Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Whitechapel. View directions
Contact: Matthew Mannion, Head of Democratic Services Tel: 020 7364 4651, E-mail:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AGENDA ORDER During the meeting, Members agreed to vary the order of business to take Agenda Item 12.2 Motion to remove and reappoint the Chairs of Committee before agenda item 9.1 Report of Cabinet, Cumulative Impact Assessment Policy 2024 - 2027. For clarity, the minutes are presented in the order the items appear on the agenda.
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THE SPEAKER OF THE COUNCIL, COUNCILLOR SAIF UDDIN KAHLED IN THE CHAIR The Speaker of the Council provided his update to the Council. He said he continued to attend Citizenship ceremonies in the borough and loved to meet the people making this huge change in their lives and hearing their stories.
He had presented numerous awards to people working for a diverse range of services from care workers to catering. He said all of them needed to be congratulated. Other highlights included: · Marking milestone anniversaries of organisations in the borough; · Participating in the peace walk in remembrance of Altab Ali as part of the National Hate Crime Awareness Week and the Council’s No Place for Hate campaign, as well as the Global Peace and Unity festival; · Welcoming Revd Alanna Harris as the new Lead Chaplain of Canary Wharf multifaith Chaplaincy led by the Bishop of Stepney; · Attending the London Mayors’ Association annual Civic Service held at Westminster Abbey; and · Remembrance events this month in City Hall, Trinity Square Gardens and in the Town Hall, in honour of those who served ‘to defend our democratic freedoms and way of life’, and to ‘acknowledge the innocent civilians who have lost their lives’.
Finally, the Speaker welcomed the two new Corporate Directors; Georgia Chimbani, Corporate Director of Health and Adult Social Care, and David Joyce, Corporate Director for Housing and Regeneration.
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APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no apologies for absence received from members.
DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND OTHER INTERESTS Members are reminded to consider the categories of interest, identified in the Code of Conduct for Members to determine; whether they have an interest in any agenda item and any action they should take. For further details, see the attached note from the Monitoring Officer.
Members are also reminded to declare the nature of the interest at the earliest opportunity and the agenda item it relates to. Please note that ultimately it is the Members’ responsibility to identify any interests and also update their register of interests form as required by the Code.
If in doubt as to the nature of an interest, you are advised to seek advice prior to the meeting by contacting the Monitoring Officer or Democratic Services.
Additional documents: Minutes: In relation to Item 8 – Opposition Motion to adopt the Migrant Care Workers’ Charter, Councillor Amy Lee declared a non-pecuniary interest that she worked for Unison and Councillor Sirajul Islam stated he was a member of Unison.
To confirm as a correct record of the proceedings the unrestricted minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 2nd October 2024.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Council RESOLVED to:
TO RECEIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS (IF ANY) FROM THE SPEAKER OF THE COUNCIL OR THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE Additional documents: Minutes: Steve Halsey, Chief Executive provided an update to the Council meeting, highlighting the following issues:
Best Value Inspection – Mr Halsey said the inspection report had been published by the Government. He said the senior management team and himself had met with the Local Government Minister and welcomed the partnership approach to address the recommendations made. Mr Halsey said they were working with government representatives and partners following the formal representation period. He gave an in-depth briefing on how this was to be achieved. Annual Governance Statements – Mr Halsey said considering the BVI report the Annual Governance Statements had been updated. He said these would be presented with the audited accounts at the Audit Committee meeting of 4th December 2024. OfSted Inspection into Children’s Social Care Services – Mr Halsey said this inspection was ongoing and the findings of this would be important for the Council to demonstrate the direction of travel regarding leadership, service delivery and how well the Council works in partnership with others. Self-Referral to the Housing Regulator – Mr Halsey informed members the Council had self-referred itself to the Housing Regulator on the 4th October 2024. He said this was a necessary step to ensure the Council improves the way in which it manages the Council’s Housing Stock and engages with tenants. Homecare Procurement Contract – Mr Halsey said the contract had been abandoned due to concerns relating to value for money and risk.
TO RECEIVE PETITIONS The Council Procedure Rules provide for a maximum of four petitions to be discussed at an Ordinary Meeting of the Council.
The attached report presents the received petitions to be discussed. Should any additional petitions be received they will be listed to be noted but not discussed.
Additional documents: Minutes: 5.1 Petition requesting the Council reject or significantly reduce proposed Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) against dogs.
Alisha Eastep, Aryan Mishra and Bernadette Moriarty presented their petition requesting the Council to reject or significantly reduce the proposed Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) against dogs. Ms Eastep said the PSPO order included two measures which were detrimental to the well-being of dogs. 1. The mandatory leashing of dogs at all times in public spaces and 2. The restriction on the number of dogs a dog walker can handle.
Ms Eastep said most dog owners were responsible owners. Having an open space for dogs to exercise was not only good for the animal but also provided social interaction for people and owners in the community. She said the enforcement of the current legislation to deter dangerous dogs was enough, and a blanket requirement of leasing dogs in public spaces was not needed.
Members asked questions of the petitioners.
Members debated the petition and considered the motion moved by Councillor Sirajul Islam and seconded by Councillor Amy Lee, as set out in Supplemental Agenda 1.
Councillor Shafi Ahmed, Cabinet Member for Environment and the Climate Emergency responded to matters raised in the petition. Councillor Shafi Ahmed stated the consultation had not come to an end however the Council would analyse the responses and feedback, and would be presenting its final proposal at Cabinet in Spring 2025.
1. The motion put forward by Councillor Sirajul Islam was unanimously agreed by members; that
This council notes: · The petition presented today and the contributions of the present residents. This council resolves to: · Request that the lead member meets with responsible dog owners/local dog owner groups to ensure that the council is doing everything it can to ensure that responsible dog owners are not penalised by a decision on a PSPO. · Instruct the Lead member/Mayor to review and consider the alternative actions detailed in the petition and circulated to members this evening, before making a decision on a PSPO.
2. That the petition be referred to the Corporate Director for Communities and Regeneration for a written response within 28 days.
5.2 Petition regarding the Issue with the dock side path on the Isle of Dogs.
Andrew Wood presented his petition regarding the dock side path on the Isle of Dogs. He called upon the Council to meet with the Canal and River Trust – a national charity and consider ways in which the Council can support the area.
Mr Wood said the area could benefit from public bins, a clean up of the routes as well as S106/CIL/NHB money to fix the pathway plus help the Canal River Trust to install lifebuoys as well as improve the maintenance of the docks, pumping station and bridges. He said CCTV in key locations would also help ensure public safety.
Members asked questions of the petitioners.
Councillor Shafi Ahmed, Cabinet Member for Environment and the Climate Emergency responded to matters raised in the petition. He said ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
MAYOR'S REPORT The Council’s Constitution provides for the Elected Mayor to give a report at each Ordinary Council Meeting.
A maximum of six minutes is allowed for the Elected Mayor’s report, following which the Speaker of the Council will invite the leaders of the opposition groups to respond for up to two minutes each should they so wish. Following those contributions, the Mayor may reply for up to two minutes.
Additional documents: Minutes: Mayor Lutfur Rahman presented his report to the Council.
The Opposition Group Leader, Councillor Sirajul Islam then responded briefly to the Mayor’s report.
Mayor Rahman provided concluding remarks.
ADMINISTRATION MOTION DEBATE To debate a Motion submitted by the Administration in accordance with Rules 11 and 13 of the Council’s Constitution. The debate will last for a maximum of 30 minutes.
Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered a motion as printed in the agenda on Pensioner Health through eating and meeting that had been moved by Councillor Maium Talukdar and seconded by Councillor Kabir Ahmed.
Following debate, the motion moved by Councillor Maium Talukdar and seconded by Councillor Kabir Ahmed was put to the vote and was agreed.
Council RESOLVED to:
This Council notes
This Council believes
· That while this scheme will help vulnerable pensioners with their heating bills, many will continue to struggle to eat a hot, square meal each day.
· This could be due to financial, physical, or psychological impediments that mean they may go without a nutritious meal.
· That the existing meals on wheels policy – introduced in 1994 and cut during the previous administration – provided hundreds of vulnerable pensioners with a daily hot, nutritious meals and a warm conversation.
· That at its peak in 2015, the scheme serviced over 350 elderly residents with a daily meal and dessert.
· That this boosted the wellbeing, health and morale of pensioners across the borough.
· That the service was neglected under the previous administration, seeing the number of elderly residents receiving the support drop by more than half to 160 in 2019.
· That the cutting of the service in 2020 further isolated many needy elderly residents, depriving them of a key lifeline.
· That this also represented another cut to key frontline council jobs.
· That this cut further contributed to the reduction in key frontline ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
OPPOSITION MOTION DEBATE To debate a Motion submitted by the Opposition Group in accordance with Rules 11 and 13 of the Council’s Constitution. The debate will last for a maximum of 30 minutes.
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Council considered a motion as printed in the agenda to adopt the Migrant Care Workers’ Charter that had been moved by Councillor Amy Lee and seconded by Councillor Asma Islam.
Council also considered an amendment proposed and moved by Councillor Abu Talha Chowdhury and seconded by Councillor Sabina Akhtar as set out in the tabled papers as follows:
Amendment Proposed by Councillor Abu Talha Chowdhury and seconded by Councillor Sabina Akhtar.
Additions Underlined Deletions Struck through
This Council notes:
1. That the adult social care sector relies heavily on migrant care workers, who play an essential role in providing compassionate and quality care for residents. 2. That since the introduction of the Health and Care Worker Visa, there has been a marked increase in reports of modern slavery and exploitation of migrant care workers within the sector, including issues such as excessive recruitment fees, debt bondage, withheld wages, and poor working conditions. 3. That the Migrant Care Workers’ Charter, developed by UNISON, seeks to address these abuses and protect migrant care workers from exploitation by setting out standards for fair recruitment, accommodation, employment practices, and rights in the workplace. 4. That the current administration has tried to strengthen the rights of care workers through the guarantee that no care worker is obliged to accept a zero hours contract, and that all providers must offer between 16-32 hours contracts to their carers. 5. That Salford Council has already signed and adopted this charter as part of its commitment to support the rights and welfare of migrant care workers.
This Council believes:
1. That all care workers, including migrants, deserve to be treated with dignity, respect, and fairness, regardless of their nationality or immigration status. 2. That adopting the Migrant Care Workers’ Charter will strengthen Tower Hamlets’ commitment to combat modern slavery and labour exploitation in our local care sector, ensuring ethical practices in recruitment, fair employment conditions, and a safe working environment for all. 3. That this Council has a responsibility to protect migrant care workers from exploitation, enhance oversight of contracted care providers, and lead by example by committing to ethical employment standards in the social care sector. 4. That taking this step will improve the standards of care in Tower Hamlets, protect the wellbeing of care workers, and foster a fairer, more inclusive community. 5. That any individual or provider found to be exploiting migrant workers economically should be reported to the police immediately.
This Council resolves to:
1. Be the first London Borough to sign the Migrant Care Workers’ Charter and formally adopt its commitments to promote ethical recruitment, safe and fair working conditions, and equal rights for migrant care workers across the borough. 2. Implement the Charter’s Standards by mandating that all contracted care providers and agencies adhere to the principles outlined in the charter, including ensuring that: o Ensure all providers publish an annual modern slavery statement. o Recruitment fees are borne by employers, not workers, in line with the ‘employer pays’ principle ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
GUILLOTINE Council had been meeting for three hours by this point and so the guillotine fell and as set out in Procedure Rule 9 the remaining reports on the agenda were voted on without debate.
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Report of the Cabinet, Cumulative Impact Assessment Policy 2024 - 2027 Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered the report which went to Cabinet on the 16th October 2024 relating to the Cumulative Impact Assessment.
The report was moved by Councillor Shafi Ahmed and was seconded by Councillor Maium Talukdar.
Council RESOLVED to AGREE the recommendations made in the report to:
1. Agree to:
i. Retain the Brick Lane CIA (Cumulative Impact Assessments), and expanding it to its southeastern edge, ii. Remove the Bethnal Green CIA (Cumulative Impact Assessments)
2. Consider and agree the CIA Policy Statement, which has been reviewed in light of the consultation. The Policy Statement can be found in Appendix One.
The Council should note paragraph 9.11 of the Policy, which states if there are no representations, the Council must grant the application in terms that are consistent with the operating schedule submitted, in line with the Council’s delegated authority.”
3. That the proposed Cumulative Impact Assessment, as part of the Statement of Licensing Policy will take effect from 20th November 2024 until 20th November 2027. The existing Cumulative Impact Policy, which is contained in Appendix 5 of the Statement of Licensing Policy will be rescinded on the 19th November 2024.
OTHER BUSINESS Additional documents: |
Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 2 Report - Tower Hamlets Response Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered a report on the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 2 report – Tower Hamlets response.
The report was moved Councillor Kabir Ahmed and seconded by Councillor Maium Talukdar.
Council RESOLVED to
1. Note the findings and recommendations of the Grenfell Inquiry Phase 2 report, and the relevant actions and activity currently being undertaken (Appendix 1, draft response plan). 2. Note the development of a partnership position statement which sets out the strategic commitment to implementing the recommendations from the Phase 2 report. This will be prepared with partners and report to Cabinet by March 2025 and subject to consideration by Overview and Scrutiny Committee and a cross-party Member workshop.
Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy 2024/25 To consider the report of the Corporate Director, Resources on proposed amendments to the Capital Receipts Strategy 2024/25.
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Minutes: Council considered a report entitled the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy 2024/25.
The report was moved Councillor Saied Ahmed and seconded by Councillor Maium Talukdar.
Council RESOLVED to:
1. Approve the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy appended to the report.
ER/VR - Approval of Exit Payments To consider the report of the Interim Head of Corporate Human Resources on exit payments under ER/VR.
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Minutes: Council considered a report on the ER/VR – Approval of Exit Payments.
The report was moved Councillor Saied Ahmed and seconded by Councillor Maium Talukdar.
Council RESOLVED to:
a) Note and approve the exit payments, including redundancy and the cost of the early payment of pension benefits, the applications for Early Retirement and Voluntary Redundancy, as set out in Appendix 1. b) Note that the redundancy payment is part of the individuals’ contractual terms and conditions of employment and that the early payment of pension benefits is linked to the Local Government Pension Scheme.
Proportionality and Allocation of Places on Committees of the Council 2024/25 To consider the report of the Director of Legal and Monitoring Officer on the proportionality calculations for the Council’s Committees.
Additional documents: Minutes: An update to the report and recommended allocation of seats on committees was tabled.
Councillor Maium Talukdar moved and Councillor Kabir Ahmed seconded the recommendations as amended by the tabled report.
Council RESOLVED to:
1. Maintain the existing arrangement in respect to proportionality calculations and allocation of places on Committees, until discussion with groups and ungrouped councillors had taken place, considering the decisions taken by Council in respect to Motion 12.2. 2. The report to return to the next meeting of Council.
Constitution Update - Construction Procurement To consider the report of the Corporate Director, Resources, on a proposed small constitution update in relation to procurement processes.
Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered a report on Constitution. The report requested Council to update its Procurement Rules in Part C of the Constitution due to the introduction on a new online procurement process.
The report was moved Councillor Maium Talukdar and seconded by Councillor Kabir Ahmed.
Council RESOLVED to:
1. The additional paragraph to be added to the Contract Procurement Rules in Part C of the Constitution as set out in paragraph 3.6 of the report.
TO RECEIVE WRITTEN QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL The questions which have been received from Councillors to be put at this Council meeting are set out in the attached report. A maximum period of 30 minutes is allocated to this agenda item.
Additional documents: Minutes: Due to the lack of time, no questions from members were considered. A written response to be provided to the questions asked.
TO CONSIDER MOTIONS SUBMITTED BY MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL The motions submitted by Councillors for debate at this meeting are set out in the attached report.
Additional documents: Minutes: Due to the lack of time, only Motion 12.2, which was moved up the running order and taken after item 8, was considered by Council.
Council considered a motion as printed in the agenda on the removal and reappointment of Chair of Committees that had been moved by Councillor Asma Islam and seconded by Councillor Amy Lee.
Following debate, the motion moved by Councillor Asma Islam was put to the vote and was agreed:
Following the changes to proportionality on the council and it moving to a state where there is no overall control of the council by a political group, this council finds it reasonable to resolve to: 1. Remove all chairpersons of council committees from post;
2. immediately vote to elect new committee chairs to fill the vacant positions.
On the approval of the motion, Council considered each vacant Committee Chair position in turn and voted on the nominations received. Council confirmed the following Committee Chairs:
[Note – Standards Advisory Committee has delegated authority to appoint its own Chair of Committee.]