Ibrahim Hussain, Licensing Officer introduced the report for a new premises licence to be held in respect of Boulebar, 7 Frying Pan Alley, London, E1 7HS (“the Premises”). The application sought authorisation for the sale by retail of alcohol from 10:00 hours every day and ending at 23:30 hours Monday to Thursday, midnight on Friday and Saturday, and 22:30 hours on Sunday. The premises would close to the public thirty minutes after the terminal hour for licensable activity.
The application attracted representations against it from SPIRE, the Licensing Authority, and the Environmental Health service. All the representations referred to the Premises’ location within the Brick Lane Cumulative Impact Zone (CIZ) and were particularly concerned as to the potential to adversely impact on the CIZ. The Licensing Authority, in particular, raised a number of pertinent points in the initial representation, which required clarification.
At the request of the Chair, The Sub-Committee heard from Mr Jack Spiegler on behalf of the applicant. He explained that the Premises focused on “competitive socialising” and food and was not alcohol-led. He explained that a number of conditions that had been agreed. These include the sale of alcohol being ancillary to games (condition 1) and that a condition had been agreed with SPIRE that would, in effect, make the licence personal to the applicant. Mr. Spiegler explained that the sale of alcohol would be by waiter/waitress service with the exception of a couple of very small areas as shown on the plan.
Mr. Spiegler told the Sub-Committee that noise from the Premises would not be a problem. It was previously a gym and therefore was equipped to insulate noise, as well as this it was noted that all activity would be taking place in the basement area. This had previously been very well-insulated and so noise breakout would not arise. The nearest noise-sensitive premises were located at 9 Frying Pan Alley. This was student accommodation with its own bar, operating to a later hour than what had been applied for by the Applicant at the Premises, and again meant that there would be no impact on the CIZ. He referred to the fact that the police had not made a representation nor had any other residents. The primary concern was the CIZ and he suggested that there were several reasons why the Premises would be an exception:
The policy was focused on the type of venue, predominantly clubs and bars with loud music and late hours, the premises would be a high-quality restaurant with a food offering and unlikely to add to the CIZ;
It was noted that alcohol would be by waiter/waitress service. The only people standing and drinking would be those playing games; the policy was concerned with high-volume drinking establishments with nothing else taking place; The Premises would operate to framework hours; There would be no off-sales except for the external seating area and that area would not be used after 21:00 hours.
At the request ... view the full minutes text for item 3.1 |
Additional documents:
Minutes: At the request of the Chair, Ms Corinne Holland, Licensing Officer introduced the report for a new premises licence to be held in respect of House of Music & Entertainment, 20 Commercial Street, London, E1 6LP (“the Premises”). The application sought the sale by retail of alcohol for consumption on the Premises from 10:00 hours to 23:00 hours Monday to Saturday and from 10:00 hours to 22:00 hours on Sundays. The opening times were proposed to be 07:00 to 23:30 Monday to Saturday and 07:00 hours to 22:30 hours on Sundays.
The application attracted representations against it from the Licensing Authority and the Environmental Health Service. These representations were based on the fact that the Premises were located in the Brick Lane Cumulative Impact Zone (CIZ) and the risk of the Premises adding to the problems in the CIZ. The representations suggested that the applicant had failed to provide evidence that rebutted the presumption of refusal.
At the request of the Chair, The Sub-Committee heard from Mr. Stewart Gibson on behalf of the applicant. He said the application could be treated as an exception to the CIZ. There would be no admittance to the general public. It would be for members only or, if hired out, for pre-booked event guests only.
He stated that the licence would be active only when events took place. There was a double entry door and people needed a key fob for entry. Alcohol would be ancillary to an event and regulated entertainment had not been applied for. Only acoustic music would be played and he therefore submitted that these sufficed to rebut the presumption against refusal.
With respect to the objection from the Environmental Health Service, Mr. Gibson stated that there would be no amplified music and acoustic music would only be performed if part of an event. Only five persons would be permitted to leave to smoke at any one time. The type of events proposed were creative, industry-focused networking events. The maximum capacity would be 100 persons.
At the request of the Chair, Mr Ibrahim Hussain addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of the Licensing Authority. They objected on the basis that the applicant had not rebutted the presumption against grant and they had concerns over the capacity. Conditions had been proposed, in the event the Sub-Committee was minded to grant, some of which had been agreed by the applicant.
Mr. Onuha Olere addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of the Environmental Health Service. Their representation too was concerned with the policy and the potential impact of another licensed premises on the area, including footfall as people leave.
In response to questions the following was noted;
Additional documents:
Minutes: This item was adjourned and will be considered at the Licensing Sub Committee meeting on 24th September 2024.
EXTENSION OF DECISION DEADLINE: LICENSING ACT 2003 The Sub Committee may be requested to extend the decision deadline for applications to be considered at forthcoming meetings due to the volume of applications requiring a hearing. Where necessary, details will be provided at the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no decision deadlines to extend.