Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: M71, 7th Floor, Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG
Contact: Amanda Thompson, Democratic Services Tel: 020 7364 4651, E-mail:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillor Oliur Rahman.
Councillor Bill Turner expressed concern that only one of the Committee’s co-opted members was present at the meeting and noted in particular that the representative of the Roman Catholic Diocese had not attended a number of the Committee’s meetings. The Service Head, Democratic Services undertook to draw this to the attention of the Diocese.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 29 KB To note any declarations of interest made by Members, including those restricting Members from voting on the questions detailed in Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992. See attached note from the Chief Executive.
Minutes: No declarations of interest were made.
UNRESTRICTED MINUTES PDF 58 KB To confirm as a correct record of the proceedings the unrestricted minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 10th June 2008. Minutes: The Committee noted that Councillor Shirley Houghton was present at the meeting on 10th June 2008 but this was not recorded in the draft minutes.
That subject to the inclusion of Councillor Shirley Houghton in the list of ‘Other Councillors Present’, the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on Tuesday 10th June 2008 be confirmed as a correct record.
In relation to the clarification sought by Councillor Stephanie Eaton at minute 5.1 (‘Terms of Reference’) the Service Head, Democratic Services reported that the Police & Justice Act 2006 required all local authorities to have a crime and disorder committee with scrutiny powers. This does not have to be a separate committee solely for that purpose and the Council had agreed to the recommendation of the Constitution Working Party that for the time being the Police & Justice Act scrutiny functions should be incorporated into the terms of reference of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Regulations were still awaited on the detailed operation of the proposed ‘councillor/community call for action’ and other scrutiny elements of the 2006 Act and the subsequent Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.
REQUESTS TO SUBMIT PETITIONS To be notified at the meeting (if any). Minutes: There were no requests to submit petitions.
REQUESTS FOR DEPUTATIONS To be notified at the meeting (if any). Minutes: There were no requests to submit deputations. |
SECTION ONE REPORTS 'CALLED IN' There were no decisions ‘called in’ from the meeting of Cabinet held on 11th June 2008. Minutes: There were no decisions ‘called in’ from the meeting of the Cabinet held on 11th June 2008.
SCRUTINY SPOTLIGHT: LEAD MEMBER The Lead Member for Employment and Skills will attend to report on his portfolio. Minutes: Councillor Alibor Choudhury, Lead Member for Employment and Skills, gave a presentation on the key issues, opportunities and challenges arising from his portfolio. Councillor Choudhury informed the Committee that his was a challenging portfolio as many complex and interrelated factors were at play in relation to worklessness and the skills deficit. Only 54% of the adult working-age population were actually in work and the number of 16 to 24 year olds not in employment, education or training (NEET) in Tower Hamlets was double the London average. The unemployment rate in the borough had remained high for the past 15 years. However the problem was not a shortage of jobs in the borough, rather a substantial skills shortage resulting in local people not being able to access the jobs that were available. Generational worklessness was also a factor.
It would be crucial to make the most of investment opportunities in the City Fringe and Docklands and to address the wider range of interrelated social issues including housing and health. Opportunities were also presented by cross-directorate co-operation and collaboration with other and agencies.
Against this context, Councillor Choudhury outlined a range of strategies and initiatives through which the authority was seeking to tackle the problems outlined, highlighting areas of particular success. Councillor Choudhury then described what he saw as the way forward and short-, medium- and long- term objectives to exploit the opportunities available. He thanked the Committee for their support and stated that he would require the support of colleagues in progressing this area of work.
The Chair thanked Councillor Choudhury for his presentation and invited questions from Members of the Committee.
Councillor A A Sardar enquired as to timescales to deliver the objectives outlined. Cllr Choudhury referred to the short-, medium- and long-term objectives outlined in his presentation and stated that these represented periods of 6, 12 and 36+ months respectively.
Councillor Ann Jackson asked what Councillor Choudhury intended to do differently from previous years. Councillor Choudhury stated that he intended to work closely at grass roots level; to seek to improve the range of jobs accessible to local people; and to focus on the opportunities presented by section 106 funds to improve training and access to jobs. He would seek to involve the third sector and foster a co-ordinated approach focussing on outcomes and sustainable provision.
Councillor Shiria Khatun asked how the opportunities available in developments such as Canary Wharf could be opened up to local people. She also referred to the training opportunities presented by the hospitality trade centred on Brick Lane; and to the provision that existed currently to assist young people in the transition from education to employment. Finally Councillor Khatun asked the Lead Member for his assessment of the current utilisation of the Local Labour in Construction (LLIC) service and the developing community hubs.
Councillor Choudhury stated that he did not have full statistics to hand but the community hubs were providing services in line with the borough plans. LLIC ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Corporate Complaints and Social Care Complaints - Annual Report PDF 458 KB Minutes: Councillor Joshua Peck, Lead Member for Resources and Performance, introduced the report which contained a summary of complaints received by the Council in the period 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008 through the Corporate Complaints Procedure, the Children’s Social Care and Adults Social Care Complaints Procedures and those received and determined by the Local Government Ombudsman in the same period.
In relation to Corporate Complaints, although the overall number of complaints received was slightly higher than in the previous year, there were significant reductions in Stage 2 and Ombudsman complaints, demonstrating lower escalation rates.
For Adults and Children’s Social Care Complaints, which now came under new statutory procedures, significant improvements had been achieved in response times to complaints. The main area where complaints had increased was in relation assessment decisions and this was likely to be due to the increased focus within the department on the consistent application of the Council’s eligibility criteria for community care services and the implementation of the policy decision taken in the budget setting for 2007/08 in relation to older people’s services.
Councillor Stephanie Eaton referred to discussion at the Standards Committee which had requested further information on the apparently high number of complaints, both received and upheld at Stage 2, within Housing Technical Services and the relatively long time taken to resolve these. Councillor Eaton was concerned that this information should be available to Members.
Councillor Ann Jackson echoed Cllr Eaton’s concerns and had requested further information on this matter at the Standards Committee. She also referred to the breakdown of Stage 1 complaints by ward and LAP which showed particularly high levels in LAPs 1 and 5. Councillor Jackson enquired as to the reasons for this and how it was being addressed.
Councillor Peck noted the points made and in relation to Housing Technical Services reported that there was a focus on improvement in this area following the establishment of the ALMO. Regarding the LAP/ward breakdown some further information would be required. Currently there was exception reporting to Performance Review Group by directorate and Councillor Peck would look at whether this could be further broken down by LAP/ward.
In resonse to a question from Councillor Shahed Ali, Councillor Peck reported that the increase in complaints within the Adults Health and Wellbeing directorate was in part the result of the transfer into that directorate of the Homelessness Services.
Councillor Shiria Khatun asked how the ethnicity information of complainants was collected. Councillor Peck stated that a monitoring form was used alongside verbal questions to telephone complainants. Members raised concern over the disproportionately low number of complaints from BME residents and users. Councillor Peck reported that work was underway to raise awareness amongst the BME communities of the complaints procedures.
In response to a question from Councillor Waiseul Islam, Councillor Peck stated that he was confident that the preparations for the formation of the ALMO had retained a focus on improving performance and service quality.
Councillor Bill Turner felt that it would ... view the full minutes text for item 8.1 |
Verbal updates from Scrutiny Leads Minutes: Scrutiny Lead Members provided verbal updates on their respective work programmes as follows:
One Tower Hamlets
Councillor Ann Jackson reported that the main area of work initially would be a review on child poverty. She expected that by the end of the week the key issues would be identified to focus on following a meeting to discuss the topic with the relevant services. The review would be conducted using different formats to the conventional review meetings and would emphasise the role of Members as community leaders to research and lead smaller working groups to formulate recommendations.
Councillor Jackson intended also to carry out some work looking at the role of Members as elected community leaders, working with diverse communities and individuals to promote awareness of the role of Members and the democratic process in general.
Safe and Supportive Community
Councillor Shiria Khatun reported that she would be leading a review of alcohol misuse amongst young people. The review would be titled ‘Smashed’ and work had already commenced on the scoping document and identifying dates for the review sessions. Scrutiny officers were working on a questionnaire which would be sent to all secondary schools and involvement had been secured from St Hilda’s and Docklands Outreach. The Youth Service was working to involve the Young Mayor or his deputy and publicity would be undertaken to ensure that local residents are aware of the work.
Prosperous Community
Councillor A. A. Sardar reported that he was working with Scrutiny officers to research possible topics for a review. Possibilities included education for looked after children; parental engagement; city academies; and children’s centres. Councillor Sardar would be meeting the Corporate Director, Children’s Services next week to progress this work.
Healthier Community
Councillor Stephanie Eaton reported that Health Scrutiny Panel Members were taking part in a series of induction visits to all three NHS trusts in the borough. Current areas of work included:
- Finalising priorities within the work programme; - Agreeing the draft Health Scrutiny protocol which sets out working arrangements between Trusts, other health stakeholders and the Council; and - Developing the scope of this year’s main Health Scrutiny Review which is looking at ‘End of Life Care’.
The Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee looking at Healthcare for London would be reconvening in October 2008 and would be looking at issues including Social Care.
A Great Place to Live
Councillor Waiseul Islam reported that his scrutiny review would focus on affordable housing. Much could be covered within the scope of this review, which would focus on alleviating the pressures on social housing; on different models of affordable home ownership; and possibly on the planning process and how this can best be exploited for the benefit of the community.
Councillor Islam also reported that he had recently attended a seminar on Housing: The Credit Crunch which had been useful in understanding the national context of the housing situation as well as the local situation and possible solutions for affordable home ownership that ... view the full minutes text for item 9.1 |
PRE-DECISION SCRUTINY OF SECTION ONE (UNRESTRICTED) CABINET PAPERS Minutes: Draft pre-decision questions for submission to the Cabinet Meeting were circulated for Members’ consideration.
In relation to Cabinet Agenda item 8.1 (LTGDC Draft Bromley-by-Bow Land Use Design Brief), Councillor Shiria Khatun suggested that draft questions 3 and 4 be merged into one question.
On the same agenda item, the Chair suggested that draft question 2 (regarding the inclusion of a Muslim burial ground in the brief) should not be submitted as the matter had already been considered by the Cabinet. In this regard Councillor A. A. Sardar enquired as to progress on the agreed Multi-Faith Burial Subsidy Scheme and the Acting Assistant Chief Executive confirmed that preparatory work was underway and the scheme would be launched shortly.
The Committee endorsed the amendments suggested. Accordingly the Chair MOVED and it was:-
That the following pre-decision questions be submitted to the Cabinet for consideration:
Agenda Item 6.1 Food Law Enforcement Service Plan 2008/09 (CAB 012/089)
1. Members of the Health Scrutiny Panel have raised issues around ‘approved fast food outlets and general community information on 'cooking practices' in the borough. Will the Cabinet consider instigating a poster campaign in partnership with the PCT about which cooking oil is the healthiest to use and which is not?
2. Can the Cabinet review staffing numbers as it seems that it is top heavy where it needs to be the other way round as most of the visits and inspection are done by the EHO and SEHO?
3. How many employees are directly employed in the food safety department? Can the Cabinet assure us that the staffing level is adequate, as 2339 food premises already exist with a potential increase for the Olympics in 2012? Therefore, should the department increase its number rapidly or look to train well in advance to take on the pressure?
Agenda Item 7.1 Recommissioning LinkAge Plus (CAB 013/089)
1. What is the efficiency saving expected on the new plan? (one organisation to win contract and co-ordinate the others, and the other four lose their co-ordinators) With this in mind have the five host organisations been consulted to ensure that the change and the loss of the other four organisers will not skew focus onto the area covered by the organisation that wins the contract, It is critical that the whole borough benefits equally.
2. At the last Cabinet we saw the fast track procurement process on the Chillers for IT suite in Anchorage House, this Cabinet the procurement process is being limited to only five “Host Organisations”. Can the Cabinet reassure us that this is not becoming a common practice of fast tracking procurement process?
3. Can the Cabinet inform us what monitoring systems are in place to ensure we get the best value from this contract?
Agenda Item 8.1 London Thames Gateway Development Corporation, Draft Bromley-by-Bow Land Use Design Brief (CAB 014/089)
1. The area closest to the Bow roundabout still seems to be lacking in open space under the new plan. In fact the area ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC In view of the contents of the remaining items on the agenda the Committee is recommended to adopt the following motion:
“That, under the provisions of Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting for the consideration of the Section Two business on the grounds that it contains information defined as Exempt in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972.”
The exempt committee papers in the agenda will contain information, which is commercially, legally or personally sensitive and should not be divulged to third parties. If you do not wish to retain these papers after the meeting, please hand them to the Committee Officer present. Minutes: There was no exempt/confidential business to be considered at the meeting.
SECTION TWO REPORTS 'CALLED IN' There were no decisions ‘called in’ from the meeting of Cabinet held on 11th June 2008. Minutes: Nil items.