Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: The Council Chamber, 1st Floor, Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG
Contact: Matthew Mannion, Head of Democratic Services Tel: 020 7364 4651, E-mail:
No. | Item |
During the meeting, the Council agreed to vary the order of business to consider an Urgent Motion (item 13.1), regarding the Covid–19 virus following the consideration of the Petitions (item 5). To aid clarity, the Minutes are presented in the order that the items originally appeared on the agenda.
The Speaker of the Council, Councillor Victoria Obaze in the Chair
The Speaker of the Council provided an update of her activities since the previous Council meeting. Looking forward to International Women’s Day, she reported that she was pleased to have attended a number of events to celebrate women and their achievements.
She also reported that she had attended a number of other important events. These included:
· Commemoration events. This included the Mayor of London’s Holocaust Memorial Day Ceremony at City Hall and the Martyr’s Day Event in Altab Ali Park. · Visiting a local school to discuss knife crime. · A visit to the Federal Capital Territory of Abuja in Nigeria, at the invitation of by His Royal Highness, Esu Bwari. · A visit to the Nigerian High Commission in London. · Citizenship ceremonies, community events and civic receptions.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received on behalf of:
• Councillor Sufia Alam • Councillor Shad Chowdhury • Councillor Marc Francis • Councillor Denise Jones • Councillor Harun Miah and • Councillor Dan Tomlinson
It was also noted that Councillor Mufeedah Bustin was on maternity leave.
Apologies for lateness were also received on behalf of Councillor Eve McQuillan.
DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS To note any declarations of interest made by Members, including those restricting Members from voting on the questions detailed in Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992. See attached note from the Monitoring Officer.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Monitoring Officer reported that the Standards Advisory Committee on 30 January 2020 agreed a general dispensation to all Councillors in respect of NJC pay.
Members did not therefore have to declare a DPI in respect of agenda items in respect of pay.
Councillor Motin Uz – Zaman declared a Non - Disclosable Pecuniary interest that the Council has decided should be registered in agenda item 5.3, Petition requesting Tower Hamlets Council take urgent action on air pollution
This was on the basis that:
· He was an employee of New City College (Hackney); · That the students speaking on the Petition attended the college.
To confirm as a correct record of the proceedings the unrestricted minutes of the:
· Ordinary Council Meeting held on Wednesday 15 January 2020. · Budget Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19 February 2020.
Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the unrestricted minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 15 January 2020 and the Budget Council Meeting held on Wednesday19 February 2020 be confirmed as a correct record and the Speaker be authorised to sign them accordingly.
TO RECEIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS (IF ANY) FROM THE SPEAKER OF THE COUNCIL OR THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive provided an update on the following:
• That Jennifer Peters, the new Divisional Director of Planning and Building Control, started with the Council on 24th February 2020. • That progress had been made with the recruitment of a new Corporate Director for Children and Culture. • The Borough had 4 confirmed cases of Covid-19, (as at 10 March 2020). As a result of this, Tower Hamlets had evoked the multi-agency pre pandemic plan that was managed by the local resilience forum. • In relation to strike action, the Council were monitoring the situation with Veolia Waste Services dispute. The Council was also taking forward pre planning preparations for the industrial action by Unison and the NEU. • That the Council’s Staff Conference would take place on 19th March 2020 and would be addressing climate change. • He also congregated staff on receiving nominations for a number LGC Awards.
TO RECEIVE PETITIONS The Council Procedure Rules provide for a maximum of four petitions to be discussed at an Ordinary Meeting of the Council.
The attached report presents the received petitions to be discussed. Should any additional petitions be received they will be listed to be noted but not discussed.
Additional documents: Minutes: 5.1 Petition regarding Waste collection in the Limehouse ward.
Paul Howick addressed the meeting on behalf of the petitioners, and responded to questions from Members. Councillor David Edgar, Cabinet Member for Environment then responded to the matters raised in the petition.
He outlined the Council’s intention to bring the waste collection service back in house from 1st April 2020 and to carry out a review of the waste collection rounds within the first 6 months of this taking place to ensure they were made as efficient as possible. He also expressed a commitment to continue to work with staff with a view to bringing forward improvement to the services in the short term.
He offered to meet with the Petitioners to give further consideration to their concerns.
1. That the petition be referred to the Corporate Director, Place, for a written response within 28 days.
5.2 Petition regarding Bartlett Park Football Changing Rooms.
Terry Mcgrenera addressed the meeting on behalf of the petitioners, and responded to questions from Members. Councillor Sabina Akhtar, Cabinet Member for Culture, Arts and Brexit, then responded to the matters raised in the petition. She advised that that there had been consultation on the proposals in line with the requirements. The proposals had full planning permission, to provide fit for purposes sports facilities. The facilities may be used for a range of sports activities and met Sports England requirements. The plans formed part of a wider programme of improvements to the Bartlett Park.
She expressed a willingness to meet with the petitioners to further discuss this matters raised in the Petition.
1. That the petition be referred to the Corporate Director, Place for a written response within 28 days.
5.3 Petition requesting that Tower Hamlets Council take urgent action on air pollution.
Local college students addressed the meeting on behalf of the petitioners, and responded to questions from Members. Councillor Rachel Blake, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Planning, Air Quality and Tackling Poverty then responded to the matters raised in the petition.
She thanked the students for attending the meeting.
She confirmed that the Council appreciated the importance of addressing air pollution issues. In view of this, it actively engaged in ongoing activities to implement the following initiatives:
· the new Liveable Street Programme to facilitate walking and cycling in the Borough. · the provision of new electric vehicle charging points. · working to ensure that the Government invested in new infrastructure to improve air quality in hot spots.
She also encouraged the students to stay engaged with the Council and to continue to hold them to account.
1. That the petition be referred to the Corporate Director, Place for a written response within 28 days.
5.4 Petition regarding Keep Clear Boxes at Cornwall Street.
Mohammad Rakib addressed the meeting on behalf of the petitioners, and responded to questions from Members. Councillor David Edgar, Cabinet Member for Environment then responded to the matters raised in the petition.
He advised of the potential solutions available ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
The Council’s Constitution provides for the Elected Mayor to give a report at each Ordinary Council Meeting.
A maximum of six minutes is allowed for the Elected Mayor’s report, following which the Speaker of the Council will invite the leader of the opposition group to respond for up to two minutes should he so wish.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor presented his report to the Council. Following which:
• Councillor Peter Golds, Leader of the Conservative Group, responded briefly to the Mayor’s report. • The Mayor responded briefly
ADMINISTRATION MOTION DEBATE- regarding the Climate Emergency. To debate a Motion submitted by the Administration in accordance with Rules 11 and 13 of the Council’s Constitution. The debate will last for a maximum of 30 minutes.
Additional documents: Minutes: 7 – Administration Motion regarding the Climate Emergency
Councillor Rachel Blake moved and Councillor Amina Ali seconded the motion as printed in the agenda.
Councillor Andrew Wood moved and Councillor Peter Golds seconded the following amendment to the motion to be debated.
Added text underlined & in bold Deleted text scored out.
This Council notes:
1. That the Deputy Mayor Cllr Rachel Blake declared a climate emergency in Tower Hamlets in March 2019 as reported in minutes of the meeting, and Full Council supported that declaration through a resolution in July2019; 2. That the impacts of the climate emergency are clear for everyone to see, from the devastating fires in Australia and California, to the recent widespread flooding in the UK; 3. 40% of residents in Tower Hamlets live in areas that breach EU and government guidance on safe levels of airpollution; 4. Our ambition to become a zero-carbon council by2025; 5. That Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has promised to deliver a green new deal for London with a target for the capital to be carbon-neutral by2030 in advance of his campaign to be re-elected. This Council further notes the ongoing work locally to tackle the emergency and improve air quality:
1. Since the Climate Emergency declaration last year we have produced a Net Zero Carbon Roadmap that has baselined the Council’s emissions and produced an action plan of projects with the aim of the council becoming net zero carbon by 2025; 2. That at the July 2019 Full Council meeting, members resolved that a Tower Hamlets Climate Emergency Annual Report should be produced everyyear, and that none has yet been produced as of March 2020: 3. The council’s electricity supply has been switched to a 100% renewabletariff; at least a decade after it was possible to do so: 4. The street-light upgrade to LEDs has continued and is close tocompletion, but has chosen not to take the opportunity to add vehicle recharging points to the base of the new streetlights next to parking spots as other Councils including Hackney have done; 5. That we roll out LED lighting in all Council run facilities where possible; including switching off lights in the Town Hall when staff leave. 6. We are also working with other London Boroughs through London Councils, the London Environment Coordinators Forum (LECF), Association of Local Energy Officers (ALEO) and London Boroughs Energy Group (LBEG) to see how Boroughs can work together on projects to address the Climate Emergency and working together to make representations to Government around what supportwe need to be able to tackle the climateemergency; 7. We are currently carrying out a study to identify suitable roof space forsolar panels, since there are none on any LBTH owned /run buildings except Watney Market Idea Store despite previous government provided substantial incentives to install solar panels: 8. The £15m Liveable Streets programme, which aims to make it easier, safer and more convenient to ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
OPPOSITION MOTION DEBATE - regarding Car Parking To debate a Motion submitted by the Opposition Group in accordance with Rules 11 and 13 of the Council’s Constitution. The debate will last for a maximum of 30 minutes.
Additional documents: Minutes: 8. Opposition Motion for Debate from the Conservative Group - regarding Car Parking
Councillor Peter Golds moved and Councillor Andrew Wood seconded the motion as printed in the agenda.
Following debate, the motion was put to a vote and was defeated.
Report of General Purposes Committee, Pay Policy 2020/21 To consider the report of the General Purposes Committee setting out the Pay Policy for 2020/21.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered a report of the General Purposes Committee on the Pay Policy Statement 2020-21.
1. That the Pay Policy Statement 2020/21 be agreed.
2. Agree that the proposed changes to the Pay Policy 2020/21 that would be needed to reflect the implementation a revised grading structure are agreed and can be made as set out in this report.
3. Delegate to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Divisional Director HR and Organisational Development, Chair of the GP Committee and Monitoring Officer, any minor changes to the 2020/21 pay policy statement.
OTHER BUSINESS Additional documents: |
Members Allowances Scheme 2020/21 Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Corporate Director, Governance proposing the adoption of the Members’ Allowance Scheme for 2020/21.
1. That the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Members’ Allowances Scheme 2020 be adopted as set out at Appendix A to the report
2. Agree that the Members Allowances Budget be adjusted as necessary to cover the costs following the uprating of the local government pay award as set out at 3.4 of the report.
3. Agree that the Mayor writes to the Secretary of State on behalf of the Council requesting that Maternity, Paternity, Adoption and Sickness leave for Members be brought into line with the Statutory Regulations. |
Committee Calendar 2020/21 Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Corporate Director, Governance proposing a Calendar of Meetings for 2020/21
1. Approve the proposed calendar of meetings for the municipal year 2020/21 as set out in Appendix 1 to the report;
2. To delegate to the Corporate Director, Governance the authority to agree meeting dates for any new Committees or Panels that are set up subsequent to this report being presented to Council, subject to appropriate consultation with Members. |
TO RECEIVE WRITTEN QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL The questions which have been received from Councillors to be put at this Council meeting are set out in the attached report. A maximum period of 30 minutes is allocated to this agenda item.
Additional documents: Minutes: The following questions and in each case supplementary questions were put (except where indicated) and were responded to by the Mayor or relevant Executive Member.
11.1 Question from Councillor Asma Islam:
Can the lead member inform us of the number of social homes available in the development Locksley A in Mile End?
Response of Mayor John Biggs:
There were 33 new Council homes in the development, comprising a mixture of 1-3 bedroom units with landscaping works. A number of Councillors visited the new development last week. All of the homes were at social rents with 85% at London Affordable Rent and 15% at Tower Hamlets Living Rent. The development also comprised 3 wheelchair assessable units, which represents 10% of the development.
No supplementary question was asked.
11.2 Question from Councillor Peter Golds:
Will the Mayor update the council on the management of parking infringement and road safety consequent upon parking infringements on the Isle of Dogs?
Response of Councillor David Edgar, Cabinet Member for the Environment:
I can assure you that the Civil Enforcement Team carried out a range of measures to manage parking infringement on the Isle of Dogs. The Enforcement Officers undertake patrols and issues fines where necessary. Steps had also been taken to increase the number of patrols and introduce new parking restrictions on Manchester Road as part of the parking development work programme. Further measures included: the installation of double yellow lines and loading bays around the Emerald Gardens development on Westferry Road. Further consideration could be given to the introduction of yellow lines on Island Point development on Westferry Road. This would require further investigation. The work can be carried out in the next few months.
Supplementary question from Councillor Peter Golds:
Can you provide further reassurances about the action to deal with the concerns raised by residents about illegal parking, particularly at Island Point and Manchester Road?
Councillor David Edgar’s response to supplementary question:
I am happy to discuss with Councillor Golds the issues he is concerned about, with a view to moving on changes that would help residents. 11.3 Question from Councillor Bex White:
Can the Cabinet Member provide an update on actions taken by the Council and its partners in response to the petition from Residents living around Jolly’s Green which was brought to Full Council in November?
Response of Councillor Asma Begum, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Equalities:
The Safer Neighbourhood Team, worked closely with partners in the area to address anti-social behaviour issues. They have developed a multi - agency action plan to prevent and reduce such issues. It should also be noted that the Lansbury Ward Panel would have a role in overseeing the implementation of the plan, and that it would be considered by the Panel.
No supplementary question was asked.
11.4 Question from Councillor Andrew Wood
Tiller road leisure centre was built in the 1970’s, has any consideration been given to re-developing by the Mayor, should One Housing Group residents vote to regenerate ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
TO CONSIDER MOTIONS SUBMITTED BY MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL The motions submitted by Councillors for debate at this meeting are set out in the attached report.
Additional documents: Minutes: 12.1 Motion regarding NJC Pay.
Councillor Ehtasham Haque moved and Councillor Tarik Khan seconded the motion as printed in the agenda
Following debate, the motion was agreed.
This Council notes
This Council believes
This Council resolves to
(Motions 12.2 and 12.3 were not considered due to lack of time). |
URGENT MOTION Additional documents: Minutes: 13.1 Urgent Motion regarding the Covid-19 Virus
The Council agreed to suspend Procedure Rule 13.1 to enable the following urgent motion to be debated without notice regarding the Covid-19 Virus
Councillor Peter Golds moved and Mayor John Biggs seconded the motion as tabled
The motion was unanimously agreed.
This Council notes: 1. Widespread concern about the Covid-19 virus; 2. The coronavirus outbreak has been labelled a pandemic by the World Health Organization; 3. That four cases have been reported in Tower Hamlets as at the 10th March; 4. Panic buying of essentials over the last weekend; 5. That we are currently in the containment phase of the response; 6. That the NHS advice is;
DO · wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds · always wash your hands when you get home or into work · use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available · cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze · put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards · try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell
DON'T · do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
This Council resolves:
1. To more pro-actively inform residents about what it is doing, for example about the cleaning of public facilities likely to be touched by residents and what residents should do in this phase of the virus; 2. To more pro-actively instruct people on how to wash their hands for example and what behaviours to avoid i.e. spitting in public, as well as on keeping your distance from others where possible; 3. To ensure school pupils are educated in what to do as regards the virus and to encourage them pass that information onto their families; 4. To clean areas / items where residents / visitors are likely to touch things for example toilet doors, computers in Ideas stores, entrance doors etc. 5. The council will work more closely with faith communities to help them implement any necessary precautions to ensure they can attend their places of worship in safety if possible. For example this includes the run up to Ramadan and other faith observations; 6. Maintain a constant dialogue with faith communities to ensure the Council can ensure they have the most up-to-date information as this can rapidly change; 7. That LBTH should publicise what it will do should the government decide to move onto the Delay and then Mitigation phase of the crisis; 8. To translate the advice into languages used across Tower Hamlets; 9. To work with local retailers to ensure that they do not run out of essentials; 10. That the Public Health department publicise their and others public bodies responsibilities so that residents are aware of who is responsible for what across government agencies; 11. That the Health & Adults Scrutiny Sub-Committee have a verbal update from appropriate Council officers and review ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |