Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Room M72, 7th Floor, Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG
Contact: Amanda Thompson, Democratic Services Tel: 020 7364 4652, E-mail:
No. | Item |
ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIR FOR THE MUNICIPAL YEAR 2008/2009 (5 Mins) To receive nominations for election of Vice-Chair for the Municipal Year 2008/2009. Minutes: The Panel RESOLVED that Councillor Motin Uz-Zaman be elected Vice-Chair of the Health Scrutiny Panel for the 2008/09 municipal year.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Mohammed Abdus Salique and Susan Ritchie, who had been due to make a presentation on item 6.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 25 KB To note any declarations of interest made by Members, including those restricting Members from voting on the questions detailed in Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992. See attached note from the Chief Executive.
Minutes: No declarations of interest were made.
UNRESTRICTED MINUTES PDF 54 KB To confirm as a correct record of the proceedings the unrestricted minutes of the meeting of Health Scrutiny Panel held on 18 March 2008. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 18th March 2008 were agreed as a correct record.
MATTERS ARISING Minutes: Commissioning Intentions and Operating Plan – The Chair reported that underperforming PCTs would not be penalised in terms of funding.
Drug Treatment Figures were circulated to Members present.
The Chair advised that Barts and the London had commented on the Health Scrutiny Protocol at a previous meeting and that these will be explored more fully through the induction process for the Panel. A key area requiring clarification was coming to an agreed definition of “Substantial Variations in Service”.
The Chair also advised that the Borough would be taking part in continued work by the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee which recently reviewed the “Healthcare for London” plans. The next stage will be to consider detailed local proposals for how the vision of “Healthcare for London” will be progressed.
Health Scrutiny Panel Terms of Reference (5 Mins) PDF 39 KB Minutes: The Panel noted its Terms of Reference, membership and schedule of dates for the municipal year 2008/09. The Terms of Reference would be reviewed over the course of the year to ensure that it remained appropriate and that the membership reflected organisational changes in the health service, for example, to establishment of the Local Involvement Networks (LINks). |
HEALTH SCRUTINY INDUCTION (60 Mins) The Panel will receive a number of presentations outlining the role of the Health Scrutiny Panel and the key health issues facing the Borough.
Minutes: Michael Keating, Acting Assistant Chief Executive, gave a detailed presentation on the role of the Health Scrutiny Panel in relation to both the Council’s and the Partnership’s work. He outlined the mission statement and highlighted the theme of “One Tower Hamlets”, which was the overarching focus of the Council’s new Community Plan. This year’s Panel should build on the previous health scrutiny carried out and help to strengthen the community leadership role of elected members. It was noted that the feedback from the CPA Inspectors in relation to the Council’s scrutiny function had been positive.
Shanara Matin, Scrutiny Policy Officer, gave an overview of the work of the Health Scrutiny Panel to date and key legislative changes that are likely to impact on how Health Scrutiny is delivered in the future.
It was noted that Susan Ritchie, Interim Head of Participation and Engagement, would prepare a presentation for the next meeting of the Panel on the role of LINks. It was also noted that six tenders had been received to become the host organisation of the Tower Hamlets LINk.
Deborah Cohen, Service Head Disability and Health, gave a presentation, highlighting the importance of the integration of health and social care organisations. It was noted that Barts and the London would be likely to apply for Foundation status. The Panel was advised that many of the actions identified in the Tower Hamlets Partnership Wellbeing Strategy had been achieved. Most recently lead commissioning arrangements had been put in place between the Council and the PCT. This meant that the PCT would lead on Mental Health and the Council would lead on Disabilities and Older People. Work was ongoing to strengthen the relationship between Council and Health run services.
It was reported that there were likely to be proposals to restructure the NHS and the possible impact upon the existing model of the PCTs and the range of services provided.
Ms Cohen circulated articles relating to health care reform and the role of Councillors from the Democratic Health Network (DHN).
Members asked a number of questions relating to Adult Protection and the interface between children and families and adults services, which it was felt needed to be examined. It was also felt that more detail was needed on the new mental health workers, who were often unqualified and who worked out in the community. Ms Cohen advised that a representative of Children’s Services could be invited to a future meeting and further information on the “Think Family” initiative could be reported to the Panel.
Members expressed concern over the review of the PCTs and the potential impact on funding and differing targets. The need for PCTs to understand the needs of local communities was stressed. It was considered to be important for the Panel to be involved in any future discussions.
HEALTH SCRUTINY WORK PROGRAMME 2008/09 (30 Mins) - TO FOLLOW PDF 55 KB To consider items for inclusion in the draft work programme for 2008/09. Minutes: The Panel considered a draft work programme for the 2008/09 municipal year. Members suggested a number of issues for inclusion and emphasised the importance of ensuring the Panel’s work is relevant to the community’s needs.
The Panel RESOLVED that the 2008/09 work programme be agreed, with the addition of the following areas:
i) Joint working with the NHS in respect of end of life care, with particular focus on the cultural differences; ii) Organ Donation; iii) Public health messages about the impact of using different cooking oils on health; iv) The use of Khat in the Somali communities, to be included as part of the Tobacco Review Update; and v) Reconsider Heart Disease as a review topic in 2009/10.
HEALTH SCRUTINY PROTOCOL (15 Mins) - TO FOLLOW PDF 85 KB To comment on the draft Health Scrutiny Protocol. Minutes: The Committee received the draft Health Scrutiny Protocol. It was agreed that comments be passed to the Chair or officers by no later than 10th July, in order that a revised draft be reported to the Panel on 22nd July 2008.
TOBACCO CESSATION REVIEW (5 Mins) Verbal Update. Minutes: The Chair advised that the Tobacco Cessation Review would be reported to Cabinet at the end of July. Labelling on Chewing Tobacco and general enforcement would be reviewed as part of an evaluation of the action plan in six months time.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS WHICH THE CHAIR CONSIDERS TO BE URGENT Minutes: Members raised concerns over the type of cooking oil used in fast food outlets in the Borough and agreed that proprietors needed to inform customers of ingredients being used. The Chair advised that health care professionals should become more involved and given more influence in commenting on planning applications for fast food establishments.
Members requested that e-mail updates on health scrutiny issues be provided in-between meetings.